Selected Bibliography
Addressing Community Gang Problems: A Model for Problem Solving.
Washington, D.C. Bureau of Justice Assistance. 1997.
American National Red
Cross: First Aid/CPR/AED Program: Participant's Booklet.
National Red Cross. 2001
Are you in a Safe Relationship. Brochure from the Chester County
Health department.
The Bible. New
International Version. Grand Rapids, Michigan
Zondervian Corporation. 1985
Bottom, Norman R., Jr. and Gallati, Robert R.J.. Industrial Espionage:
Intelligence Techniques and Countermeasures. Stoneham, MA. Butterworth Publishers.
Brauning, M.J. The Executive Protection Bible. Aspen, Colorado.
ESI Education Development Corporations. 1993.
Bureau of Justice Assistance. A Policymaker's Guide to Hate Crimes.
December 1997.
Dale. How to win friends and Influence people.
New York, NY. Simon Schuster 1981
_________. Addressing Community Gang Problems: A
Practical Guide. Washington, D.C. Bureau of Justice Assitance.1989.
Carnegie, Dale. How to Win Friends & Influence People. New York,
New York. Pocket Books, division of Simon and Shuster, Inc. 1982.
Carnes, Jim, ed. Responding to Hate at School: A guide for teachers,
Counselors and Administrators. Southern Poverty Law Center. 1999.
Chavez, Larry J, B.A., M.P.A. Organizational Factors Contributing to
Workplace Violence. Crictical Incident Associations.
Http:// (1999)
Channing L.Bete Co.,Inc., 20 Ways to Avoid Being Swindled,
USA: Channing L. Bete Co. 1992.
____________. About dating Violence,
USA: Chaining L. Bete Co., 1995:
____________. About Partner Abuse,
USA: Chaining L. Bete Co., 1995:
____________. About Personal Safety,
USA: Chaining L. Bete Co., 1990.
____________. About Self Protection,
USA: Chaining L. Bete Co., 1995:
____________. Getting Along at Home,
USA: Chaining L. Bete Co., 1995.
____________. If the Police Stop you--or come to you home.
South Deerfield MA. Channing L. Bete, Co.,Inc. 1998.
____________. Preventing Workplace Violence,
USA: Chaining L. Bete Co., 1995:
____________. Youth Mentoring--Making a difference in people's
South Deerfield, MA. Channing L. Bete Co., Inc. 1997.
____________. Youth Violence-- You can help prevent it.
South Deerfield, MA. Channing L. Bete Co., Inc. 1992.
____________. What Everyone Should Know About gangs.
South Deerfield, MA. Channing L. Bete Co., Inc. 1992.
Chester County Mental
Health/Mental Retardation. Paths to Solving Problems
or Making
Complaints about Chester County MH/MR Funded Services
(May 2002)
Crime Victim's Center of Chester County. The Crime Victim's Center
of Chester County Brochure. West Chester, PA
De Sola Pool,
and The Rabbinical Council of America, The Traditional Prayer
New York,
New York. Behrman House, Inc. 1960
Defense Personnel Security Research Center.
Security Clearances and the
Protection of National Security Information:
Law and Procedures by Sheldon
I Cohen, DPSTC, Monterey, CA, 2000.
OMB No. 0704-0188. December, 2000.
Federal Bureau of Investigation. 99 frequently asked questions.
Washingtion D.C. (1999).
Federation of American Scientist
Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement
(Standard Form 312) Briefing Booklet .
Washington D.C.
(January 2000)
Falcone, Dr. David N.;
Weisheit, Dr Ralph A. and Wells, Dr. L. Edwards.
Office of Justice Programs. National Institute of Justice Research
Crime and Policing in Rural And Small-Town America: An Overview of Issues.
U.S. Department of Justice. 1995.
Field, Anne.
"Things Your Therapist Won't Tell You."
Money, May 2004,. pp. 8-10.
Five Years of Hate Crimes in Pennsylvania 1988-1993 report prepared
by the office of Attorney General and Pennsylvania Human Relations
Holts, Larry E.
Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Handbook.
NY Gould Publications 2004.
How to Develop
Child Protection Policies and Procedures.
Lewes, United
Kingdom. Action in rural Sussex.
How To on Child Protection.pdf (March 2003)
Hume Group. Successful
Business Management Program.
GA Hume Publishing Inc. 1994.
Kobetz, Dr. Richard. Providing Executive Protection Volume I &II.
