Counterintelligence: Crime And Violence Prevention

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December 8, 2014

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Business Intelligence


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime & Violence Prevention.


Due to horror stories, professional follies, personal issues, fears, insecurities and criminality in the business world, I decided to create a simple business model, a sole proprietorship, called Alan Scott's Research. Its mission was to collect and gather information to reveal hidden physical, mental and spiritual dangers without wasting valuable time, financial resources, manual labor, personal health and complex healthcare assets. I created a hobby that was fun, challenging and educational. Perhaps, a healthy money-making business could emerge one day.


Running a successful business takes a solid understanding of criminality, legalities, taxation, daily business operations, management, marketing and sales. I began researching everything about the business world. I was not concern about being successful but finding hidden demons, business threats, criminal activities, bad advisors and discouraging spirits that could cause stumbling blocks. I read easy to understand books about small business development, corporate law, consulting, management, finances and recordkeeping. Also, I studied civil and criminal penalties and sentencing guidelines at the federal, state and local levels to prevent devilish schemes. By playing with a business model, I would gain valuable business information and life experiences.


Along my journey, I would battle physical, mental, social, political, legal, financial and spiritual games. Games that created delusions, misperceptions, lies, misguidance, superiority complexes, hostilities, unwelcomed acts, negativity, discrimination, stupidity and criminality. Eventually, I realized that I had some serious physical, mental and spiritual challenges to overcome. In addition, I was forced to understand the complex and scary world of spirituality, biblical teachings and solicitation for rewards to fight the forces that would cause souls to stumble while destroying their physical, mental, financial and spiritual health.


Eventually, I learned that investing money without doing proper investigations into financial activities, personal issues and expert advice can leave you victimized, bankrupt, raped, disturbed, imprisoned and morally deprived. Proper analysis, self evaluations and research needs to be done before going into business. Even with proper planning, success is not guaranteed. To gain valuable professional experiences, I recommend observing Chester County court cases, dealings and commissioner's meetings to reveal complex business issues. For protection from questionable practices, I also suggest creating a command center to network with law-abiding citizens. Watch out for money schemes, scams, government intrusions, corporate folly, spiritual games, sinful advice and immorality. Making bad decisions, being engulfed by the wrong crowd, lying, cheating and stealing can destroy your business, finances, family, relationships and health. It can also land you in court, prison or a place of darkness unless you cooperate with the authorities, the powers that be. May our lives be filled with God, healthy spirituality, love, respect, healing, truthfulness, validation, redemption, enlightenment and appreciation.


Did you conduct your business affairs honestly and ethically to the best of your ability? 


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2  


September 17, 2014

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Social Intelligence  


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime & Violence Prevention.


In our covert secretive world, proper social intelligence will assure healthy relationships in a crime free atmosphere. I wish that we lived in a society of trust, unconditional love and healthy spirituality, but this is not reality. Learning and applying proper social skills will help people find healthy relationships and prevent physical, mental, emotional, sexual, financial and spiritual abuses. Social crime and violence prevention deals with social interactions, criminality, dating, partnerships, domestic relations, child protection and family dynamics.


Social crime and violence is a pattern of abusive behaviors by individuals, family members, organized groups, spiritual friends or other harmful influences intended to degrade, criticize, harass, injure, corrupt, misguide and control others through physical, mental, emotional, financial, verbal and spiritual conditioning. Let's discuss the following social exploitations.


Mental and emotional health abuse is a course of action that unjustly destroys the person self-esteem, extinguishes compassion and manipulates others by creating guilt, confusions or unrealistic expectations and allowing jealousy, anger, threats or other unacceptable  behaviors to surface. Others abuses include the silent treatment, withholding affections, false hopes, empty promises, disinformation, deceptions, unhealthy love, unrealistic dreams of prosperity, name calling, criminality, sinful soul mate games, religious indoctrinations and spiritual terrorism.


Physical abuse is a course of action that unjustly causes physical pain, discomfort or injury by harassing, punching, pushing, grabbing, slapping, kicking or other forms of unwanted contact. Other tools of the trade include weapons usage to illustrate a point, legal and illegal drug threats, forcing a person into a sinful situation or seducing others for financial rewards, gifts or questionable exchanges.


Spiritual abuse resembles the above hurtful actions except it deals with undue influences in the spiritual world. It is very hard to sense and control. Forces you to do things that you would not normally do. Interjects unwanted thoughts and ideas into your mind. Causes physical, mental, financial, relationship and spiritual pain, injury and harmful acts such as dark deeds, mental health violations and overpowering verbal or written communications.


