

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

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  Biography of Alan Scott

Educational Beliefs

Facts Behind the Work



Counterintelligence:  Crime and Violence Prevention's mission is to provide basic knowledge and new concepts for the development of a person's physical, mental, financial and spiritual well being while providing proper avenues and aid in any crisis, quickly and accurately. Additionally, this resource will improve diplomatic relations, build stronger contacts, maintain healthy relationships, prevent costly mistakes from happening, prevent dangerous games, provide an avenue for staying in contact with friends and inform people about the importance of prevention. Sometimes people become inhibited or incapable of communicating simply and effectively due to physical, mental, financial and spiritual pressures.  People, also lack basic knowledge for crime and violence prevention strategies to maintain healthy relationships. Sometimes life is a deep personal journey, but being prepared can protect everyone from needless dangerous physical, emotional and spiritual activities. The research will help to protect the individual from unnecessary physical, mental and spiritual games when a person is uncertain to what is happening or why?

Due to my own spiritual calling, I needed to protect myself from covert adversities and dangerous undercurrents that can occur in society. Such experiences disrupt normal activities, perceptions and creates problems for others for reasons unclear. This material will provide healthy information to improve the physical, emotional and spiritual well being of everyone. Understand that I am a researcher presenting research material and not a licensed professional.

This research, spiritual calling, forced role play or accidental, unintentional, unplanned, unofficial undercover work  is based on my angle on Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention. Before we take a stand, we should make sure that we avoid becoming entangled in things we do not understand. Prevention is a must for all people. This work provides information that may become twisted or misguided in the field. I believe we need to provide quality information quickly and accurately.

The Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention Web Site was created because I was not receiving the right information or proper assistance from professionals, I was unable to ask the right questions and I started to meet morally challenged and unenlightened individuals. Furthermore, I started to encountered shady business practices, hostile environments, dangerous politics, ideologies, and unusual life threatening situations. Finally, I became entangled with the law enforcement and Intelligence community's unseen world. As a result, it created an unstable environment around me and the only defense was the creation of this web site. Another reason that I created the site was that my friends, colleagues, acquaintances, family and relatives started to have physical, mental, financial and spiritual problems that I was unable to resolve with accurate, timely and quality information. By revealing this information, I hope I can help others to help themselves, so they can help others who may need moral support.  

Throughout the work,  the mind, body and spiritual relationships are discussed with references to all professional, social, and spiritual interactions. The physical, mental and spiritual community can have an enormous impact in our surroundings and must not be ignored. The U.S. Constitution and laws were created to protect everyone's physical and mental rights in regards to life, liberty and property from official coercion; but does not speak about protection of spiritual freedoms or our rights to be protected from unreasonable spiritual practices. Spirituality is significant and important aspects to many disciplines. By acknowledging and correctly using spirituality, we can prevent crime and violence before violating any laws or ethics. Once the law is violated, the law can only be used to judge the physical and mental facts of the situation and not the spiritual facts that may have caused the situation. For things caused by threatening spiritual undercurrents, God and the spiritual community will be required to protect and guide a person from the hostilities and misguidance. God and the spiritual community will be required to administer justice to all parties involved. If you are overpowered by by unknown spiritual callings, ungodly forces, spiritual games or spiritual terrorism, request backup from proper authorities, but be prepared for a questionable response, intense aversion to spirituality and unanticipated physical, mental, financial and spiritual problems. Please keep this in mind when studying the material or incorporating such ideas in your daily life.

I am sharing with you my own personal research, knowledge and understanding of my physical, mental and spiritual journey in hopes to allow someone to gain valuable insight into their own existence. It may contain flaws since I am not all knowing and all powerful. It is my hope that my experience will enable others to live a safer and healthier life. The only thing I can give back to society is the things that I have learned, discovered and experienced. By no means is this the only way to succeed in life. All I can show you is what I know.

Any feedback is welcome.  

Words of Wisdom:

Being Proactive should be practiced.  Proactive measures are methods implemented to improve one's physical, mental, financial and spiritual well being before any unnecessary evils occur.