Winchester, VA. Winchester Printers. 1998.
Kuriansky, Dr. Judy. Complete Idiots Guide to Dating. New York,
New York. Alpha Books. 1996.
Mitchell, Jeffery T. and Everly, G.S. Jr., Assisting Individuals in
Crisis: A Workbook.
Elliot City, MD International Critical Incident Stress Foundation,
Inc. 1998.
Shakuntala M.D. Remarkable Healings: A Psychiatrist Discovers Unsuspected Roots
of Mental and Physical Illness. Charlottesville, VA. Hampton Roads
Publishing Company 1997.
Nelson, Bob and Economy Peter. Consulting for Dummies.
Forest City, California, Inc,. 1997.
Office of Victim of Crime. First Response of Victims of Crime.
U.S. Department of Justice, Washington D.C. January 2000.
Publication number: NCJ 176971
Official Pennsylvania State Police Home Page.
PA. Pennsylvania State Police. 1999.
Oprah Winfrey, Dating Abuse. Harpo Productions. 1999.
Office of Public Affairs. A consumer's Guide to Intelligence.
Central Intelligence Agency, Washington D.C. 2000
Overseas Security Advisory Council.
Guidelines for American Families Living Abroad
Washington D.C. http://
(May 2001)
Guidelines for American Enterprises Abroad
Washington D.C. http://
(May 2001)
. Emergency
Planning Guidelines for American Businesses Abroad
Washington D.C. http://
(May 2001)
. Security
Awareness Overseas - An Overview
Washington D.C. http://
(May 2001)
for Protecting U.S. Business Information Overseas
Washington D.C. http://
(May 2001)
. Personal
Security Guidelines for the American Business Traveler Overseas
Washington D.C. http://
(May 2001)
Pa State Police. Understanding Crime Prevention Brochure.
PA State Police.
Partnership that Prevents Youth Violence.
Washington, D.C. Bureau of Justice Assistance. 1994
Pennsylvania State Police. Crime of frauds " The Con Artist"
Prevention is the best Defense.
Pennsylvania State Police. Understanding Crime Prevention Brochure.
Ring, Kenneth. Heading
Towards Omega.
New York,
NY. Quill William Morrow & Co.1985
Shulsky, Abram N. and
Schmitt. Silent Warfare: Understanding the world of Intelligence.
Dulles, VA.,
Inc. 2002
Sompayac, Joan.
"Do Not Volunteer for Trouble." 2003.
(12 January 2004).
Stanley, Charles. When the Enemy Strikes: The Keys to Wining Your Spiritual Battles
Nashville, Tennesee . Thomas Nelson, Inc. 2004
Taylor, Douglass.
Spirituality that makes Sense.
West Chester,
PA. Swedenborg Foundation Publishers 2000
International. Communication and Leadership Program.
Toastmasters International, Inc. 1987.
Tyson, Eric. Personal Finances for Dummies.
Forest City, CA. IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. 1995
U.S.Department of
Justice. Attorney General's on Guidelines General Crimes,
Enterprises and Terrorism Enterprises Investigation.
(May 30, 2002)
U.S.Department of
Justice. Attorney General's on Guidelines On
Federal Bureau of
Investigation UnderCover
http://www.usdoj.ogv/olp/fbiundercover.pdf (May 30, 2002)
U.S. Department of Justice. Victim and Witness Rights:
Untied States Attorneys' Responsibilities. 1999
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Future by Design: A
Framework for preventing Alcohol and other Drug Problems through the
Office of Abuse Substance Prevention. 1991.
U.S. Office of personnel Management and Interagency Working Group.
Dealing with Workplace Violence: A Guide to Agency Planning. (March 1998)
U.S. Department of Justice-Office for Victims of Crime. OVC Bullentin:
Working with Victims of Crime with Disabilities. September 1998.
Ventura, John. Law for Dummies. Foster City, CA.
IDG Book Worldwide Books. 1996.
Virginia Department of Education. Model School Crisis Plan Virginia.
(May 2001)
Volunteer Protection
Act of 1997.
(1 January 2004)
You Can Help Prevent Crime. Prepared and Issued as a Public Service
By the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
Weaver, Jay C. "Good
Samaritan laws: are you protected when you render aid in a crisis?".
(19 January 2004)
Chester Area School District, Elements of Strategic Planning and Beliefs.
Chester, Pennsylvania