A healthy relationship allows individuals to enjoy life, treat one another with mutual respect and build each other up. It is a friendly avenue for growth, discovery, problem solving, protection, healing and emotional exchange. Individuals must realize that relationships may eventually break apart due to personal, private and godly reasons. Know when to bring in healthy physical, mental, financial, social and spiritual support such as creating a command center at the Chester County Courthouse to protect and serve, stabilize the environment and provide healthier support. May our lives be filled with God, healthy spirituality, love, respect, healing, truthfulness, validation, redemption, enlightenment and appreciation.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2  


August 20, 2014

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Swedenborg Foundation And Friendly Advice


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime & Violence Prevention.


Along my travels in the Pennsylvania's Congressional Districts, I found myself visiting the Swedenborg Foundation, a non-profit organization in West Chester, Pa. Their mission is helping people to learn about Emanuel Swedenborg and his writings by offering insights to spirituality, intellectual reasoning, visions and related themes through writings, books, videos, online interactions and social gatherings.


Emanuel Swedenborg was a 18th Century Swedish scientist, psychologist, politician, philosopher, theologian, nobleman and visionary who through his writings discusses the afterlife, the physical and spiritual world, heaven and hell, angels and demons, soul and body connections, faith and charity, social malice, theological struggles, biblical interpretations and God.  His writings gives insights to readers that allow them to develop their own intellectual concepts, reasoning and conclusions in regards to his thought provoking spiritual and worldly views.  


Emanuel Swedenborg writings would motivate people to gather, discuss his writings, build houses of worship and inspire artists, writers, politicians, citizens and other influential figures of his time until the present day. As a result of his writings, they would influence cultural changes, social reforms, spiritual thoughts and lives of countless individuals.


The spiritual journey into the world of Emanuel Swedenborg as well as other political, social,  religious, spiritual and mental health organizations can be challenging, enlightening, scary and  intense.  Swedenborg writings offers a healthy views on things but the student must feel safe, be ready to challenge internal programming, adapt concepts to the real world and share experiences similar to Emanuel Swedenborg to fully understand his writings. It is important for the student to bring his writings into the modern world in a safe, realistic and healthy way. It is a welcoming addition to other self-improvement educational materials.


Due to my own physical, mental and spiritual challenges in regards to intellectual, political, social, philosophic, criminal, religious, spiritual and mental health games, fears, struggles and issues,  heed my friendly advice.  Create a command center at the courthouse for safety and security reasons. Watch out for any vulnerabilities, undue influences, conversionary practices or hidden dangers that can affect your physical, mental, financial and spiritual health.  


Learning about different religions, cultures and beliefs is wonderful and enlightening but it can be unwelcoming, painful, intense, lonely, scary and threatening. We must ensure that our identity, connection with God and spiritual mission remains intact free from hidden agendas, stumbling blocks, dangerous voices and evil that surround us.  Above all else,  love others as you would love yourself so the light of God can bless others and thwart devilish schemes. Know when to bring in healthy support. May our lives be filled with God, healthy spirituality, love, respect, healing, truthfulness, validation, redemption, enlightenment and appreciation.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2  


August 19, 2014

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Counterintelligence Analysis Of Courthouse Affairs


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime & Violence Prevention.


Let us explore the world of Counterintelligence and related Chester County Courthouse affairs. Counterintelligence is the collection of information that helps to counteract hostile threats, unwelcome activities and unwanted visitors in order to preserve our physical, mental, social, legal, political, financial and spiritual well being. With proper education, awareness and networking, citizens can learn how to handle dark undercurrents.  


Due to the covert games that were engulfing me, I ended up on the courthouse steps decades ago. I was untrained in the world of Counterintelligence and sensing things that were not normal. Because of my instincts, intuition, playfulness and healthy relationship with God, I would be forewarned and painfully saved from threatening practices. My purity, innocence and meekness was probably a good thing. Let us reveal what was happening at that time.