To aid another individual who needs help,  tell the person the  truth about the inappropriate decision-making (bad choices) and be there for the person in the good and bad times. Be tactful. Continue to work with the person. Continue to pray. Know when to walk away when you become vulnerable to society's evils. Your first priority is your physical, mental and spiritual well being because you will be useless to anyone if your become incapacitated and/or dangerous. 

Avoid getting into things too deeply. We should avoid being overpowered by unhealthy political, social, theological, philosophical, spiritual concepts and activities.

Trust in God, not human or spiritual beings for no entity knows the will of God. It is God that gives us life, liberty and the freedom to pursue happiness.  Avoid being led astray by ungodly un-American agendas.

Learn to remain silent, peaceful and loving when people insult, curse, oppress, humiliate, harass and attack you. Let God's power work through his/her children. Wait for God's permission to defend yourself.

Spiritual Discernment is the ability to recognize and follow the advice of God, the light of God or the voice of God. In addition, spiritual discernment is the ability to use good spiritual judgment in daily activities and to distinguish between right and wrong in regards to physical, mental and spiritual things. Sometimes, following the light is not the path of the least resistance unless God clears the path. God will give you the tools you need to survive and will make sure that you understand your calling in a clear concise way. 

Piñata: Due to the nature of crime and violence prevention, a individual will become a piñata which is defined as a fragile container filled with candy and toys suspended from height to be broken by blindfolded children with sticks for amusement. Physical, mental and spiritual influences will create a hostile environment and offer questionable assistance that can do more harm than good. Be careful when seeking assistance. Know when to walk away and find other help.

American Philosophy: To preserve the ideals of America, the best thing to do is to incorporate the good of the government, community, business and God in yourself. Practice honor, integrity and adapt accordingly to the best of your ability. This philosophy will prevent others from corrupting the ideals of American and your character. It will prevent others from leading you astray. God and spiritual friends will help you along your journey and provide powerful support and motivate people when required. Embrace for impact. Support the goodness and fight the shadowy forces in America in a socially acceptable way.  More Wisdom ...

Crime And Violence Prevention Topics that are discussed in this product are below. 

Special Contact List & Guidelines

Political Crime & Violence Prevention

Supporting Individuals In Crisis

Legal Crime & Violence Prevention

Crisis Management Plans

Workplace Crime & Violence Prevention

Social Crime & Violence Preventions

Criminal Fraud & Prevention

Personal Security

Mental Health Crime & Violence Prevention

Law Enforcement Crime & Violence Preventions Volunteer Crime & Violence Prevention

Financial Crime & Violence Prevention

Dating Crime & Violence Prevention

Stalking & Harassment Prevention

Children Protections

Hate Crime & Violence Prevention 

Spiritual Crime & Violence Prevention

Professional Crime & Violence Prevention

Counterintelligence & Executive Protection

Many community and local, state and federal agencies have resources, brochures and information for the above items. All these items are serious. Prevention must be implemented. Education is very important for people who are unaware of such problems or unable to seek proper help without fear of intimidation. Please keep in mind that problems exist in these agencies and make sure the help you receive will make you an independent, self-sustaining, responsible adult in the end and not a dependent, irresponsible adult. By providing proper information will allow this to occur.

As a person or a crime victim, you have the right:

To be free from intimidation.

To be treated with respect, integrity and honor.

To be told about available compensation.

To be told about social services agencies and resources which can help you.

To be assisted by your criminal justice agencies.

To report any crime or suspicion of crime at once. No violation is too small to be reported regardless of subject matter.

Crisis Intervention

To aid an individual requires an effective plan for proper intervention. Crisis Intervention is a physical, mental and spiritual first aid that uses techniques and tools to help the individual. Please keep in mind that any aid given to an individual must be free from any unknown or unseen forces or disturbance in the individuals' environment and the supporter's environment. Here are the crisis intervention steps that will help the individual.

  Safer Model (Everly and Mitchell, 1998) *

Stabilize the situation.

Acknowledge  the crisis.

Facilitate understanding.

Encourage adaptive coping.

Restore independent functioning or refer to others.


* Jeffery T. Mitchell,  and  G.S. Everly Jr.,  Assisting Individuals in Crisis: A Workbook.   

   (International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc. Elliot City, MD 1998), p.51.


