Counterintelligence: Crime And Violence Prevention

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January 9, 2013


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention  

Giving Proper Outlets For Expression


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention.


In our society,  we need to give proper outlets for expression.  We need to combat physical, mental, political and spiritual abuse, negativity and community demons. We need to be able to ask for help without retribution from mental health threats, law enforcement rawness, community games and parental immaturity. We are being blindsided by paranoia, ineffective help, spiritual manipulations and questionable practices.


How do we report voices in our head, abnormal dreams, persistent hauntings, organized spiritual attacks, untraceable dark thoughts, criminality, community mean spiritedness and instinctive warnings without being arrested, incarcerated, institutionalized, tortured, drugged, fired, abused, embarrassed, condemned and criticized for doing what is justified?


In today's atmosphere, if we feel it is necessary to network with citizens across the United States to safeguard life, investigate, cleanse our surroundings then so be it.  We may have legitimate and illogical fears, concerns and distrust issues about community practices. It is better to be safe.  I would guess that someone will find something troubling in their hostile environment that would back them up. From what I have witnessed myself, I would accept what they are seeing, hearing or sensing may not be their imagination.


Our limited system is not prepared to handle such things in a responsible way. We need to come up with safeguards to prevent victimization, re-victimization and other shady activities. We must stop the games before they start.  Proper outlets for expression for reporting phenomenon, asking for help and cleansing the atmosphere from hostile physical, mental and spiritual forces may keep the peace. Due to our own vulnerabilities and the threatening evil,  we need to work together as a community to combat these forces. We cannot do it alone, anymore.


If  you want to educate your community, bring in backup from law enforcement and helpful citizens across the country to examine community behaviors and unseen criminality.  They may help protect and cleanse your surroundings from hostile forces, if they like you. Trust me, people frown upon enforcement of any kind due to unresolved social issues and believe me that the education they get will not be forgotten.


With Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention, we can help our citizens to approach people without the fear of  being victimized and re-victimized by so-called experts, strangers, criminals, friends, community, law enforcement, corporations, religions, spiritual games and government agencies.  We should avoid being overpowered by unhealthy political, social, theological, philosophical, spiritual concepts and activities. We should never be afraid to report things, ask for help and bring in back up.  Proper Community Outreach will create a synergy to aid a individual in a healthy way.  Dear God, protect and guide us in our journey to help to create a healthier world.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2


February 12, 2013


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention  

Politeness Wins 

Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime & Violence Prevention.


In today's society, we may need to deal with impolite, rude or mean-spirited people.  Sometimes, there is no escape from dealing with people's questionable physical, mental, social, criminal, political, financial and spiritual behaviors. Hence, we may have to pretend to like them. However we can learn how to politely prevent unhealthy behaviors, violence, spiritual manipulations and criminal activities. Let's begin the education.


Be polite, calm and try to understand the person. If  they are uncharacteristically being rude, then they may be physically, mentally or spiritual challenged, impaired, upset, depressed, seeking assistant or prejudicial. However, it is no excuse to take it out on others in a disrespectful way or violate ethical codes.

Ask the person about the inappropriate behavior. Sometimes this is difficult but we should try to aid where we can. Avoid escalating the situation by being aggressive, losing your temper, arguing with the person, engaging them in conversations or refuting them. Learn to listen and try to prevent any unwanted law enforcement, legal, political or mental health threats or abuses.

Strive to resolve any misunderstanding or valid thoughts. At times, people are unaware about their inappropriate behaviors. Certain cultural social skills may be lacking or They may have been abused physically, mentally and spiritually by outside influences.

Keep things confidential, avoid worsening the situation by sharing misinformation, treat others with respect regardless how others treat you. A higher power will take account of everyone's efforts and actions.

After you have done everything to resolve things,  know that you did your best. Limit contact with the person as much as possible. No more energy or effort should be applied to the situation. Sometimes, God or other physical, mental, social and spiritual forces have other plans for this individual. Do not let any entity control, harm or abuse you. Do not take anything personally or seriously.  Remember we are only human with limited understanding, resources and powers.


Being polite, honest and practicing good manners will help create a peaceful, supportive, loving and healthy environment. Hopefully, when people present themselves in a respectful and sincere way, people are not talking or laughing behind their backs, waiting for a reason to call security or trashing them physically, mentally, socially, politically or spiritually. At times,  people will remain silent due to legal, mental health or spiritual policies, counseling, restrictions, fears, inexperience or inability to understand your issues, thoughts and concerns. Hopefully, your efforts and good works will be rewarded physically, mentally, financially and spiritually. Know when to bring in healthy backup across the United States to ensure that you are  protected from unpredictable hostile forces who dislike you, your intrusions or truths. Those voices in your head may be legitimate. Let others assist in a healthy way to figure things out. Remember, politeness wins.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2


March 12, 2013

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Commemoration for God's Children


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime & Violence Prevention.


With the approaching commemoration of Passover, Easter, Holocaust Remembrance, Crime Victims Rights and my own personal drama with the heavens, kingdoms and the universe, pay attention to my angelic words.


I Am a Jew

A Child of God

A Loving Human Being

Remember My Sacrifice

Never Again Shall You Forsaken Me

Why Did You Let It Happen?

Helpless To Escape


This dedication is for all the Jews and/or God's Children who lost their lives, souls, health, lands, homes, families, careers, names and cultural identities. It is for all the children of the light, followers of secular or spiritual ways and upstanding citizens who are unjustly targeted mistreated, hospitalized, institutionalized, incarcerated, brainwashed, treated as lower life forms or second class citizens physically, mentally, socially, politically, financially and spiritually. Let God show us the truth, protect us from the world and open our eyes and hearts to the injustices in our society, past, present and future.


Let us reflect, protect and ensure that no one is unjustly called upon, ostracized, persecuted, converted, sacrificed or targeted for physical, mental, financial, social, legal, political, religious and/or spiritual affairs.


Why did you silence, inhibit, forbid, paralyze and obstruct me from helping?


Why was I vilified, targeted, mistreated, immersed in water, violated, transfigured, murdered, reincarnated and resurrected only to relive the nightmare again and again?


Dear God, why have you forsaken me?


I do not understand.


All I ever wanted to do was to worship God in my own way, love in a healthy way, protect & serve, make an honest living, live in peace and improve the world. And fight against the powers, principalities and authorities who blacken the light, the truth and the words:  Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity.


Dear God, what does the universe want from me?


Let us take actions to help save the world from injustices by taking personal responsibility to do what is right by rising above the darkness. However, let God prepare, counsel, guide and protect you before proceeding. Hopefully, God, the messiah and all his children will do their part in protecting, preserving, educating and empowering people to prevent crime and violence in our community.         


Dear God, I did my best. Bring forth your love for the world tragically needs your help. 

I have no more to give. What a mess?


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2  


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Warning: Please investigate policies and procedures, laws and regulations and history of the organization. If you become suspicious or threatened, find help elsewhere. Guard against questionable practices, carelessness, negligence, criminal activities, off the record conduct, biases, misinformation, re-victimization, misguidance and misdirection when seeking assistance. Know your individual rights, the right to collect information on any subject matter and the right to use other resources, if necessary. Check your instincts from time to time. Proper help is not always available. As a result, other healthy socially accepted methods must be established. Know when to request professional backup for protection.


Alan Scott
Copyright © 1999 [Alan Scott's Research]. All rights reserved.
Revised: March 22, 2014 .


E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org


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