July 28, 2005
Crime and Violence Prevention
Things that can get you into Trouble
Commissioners, Citizens and
Let us reveal fourteen things that can get you into serious trouble
with the mental health professionals, law enforcement agencies and public.
A permanent vacation spot of their choice is included in the package.
Discussions About:
- CIA entanglement, FBI involvement, background investigations and
undercover work.
- Communicating with God or other supernatural beings.
- Hearing voices, having visions and encountering spiritual visitors.
- Being spiritually attacked and manipulated by shadowy forces that
results in physical, mental and spiritual pain.
- How spiritual or religious entities beat people senseless, recruit
and convert others in order to reveal their agenda.
- Dark thoughts in regards to daily matters ranging from criminal to
civil offenses.
- Diverse thoughts about the President of the United States.
- How supernatural forces and other factors are isolating individuals
from healthy social interactions/bonding, ruining relationships and
sabotaging careers.
- Extremely challenging women, dating and marital issues.
- Spiritual warnings, spiritual callings or covert spiritual
Other Things that can create
a hostile environment:
Saying nothing, saying too
much or saying not enough.
Being Jewish, Christian, a
Star Person or pure in mind, body and spirit.
Working with honor and
Being more informed than
your highly trained professional.
How did professional violence, drug warfare and mental health abuse
become the final solution for treating such experiences? When did bringing
these problems, scenarios, concepts and experiences to the surface become
sinfully wrong? It appears that everything is being perceived as a threat
that results in mistreatment.
For receiving proper help with the mental health community as well as
other professionals, we need a team of philosophers, spiritual leaders and
intelligence officers to ensure that we are not harmed or influenced by
beings who are disconnected from God or spellbound by society’s
professional propaganda. We should be able to sit down like mature
civilized adults and discuss such topics without feeling threatened.
So we are undergoing
supernatural trials, experiencing unusual pressures and encountering
hostile environments, would it be easier to provide proper crisis
management training, counseling brochures, practical solutions and lawful
public support for protection, networking and resolving such issues? Let
us teach people to handle such experiences in an appropriate manner
instead of drugging, labeling and degrading them. When does asking for
help become a license to kill a person’s physical, mental, financial or
spiritual health? Let us stop the games, misguidance and dangerous
undercurrents by creating an undercover task force to collect and gather
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org
Web Site: https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2
July 14, 2005
Crime and Violence Prevention
Commissioners, Citizens and Media:
Due to recent news stories about mental health issues, psychopathic
bosses, religious dogma and frivolous drug treatment, I am taking time out
to discuss abuses that make people victims, targets, news headlines and
potential threats due to the mental health abuse or hostile environments
that may exist inside as well as outside of the mental health arena.
No one is discussing how to protect yourself from hostile environments
within or outside the mental health arena. If I have a dilemma, I am
unable to address it due to physical, mental, legal and spiritual games
that come from undue influences. In addition, voicing our concerns are
being subdued forcibly by mental health and verbal attacks. By the time
you are done asking for help, a person may discover that professionals are
hiding behind lawyers and insurance coverage, practicing strange mental
health practices, dialing 911, protecting their jobs, looking for money or
running scared. It may be perfectly normal to behave like a raving lunatic
or psychotic due to the garbage that one encounters in the community. Ask
yourselves, how does the hostile climate effect the mental health of our
citizens who may be too afraid to approach people!
We need to make sure that our clients are not becoming pawns for or
overpowered by physical, mental, legal, criminal, religious and spiritual
games. We need to create safeguards through law enforcement, business
community and Chester County resources.
We must in a timely and accurate manner:
| Provide information to the person of the pros and cons of our
professional resources. |
| Discuss unseen influences in our community that could cause problems
to the client. |
| Address issues that can create serious havoc that surrounds both the
client and the mental health professional environments. |
| Address law enforcement issues and consequences of bringing up scary
topics. |
| Discuss inappropriate use of prescribing drugs for simple things
such as immaturity. |
If I am infuriated, paranoid, psychotic, bipolarized, manic depressive
and delusional there is a healthy reason for it. We are creating a hostile
environment for normal people who may be seeking guidance by confusing our
citizens due to irresponsible reporting, questionable mental health
practices, criminality and odd business decisions. Due to the community
games and weirdness, we may be making minor problems into federal cases.
If we are forced to make special people into undercover agents, hired
actors or idiots to prevent and investigate dangerous undercurrents in the
community then so be it.
We must keep in mind that sometimes it pays to be mentally unstable if
it gets the job done, the word gets out, lives get saved and life
becomes more enjoyable. Let us address the issues.
May God bless everyone’s’ actions, reactions and overreactions.
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org
Web Site: https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2
May 5, 2005
Crime and Violence Prevention
Where did we go
wrong in the educational process?
Citizens and Media
Where did we go
wrong in the educational process? For some reasons, when we need to report
strange activities, ask for help, write letters, do our job or network
with others, shadowy undercurrents try to deter us from revealing the
light and truth. Questionable professional responses such as irritation,
inaction, legal, mental health and spiritual threats, firings, drugging,
threats for writing letters, death defying silence and other scary
responses are disturbing and unwarranted. Furthermore, the citizens must
break down barriers, security measures and other stumbling blocks before
someone takes action. Such acts violate moral and ethical responsibility
of the commanding community. Let stop the physical, mental and spiritual
threats from inhibiting our citizens from doing what is warranted.
Community goals should adhere to the following basic principles of the
West Chester Area School District’s educational beliefs.
Its mission is
to educate all students to achieve their personal best, be responsible,
contributing citizens and become life-long learners by inspiring each
other through challenging curriculum, varied opportunities, effective
teaching, respect for diversity, healthy mentoring, parenting and
community interactions.
We believe
Each person has intrinsic
worth. |
All people can learn and
succeed, but in different ways and at different rates. |
Education is the shared
responsibility of the individual, parents, educators and community. |
A positive self-worth
promotes a willingness to challenge oneself, work diligently and
achieve one’s personal best. |
Quality education is an
essential component in preserving the principles of American
democracy. |
The pursuit of knowledge,
understanding and truth is a fundamental human need. |
Ethical behavior and
thoughtful communication is essential for building healthy
relationships and flourishing societies |
Family environment has a
crucial impact on the growth and development of every person. |
It is important that the
community and its members provide a safe environment that encourages
individual growth and support for each other. |
Embracing cultural
diversity and sharing beliefs enriches our lives in the community by
making us stronger. |
In addition, I
would like to add these thoughts:
Education is also the
shared responsibility of godly loving spiritual influences and God. Every person should do the best one can for we are
unable to fathom God's purpose for you and your family. |
Individuals must be
protected from unhealthy physical, mental and spiritual restrictions
and shadowy games to achieve success. |
Respect everyone's right to
learn and show proper respect for all, including oneself. |
Find ways to resolve
conflict without fighting. |
Demonstrate a positive
attitude, be cooperative and arrive in a timely fashion. |
Ask for help when required
and help others when possible. |
Follow the rules to the
best of your ability and be prepared for any assignment. |
If we apply these principles and get clobbered along the way than there is
something evil in society that must be addressed. Counterintelligence:
Crime and Violence Prevention will help our community to prevent ungodly
assistance and remove dangerous stumbling block that may injure a person’s
well being. Eventually we must examine hostile dangerous undercurrents
within academia, businesses, law enforcement and government agencies,
religious entities, mental health arena and community to find the shortcomings in the
educational system. Do we need to teach our citizens the Art of War
in order to preserve the educational beliefs from outside scrupulous
physical, mental and spiritual practices?
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org
Web Site: https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2