I was under attacked from questionable criminal activities, satanic forces and ungodly help. I would change my name and immersed myself in judicial cases for counterintelligence reasons because of a powerful spiritual calling. The rules of law and procedure, opening and closing statements, jury instructions, charges and deliberations and other affairs would cleanse my mind, body and spirit from the darkness that was violating me. It was a place of healing, safety and protection, sort of.  I was alone, lost, troubled and injured. I was unable to present my case and speak eloquently due to physical, mental, political, social, religious and spiritual challenges, disabilities and stresses. I was afraid that every statement that I made would be sinfully misinterpreted into a mental health or security issue. As a result of unsolicited letters, staff reporting practices, networking  issues and other loving encounters,  I would get called into the detective office. I was unable to convey my thoughts eloquently except for fragments. I had to wait for God to intervene on my behalf. I had to be extremely careful what I said and how I said it due to possible insensitivity, ignorance, abuses, overreactions, entrapments, spiritual manipulations and fears of becoming the massacred character of a scary horror story.


Inside the courthouse, judges, law enforcement, politicians, experts, corporations, government, criminals and citizens were being victimized, crucified, prosecuted, sued, questioned, threatened, tried, condemned, reprimanded and exonerated for wrongful decisions, excessive weapons violations, incompetency, immoral decisions, domestic violence issues, fraud, money laundering, unfair taxation, political payoffs, frivolous lawsuits, unethical behaviors, paranoia, so called accidents, mean spiritedness, disingenuous relations, collateral damages, targeting, religious recruitment and other crap. Keep in mind, I am very grateful for the friendliness and healthy interaction that I did receive from individuals, but why is there so much idolatry, money schemes, lawsuits, malice and evil in the world that warrants such behaviors?


Knowing there would be consequences to my actions,  I would create a command center by notifying honorable citizens across the United States to protect and serve, create a healthier support system and combat these complex physical, mental, social, legal, political, financial, religious and spiritual games that were engulfing me as well as other vulnerable citizens.


The moral of the story is watch your surroundings, listen to your instincts, protect your assets and remember that not everything is imaginary, a competency hearing, a criminal case, a civil suit, a threat or a reason to drug clients. Know when to bring in healthy and loving support. May our lives be filled with God, healthy spirituality, love, respect, healing, truthfulness, validation, redemption, enlightenment and appreciation. God help us all and save this commonwealth. Amen. 


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2  


July 8, 2014

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Counterintelligence And Related Events


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime & Violence Prevention.


Let us explore the world of Counterintelligence and related events. Counterintelligence provides pertinent information that aids in the decision making process of leaders, patriotic citizens, corporations, government and nations for protection against crime, violence, sabotage, espionage, tradecraft, covert actions, dark forces, incompetence, disinformation, terrorism and other threats. With proper education, awareness and networking, citizens can learn how to handle foreign and domestic influences, criminal activities, physical, mental and spiritual games, questionable practices, ethical dilemmas, foreign and domestic laws, cultural differences, hostile environments and resourceful employees. The gathering and collecting of information will help preserve our physical, mental, social, legal, political, financial and spiritual well being.


Since my encounter with the CIA and other bodies starting in 1986, numerous revelations emerged that allowed me to see more clearly. I was untrained in the world of counterintelligence, but I was sensing things that were not normal. Because of my instincts, intuition, playfulness and healthy relationship with God, I was alerted, burned and saved from dangerous domestic and foreign undercurrents. My purity, innocence and meekness was probably a good thing. Let us reveal what was happening at that time.


Iran-Contra Affair's indictments and other scandals of high level figures were underway for questionable  intelligence activities and secret partnerships with the criminal underworld for patriotic reasons, allegedly. The accused consisted of CIA entities, Pentagon officials, Presidential advisors and other unknown characters. Many citizens were not immune from the war games and collateral damage.


Between the years of 1985-2001, CIA network of foreign and domestic agents were being exposed, CIA intelligence and assets were being compromised and disappearing at an alarming rate, CIA recruits were being placed in harm's way from cunning criminals, seasoned personnel and skilled recruiters,  extensive security breaches were occurring, Money was being exchange illegally, Soviet and KGB interactions were widespread, false cover stories were being executed and witch-hunts were occurring. The players consisted of corrupt CIA officers, FBI Agents and other unknown characters such as Aldrich Ames, Harold James Nicholson, Edward Lee Howard,  Robert Hansen and Earl Pitts. Most of the traitors held positions that gave them great access to information, sources, intelligence, facilities resources, important papers, recruits, trusting citizens and Soviet spy games. These criminals probably operated separately, but they may have cross paths due to the puppet masters agendas and local proximity with each other.


Upon reflection, I should have done my own investigations on the health of the CIA, local criminal activities, friendly characters and other organizations before applying, notifying them of security threats and other related crap that was physically, mentally and spiritually engulfing me. The moral of the story is watch your surroundings, listen to your instincts, protect your assets and remember that not everything is imaginary or a mental health issue. Know when to bring in healthy, loving and supportive backup. May our lives be filled with God, healthy spirituality, love, respect, healing, truthfulness, validation, redemption, enlightenment and appreciation. God help us all and save this commonwealth. Amen. 