Special Note:  When talking, writing letters or any other forms of communication, avoid discussing any wrong doing or violating any standard protocol. It is up to the investigative team to gather and collect information of the event. Just discuss your concerns, emotions and symptoms of the event without revealing information that no one needs to know except the investigative team. Use your discretion. Avoid incriminating yourself for anything until proper assistance is given.

Professional Services  

Professional Services can offer physical, mental, social,  financial and spiritual protection, support and aid in time of need from hardships, criminality and unwanted games. Due to the nature of the world, professional services may be inadequate to help properly due to improper communications, shady advice, criminal activities, hostile environments, legal games, harmful policies, dirty politics, limited resources, human flaws and mental incapacity.  Ask for assistance anyway. Maybe, they could guide you to the proper expert. Always ask questions. Know when to say "NO", walk away and bring in backup. Do not be afraid. You are responsible for protecting your life. What is right for one person, may be hazardous to another individual.

Ask for help from the following resources:


Find a professional who understands all aspects of your physical, mental and spiritual situation. Be careful that you are not mislead or overpowered by physical, mental and spiritual undue influences. Do your own research.  Hire experts. Recruit people. Avoid frivolous law suits.

If you are harmed physically, emotionally and spiritually, get medical attention or other help.

Talk with someone who can help such as friends, mental health professionals, clergy or special law enforcement people. If necessary, look for counseling even if it happen a while ago.

Look for written information such as booklets.

Network, Seek Assistance and Check out with extreme care:

God and/or spiritual support resources

Law Enforcement and Intelligence communities

Crime and Violence Prevention Centers

Neighborhood watch or community support group

Hotlines, Shelters, legal aid services

Family Service Associations & Guidance and Marriage Counselors.

Family therapist, psychologists and psychiatrists. Mental Health Centers, Social Services and Agencies.

Human Resources, business people and associations and other organizations.

See Special Contact List & Guidelines

See Mental Health Crime and Violence Prevention

See Spiritual Crime and Violence Prevention

See Professional Crime and Violence Prevention


Continue improving your business and personal life.




As one reads the material about Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention, a person will gain valuable insight and information. This work contains many topics that acquired years to research, investigate, organized and assemble with great care into creating a safe quality product. Legal and liability aspects of each topic were investigated to the best of my ability to limit any unseen hazards.  Due the unpredictable imperfect nature of society, nothing is 100% free from flaws. This work is not 100% free from flaws. If necessary, consult a trusted lawyer, mental health professional, security expert, business consultant, spiritual advisor and other professional experts to verify the accuracy of the material as it pertains to your situation. This work will aid someone in a healthy fashion to help the individual to reach his/her full potential, physically, mentally, financially and spiritually. I hope that this material will help you to avoid costly mistakes and keep you out of trouble. Trust your own instinct and use good judgment when applying the material to your situation and others around you.


Finally, I want give thanks to God, my powerful spiritual friends and decent people who gave back to society in many ways. Everyone kept me going to complete this masterpiece. I hope that you will find the material valuable, enjoyable, fun and entertaining.


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Warning: Please investigate policies and procedures, laws and regulations and history of the organization. If you become suspicious or threatened, find help elsewhere. Guard against questionable practices, carelessness, negligence, criminal activities, off the record conduct, biases, misinformation, re-victimization, misguidance and misdirection when seeking assistance. Know your individual rights, the right to collect information on any subject matter and the right to use other resources, if necessary. Check your instincts from time to time. Proper help is not always available. As a result, other healthy socially accepted methods must be established. Know when to request professional backup for protection.


Alan Scott
Copyright © 1999 [Alan Scott's Research]. All rights reserved.
Revised: August 27, 2018 .




Disclaimer: This research material is to provide accurate information in regards to the subject matter covered. The author, business and other entities accepts no responsibilities for inaccuracies or omissions; and specifically disclaim any liabilities, loss, or risk, personal, business, financial or related catastrophes which may have incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly as a result of using and applying these principles. The research material is not a substitute for legal, medical, financial or expert advice. If expert assistance is required, seek the service of a competent licensed professional.

Copyright laws applied. All Rights Reserved. No part of this research material may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage retrieval system without written permission except for limited reproduction for educational purposes only.  Parts of the research material are considered to be reasonably common knowledge and contains information in the public domain.