Crisis Management Plan Home Page 


Crisis Management Plan Table of Contents
Alan Scott's Research Homepage  Crisis Management Plan Crisis Response Plan Critical Incident/Emergency Management

 Intervention of Potential Suicide or Threat to Others


Crisis Management Guide

Maps, Phone Numbers and Appendices




This Crisis Management Plan was adding to the Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Series to combat unforeseen situations that may occur in a Domestic Environment. It contains a plethora of information that will aid in preserving a person's physical, mental, spiritual and financial well being. All this information should be presented to all U.S. citizens anywhere they reside.

File Information: This file is organizational model of a Crisis Management Plan  that is based upon the Virginia Department of Education Crisis Management Plan. It was so well done that it was worth presenting in an adapted form. Why reinvent the wheel?

Bibliography:  Virginia Department of Education. Model School Crisis Plan Virginia.    

                      (May 2001)


Table of Contents

I. Policy

Intent and Definition of Crisis Management

Organization Policy Statement

II. Crisis Management Plan Overview and Rationale

Overview and Rationale

Central Office Crisis Planning and Response Team

Annual Start-Up Procedures

III. Crisis Response Plan, Procedure and Protocols

Crisis Response Team

Crisis Response Procedures

Medical Protocols

IV. Critical Incident/Emergency Management


Identifying and Responding to Imminent Warning Signs

Threat Assessment Response Protocol

Suggested Procedures for Handling Fights

Lockdown Procedure

Hostage Situations/Barricaded Captor

Tornado/Severe Weather

Fire Procedures

Emergency Shelters

V. Intervention of Potential Suicide or Threat to Others

Individuals Who May Be Suicidal

Individuals Who May Represent a Potential Threat to Others

VI. Communications



Communications with the Community

Communications with Media

VII. Quick Guide to Managing Crises


VIII. Emergency Telephone Numbers


IX. Building and Vicinity Maps



Appendix A: Sample Statements and Communications

Appendix B: Planning Surveys and Checklists

Appendix C: Training and Drills to Maintain Preparedness

Appendix D: Informational Handouts

Appendix E: Resources



Crisis Management Plan Table of Contents
Alan Scott's Research Homepage  Crisis Management Plan Crisis Response Plan Critical Incident/Emergency Management
 Intervention of Potential Suicide or Threat to Others  Communications Crisis Management Guide Maps, Phone Numbers and Appendices