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2  


June 12, 2014

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Life Altering Events


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime & Violence Prevention.

After decades of apprehension, playfulness, traumatic experiences, sacrifices, speeches, correspondences, volunteerism and forced undercover work. It is time to reveal my origins.

I was born and raised in Chester County, Pennsylvania. My community, parents, educators,  cultural forces, undue influences, spiritual friends and God created a responsible, loving and honorable citizen.  I would graduate from Henderson High School with honors. Earn my bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Widener University. Apply for employment at companies and government agencies. Hence, my life would change forever.

In 1986, I began working at a Federal Naval Research and Development Center as an Electromagnetic Engineer in Maryland. At the same time,  my CIA application was being processed and reviewed. Eventually, two or more background investigations were underway.  I was young, innocent, insecure, naive, vulnerable and untrained. I started to received physical, mental and spiritual insights, warnings and communications. As an engineer, I was fascinated so I investigated. Eventually, these shadowy and heavenly presences got stronger and stronger. It started to effect my career, my physical, mental and spiritual health, family and people around me.  I reported these truths to my boss who referred me to Pentagon social services who then referred me to drug pushing psychiatrists who offered shadowy help and practiced strange mental health dogmas. It was a disaster. Eventually, through certain covert actions I would alert the CIA of the crap, potential security threats and physical, mental and spiritual victimization that was about to engulf me. I was finished, wounded, confused, scared and unable to escape. CIA needed a mental health evaluation anyway so I volunteered my time and services to reveal society's horrific games. After the abuse,  I returned home where undue influences haunted me, terrorized me some more, educated me in ways unimaginable and wreak havoc on my surroundings. Did I get caught between Intelligence and Investigative interagency games, Chester County spirited affairs, unseen criminal activities or Washington D.C. shadowy politics? Or Did God intervene on my behalf to save me from physical, mental, legal, political, financial and spiritual payoffs, criminal activities, dark forces or sinful schemes?

These events would change my life forever where God's love, guidance and protection were the only rewards. Over decades  I would gain valuable counterintelligence, law enforcement, human service and security experiences at the Chester County Court House, Commissioner meetings and other bodies due to "open to the public" policies and volunteering schemes.  Through public speeches and written communications, I would present decades of personal growth and investigative research in order to influence policy change, reveal hidden dangers, create a command center, acquire protection, receive healthy support and help others to see.  At the end of the day, all I can do is to present my case, reveal truths, ask God for protection and leave the consequences to him. Why I had to endure these pain, sufferings and hardships will haunt me forever?   Stay tuned for future episodes and revelations.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2  


June 10, 2014

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Healthy Employee Relations


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:

I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime & Violence Prevention.

After investigating and googling entrepreneurial business articles, it was time to reeducate the public by giving insights to building healthy employee relations.

Apply these tips to build healthy relations with employees and gain community respect.  Create mutual trust. Manage in a clear, supportive and healthy way. Listen to employees and resolve their issues in a friendly way. Get an agreement, explore alternatives and develop methods to improve performance. Provide genuine constructive feedback and support. With proper counseling, exceptional coaching, superior training, realistic performance reviews and healthy team building, a more appreciative, productive and creative worker will emerge if properly motivated physically, mentally, financially, socially and spiritually.

Employees, community and public citizens expect sincere respect, proper assistance and healthy physical, mental, social and spiritual support from businesses, community resources and other parties to perform their duties proficiently. In addition, they expect fairness, trust, friendliness, approachability and healthy interactions free of abuse.

If  these items are violated, then criminal activities, hostile behaviors, legal issues, abusive spirits, evil practices, discriminations, antiquated policies, harmful political games and/or unsafe workplace may exists. If you become a target of mean spiritedness, network with law enforcement, business professionals, legal experts, human services and community enforcers. No one should ever be placed in harm's way, mangled by crossfire or unjustly sacrificed.

Working with businesses and other entities can prove challenging due to innate fears of illegal activities, horror stories, inferior training, questionable practices, unsound orders, incompetence and criminal negligence. We also must recognize that all entities may be vulnerable to physical, mental, social and spiritual impairment due to undue influences, the powers to be, higher authorities, dark forces, frivolous lawsuits and being overworked.

If  you found yourself in a precarious situation, do not be afraid to seek help or request back up. Remember you are important. Do not let any entity degrade you, provide you with substandard services, entrap you illegally, abuse you, misuse valuable community resources against you or supply drugs to keep you under control.  June is Professional Wellness Month, National Safety Month and PTSD Awareness Month so learn how to manage others in a healthy way, make employees happy, secure and safe, treat all parties with sincere respect and reward others for their deeds, services and sacrifices.  

Our goal is to avoid unwanted lawsuits, harmful unrealistic thinking, spiritual fighting, acts of violence, so-called accidents, inappropriate name calling, colorful language, hostile environments, prejudicial reporting, erroneous advice, threats, financial loss, uncomfortable situations and jail time. Let us create a healthy work environment so we can  protect our business reputation, valuable employees, treasured customers, prized vendors,  law enforcement friendliness, community citizens, financial resources and God-given gifts.

Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2  


May 8, 2014

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Compliance In A Healthy way


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime & Violence Prevention.

After reading an article from the May issue of the FBI Bulletin Online called Perspective: Improving Officer Safety and Citizens Support: Solving the puzzle by Chief Mike Masterson  from the Boise Police Department in Idaho, I wanted to educate the public in a healthy supportive way and give insights to improve law enforcement and public relations.

Citizens expect sincere respect, proper assistance and healthy physical, mental, social and spiritual support from law enforcement and other parties to protect our rights, liberties and freedoms. In addition, they expect fairness, trust, friendliness, approachability and healthy interactions. 

Effective Communication is the key to help alleviate physical, mental, social and spiritual stresses that can engulf all parties involved.  Proper communications skills is the first line of defense to defuse the situation without using force. With proper verbal skills, practices, support and explanations,  individuals will feel more positive about the interaction which will build healthier relationships.

When things escalate out of control, law enforcement and other parties must consider using tactical communications which involves using selective words to gain healthy voluntary compliance. They also must  recognize behaviors that may require immediate attention and proper use of force such as dangerous security threats, unwanted attacks, fleeing of a suspect, questionable actions or unwanted speeches (humor). To defuse the situation, build healthier relations and reduce fears, apply these tips: treat people with respect and dignity, ask and not demand to comply, explain why they need to listen,  give options instead of  threats,  use persuasion and proper phrases to allow the individual to do what is justified and suggest that second chances do exists. For these recommendations to be successful, we must use our judgment free of biases, politics, prejudices, poor attitude and misconceptions to determine the best course of actions. In the real world, legal force or lawful intimidation may be required if there are dangerous signs of manipulations, criminal activities or threats.

Working with law enforcement and other parties can prove challenging due to innate fears, criminal recruitment, past history, horror stories, illegal activities, questionable orders and shady practices. With all of our physical, mental and spiritual training we must recognize that our ability to communicate may become impaired and we may be unable to provide proper healthy physical, mental, social and spiritual support due to undue influences, the powers to be, higher authorities, unholy forces and being overworked. That said, we should overcome our fears and work together in order to build a healthier community. Above all else, we should follow the teachings of God, listen to God and ask God for protection to do the right thing in a lawful, honorable and healthy way. Finally, Know what to bring in back up.  May is Law Enforcement Appreciation Month so give thanks to all parties involved.

Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2  


April 15, 2014

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Spiritual Warfare


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime & Violence Prevention.


Why is spirituality different from all other worldly teachings?


Spirituality is the most loving, frightening, ignored, threatening, covert and complex issue to address due to physical, mental, financial, social, political, legal, criminal, religious and spiritual intimidation, conversions, control, undue influences and games. To prevent spiritual warfare, crime & violence, shadowy games and other ungodly acts requires training in counterintelligence, crime and violence prevention, discernment, self-improvement, spirituality and public safety programs. By possessing high standards and knowing oneself, one can sense things that are not normal to one’s existence. By being spiritually sensitive, our physical, emotional and spiritual well being will remain healthy free of injustices, torturous sufferings, persecutions, victimizations, threats, abuses, mean spiritedness and trauma. 


The U.S. Constitution and laws were created to protect everyone's physical and mental rights in regards to life, liberty and property from official and non-official coercion; but does not speak about protection of spiritual freedoms or our rights to be protected from ungodly spiritual forces.  By acknowledging and correctly using spirituality, we can prevent crime and violence before violating any laws or ethics. Once the law is violated, the law can only be used to judge the physical and mental facts of the situation and not the spiritual facts that may have caused the situation.  For things caused by threatening spiritual undercurrents, divine intervention will be required to administer justice to all parties involved.


If you are overpowered by unknown spiritual callings, ungodly forces, spiritual games or spiritual terrorism, request backup from trusted law enforcement agencies, intelligence sources, spiritual leaders and upstanding citizens; but be prepared for questionable dangerous responses, intense aversion to spirituality and unanticipated physical, mental, financial and spiritual consequences. Be vague and just say, “It is a spiritual thing.” until proper rapport is given.  By creating a healthy synergy, people will be protected from overpowering spiritual forces, criminal activities, illusions, twisted ideas, theologies and philosophies. Hopefully, the community will offer healthy loving support and prayers. With Counterintelligence: crime and violence prevention skills, our physical, emotional, spiritual and financial well being will remain intact.


Due to the controversial subject matter, people must trust their instincts to do what is justified, but be prepared for life threatening risks. When needed, seek proper physical, mental and spiritual help. Sometimes, our choices are limited and we must sacrifice everything to protect, serve and survive. After you have done everything to stand firm against devilish schemes,  let God and the children of the light prepare, protect, guide and help you and then leave the consequences to God. May our lives be filled with healthy spirituality, love, truthfulness, respect, healing, validation, redemption and appreciation.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2  


March 18, 2014


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Commemoration for God's Children II


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime & Violence Prevention.


With the approaching commemorations of Passover, Easter, Holocaust Remembrance, Crime Victims Rights, Pains & Suffering and my own personal drama with the heavenly realms, kingdoms, underworlds and the universe, pay attention to my angelic words.


I Am a Jew

A Child of God

A Loving Human Being

Remember My Sacrifice

Never Again Shall You Forsaken Me

Why Did You Let It Happen?

Helpless To Escape


This dedication is for all the Jews and God's Children who lost their lives, souls, health, lands, homes, families, careers, names, cultural identities and freedoms. It is for all the children of the light, followers of secular or spiritual ways and upstanding citizens who are unjustly crucified, hospitalized, institutionalized, incarcerated, brainwashed, treated as lower life forms or second class citizens physically, mentally, socially, politically, financially, religiously and spiritually. Let God show us the truth, protect us from the world and open our eyes and hearts to the injustices in our society's past, present and future.


Let us reflect, protect and ensure that no one is unjustly called upon, enslaved, ostracized, persecuted, tortured, converted, sacrificed or targeted for physical, mental, financial, social, legal, political, religious and/or spiritual affairs.


Why did you silence, inhibit, forbid, paralyze, disable and obstruct me from helping?


Why was I vilified, targeted, mislead, enslaved,  mistreated, immersed in water, violated, transfigured, murdered, reincarnated and resurrected only to relive the nightmare again and again?


Dear God, why have you forsaken me?


I do not understand.


All I ever wanted to do was to worship God and love in a healthy way, protect & serve, make an honest living, live in peace, walk with the light and improve the world. And fight against the powers, principalities and authorities who blacken the light, the truth and the words:  Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity.


Dear God, what does the universe want from me?


Let us take actions to help save the world from injustices by taking personal responsibility to do what is right by rising above the darkness. However, let God prepare, counsel, guide and protect you before proceeding. May God, the messiah and all his children do their part in protecting, preserving, educating and empowering us to create a more safe, secure, loving and supportive environment.         


Dear God, I did my best. Bring forth your love for the world tragically needs your help. I have no more to give due to my unwanted messianic wounds. I do not understand, How does an omnipotent, loving God allow such atrocities & pain and suffering to happen? Now is the time to stop the cycle of physical, mental, financial, social, political, legal, religious and spiritual violence, corruption and abuse. May our lives be filled with love, respect, healing, validation, redemption and appreciation.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2  


February 25, 2014

 Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention  

Why Do I Attract The Wrong Crowd?


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime & Violence Prevention.


Why do I attract the wrong crowd? Con Artists, criminals, predators, special interests groups, mean spirited citizens, cults and liars look for easy targets! Watch out for scams, red tape, illegal activities, recruitment, dirty politics, frivolous lawsuits, hidden agendas, shady business practices, physical, mental and spiritual terrorism and devilish schemes. 


If you find yourself embroiled in things beyond your understanding due to society's questionable behaviors and practices. Do not take chances. Create a command center, give public speeches and network with responsible citizens who can provide healthy support and synergy in time of crisis or non-emergencies. Community outreach is a way to share information, network, mentor and help anyone who needs special physical, mental, financial, social, political and spiritual attention. Use your judgment, street smarts and network with the following entities.



God and Healthy Spiritual Support

A Community Violence Prevention Network or Public Health Department

Local and/or State Police, FBI, NSA, DEA, Secret Service, CIA and Pentagon

County Commissioners,  Academia, Judges and Elected Officials at all levels

Criminal Investigation Divisions, Homeland Security and the Justice Department

Family Services,  Domestic Violence Center or Special Associations

Proper Medical, Mental Health and/or Legal Resources

Healthy support from friends and relatives, if possible

Local and National Media, Office of Personnel Management and Corporations


After exploring, collecting and gathering intelligence, I keep returning to this special contact list. One can be a superhuman but when darkness is around, watch out.  Many professionals and citizens can be vulnerable to unspeakable evil towards the wrong person at the wrong time.  Extreme care must be taken when seeking assistance. We live in a world full of  fears, ignorance, corruption, misguidance, vulnerabilities, wickedness, biases and hatred that can create a hostile environment regardless of sex, race, color, beliefs, ethnicity, national origin, occupation, mental issues, handicaps and spirituality. Make sure that no service uses barbaric tactics, employs improper treatments, violates your rights or demeans you. Stay Alert. The above material was developed in a high risk environment by an amateur for security reasons due to unusual phenomenon. The ideas are not fully completed, tested or understood. After everyone trashes you, you can apply for disability due to your physical, mental, financial, legal, social, political and spiritual beatings.


One person can make a difference. Do not let any entity target you or mistreat you.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2  


February 11, 2014


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention



Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime & Violence Prevention.


Sometimes, we need to be uplifting, supportive and nourishing in our daily activities. To be physically, mentally and spiritually energized, we need healthy love to help us throughout the day.  Since this is the month of love and the day of  love is almost here, the best thing to do at this meeting is to stop complaining, dumping our problems on others and cease discussing stimulating topics. However, everything that you say is important to influence change, seek proper help, strengthen others and evoke awareness, but sometimes playfulness goes along way.  Today I will be talking about love to make people smile, laugh, relax and reflect in a healthy way.  Let us begin.


Love is kind, caring, patient, loving, ethical, Godly, inspiring, healing, respectful, supportive and protective in a healthy physical, mental, social, financial and spiritual way.


Love is a deep, tender, intense, unspeakable feeling of affection towards a person, divine being, temptations or inanimate objects such as that arising from friendship, colleagues, enjoyable activities, sex appeal, delicious foods, sexy cars, luxuries, exotic subjects, beautiful snowfalls, recruitment, targeting, entrapments, intelligence gathering or a sense of oneness.


Love conquers all  is a phrase that means love is capable of overcoming all obstacles, enemies, inhibitions or fears. Love is the greatest gift in the universe and makes the world dance. Love is a great motivator and a great tempter. However, we should embrace healthy divine love so your mind, body and spirit will be protected from heartaches. Spread a little love and watch the seeds grow.  It starts with you.


What I want everyone to take from this expression of love is the feeling of love, warmth, happiness and laughter that may have emotionally touched you. Perhaps, it stirred up memories when you felt truly connected with God's love, love of family, love of self, love of a favorite dish, universal love, love of tranquility or the love of electricity, electronics products and a heat source.  Remember that loving feeling, hold on to it and never let it go.  That love will allow you to help others to be the best they can be. That Love will allow you to make the right decisions. That  love will guard you against evil and protect you from physical, mental, social, political and spiritual challenges. For some the most important thing is God's love. For others, it may be a love that originates elsewhere. Hopefully, the love that you embrace regardless where it comes from will improve the world and strengthen others in healthy way that would make us all proud.


May your year, month, week, day be filled with love, respect and appreciation.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2  


January 30, 2014


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

True or False, I Have The Right To Say No ?


God, Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime & Violence Prevention.


Here are my articles of declarations.  I do not want to be involved in unhealthy relationships. I do not want to drink, smoke cigarettes or do drugs. I do not want to get body piercings or markings.  I do want to lie, cheat or steal. I do not want to covet anything. I do not want to commit adultery.  I do not want to murder or harm others.  I do not want to disrespect women, children, men, parents or any other living creatures. I do not want to worship any other Gods, follow false religions or dark shadows.  I do not want to befriend those who will do me harm, force me into slavery or make me follow their wicked ways. I do not want to be recruited or entrapped by the sexually immoral.  I do not want to bear arms unless commanded by the light.  I do not want violate the Ten Commandments or Godly laws of society.  I do not want to live in darkness.


Why am I being physically, mentally, legally, socially, politically and spiritually recruited, forced, entrapped and tormented into things I do not want to embrace?  I do not want to hang out with the liars, murderers, thieves, the sexually immoral, the dogs, idolaters, the undead, the unclean or those who practice dark magic. 


True or False?

It Is My Individual Rights To Say No To Alcohol, Cigarettes, Legal And Illegal Drugs, Gun Laws, Criminal Activities, Unhealthy Relationships, Immorality, Unhealthy Sexual Practices, Questionable Laws and Body Markings Without Being Physically, Mentally, Financially, Socially, Politically and Spiritually Surrounded, Attacked, Mistreated, Targeted, Condemned, Committed, Imprisoned, Crucified, Rejected, Terminated and Cast Out for my Personal Choices.


Today is the day, I declare my independence from the multidimensional dangerous practices, abusive games,  propaganda and unhealthy ways in society. I shall not be afraid anymore.  The transgressions that I am painfully seeing, experiencing, feeling and sensing in society is physically, mentally and spiritually damaging me.  I am ready to stand up and fight to be who I am.  Dear God, I am so Screwed. Let this speech not be my last.


Dear God, I ask for your intervention in these matters. Please send your angels to protect and guide me. Your personal touch would be greatly appreciated. Let me be the light to help others to see.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2


January 28, 2014

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention  

Real or Imaginary Fears of Reaching Out



Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime & Violence Prevention.


Recently, I attended a Human Trafficking Discussion for the Senate Bill 75 that would put an end to modern day slavery and related criminal activities in Pennsylvania. It started me to think about the fears of reaching out regardless if it is real or imaginary.


I am concern about the difficulties for an individual seeking help and the questionable responses that one receives. Due to hostile physical, mental, financial, social, political, legal and spiritual forces that surrounds us and these individuals, it may create a distrust of authority, verbal disabilities, low self esteem issues and threatening physical, mental and spiritual injuries and vulnerabilities. Even the FBI warns about public corruption, predators, cults, helpful citizens, leaders, poorly run organizations and criminal activities. It takes one bad comment or incident to threaten your existence and create distrust for all parties involved.


The issues that arises when someone seeks help is that people say the darnedest things: What do want me to do about it?  Go seek psychological help.  Hire an unaffordable lawyer.  Do not trust the government paid public defendant. Go figure it out yourself.  Convert to my religion and you will be saved.  Do not trust government agencies. Do not call the police. Do not make trouble or community forces will retaliate with threats of public beatings, humiliations, taking of property and shadowy community programs. Trust no one.  It is not my jurisdiction or responsibility. Welcome to the families of the criminal  underworld, cults and secret societies. Or Dead Silence.


Other materialization is the fear of communicating, writing letters, sending e-mails and phoning others which may trigger arrests, complaints, cease and decease orders, government intrusions, mental health evaluations and wrongful convictions because it appears disturbing, incriminating, immature or threatening. Also, a person maybe fearful of being seen as a potential threat or a piñata for amusement when entering an office.  


Proper training for sensitivity, security & protection awareness and legalities for public official, law enforcement, citizens, leaders and victims needs to be encourage, implemented and enforced for helpful assistance free of  hostilities.


I would like to end the multi-dimensional abusive games. But, I am physically, mentally, financially and spiritually challenged or disabled myself due to my own personal drama. It is very scary when you are insecure, ignorant, incompetent, suffering from PTSD, unsure what you are doing or why you have been called upon. Let simplify things so people can trust again. First thing to do is to acknowledge that we all have problems and then and only then can we address them. It starts with you.  I need a hug, kind words, good advice, loving support or a handshake.  I love you all.  Happy Valentine's Day. Remember, February is the month of love so be kind to others.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2  


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Warning: Please investigate policies and procedures, laws and regulations and history of the organization. If you become suspicious or threatened, find help elsewhere. Guard against questionable practices, carelessness, negligence, criminal activities, off the record conduct, biases, misinformation, re-victimization, misguidance and misdirection when seeking assistance. Know your individual rights, the right to collect information on any subject matter and the right to use other resources, if necessary. Check your instincts from time to time. Proper help is not always available. As a result, other healthy socially accepted methods must be established. Know when to request professional backup for protection.


Alan Scott
Copyright © 1999 [Alan Scott's Research]. All rights reserved.
Revised: December 08, 2014 .


E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org


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