October 4, 2006
Crime and Violence Prevention
and Checking References
Media and Citizens:
For many
people, acquiring references, getting solid recommendations and forming
healthy bonds within the community is an easy task while others have
difficulties. It has reached a point that a person may have to list people
who they encounter throughout their journey and let the investigators talk
to them. Notifying law enforcement agencies, courthouses and community
resources of the dilemma may be the only healthy way to go. That way no
one has to worry about security issues, public relation problems, legal
issues, poor references, retaliations, misplaced guilt, embarrassment or
dangerous physical, mental, political and spiritual games. Acquiring
references may be difficult due to different cultural backgrounds,
spirituality, discriminatory practices, disabilities, personal issues,
criminality, law enforcement orientation, investigations, superficiality,
opinions and attitudes. Society must come up with a plan to address the
problems with references and related ungodly practices.
Throughout my
life, career and development, obtaining references from my neighbors,
relatives, friends, colleagues and teachers were very difficult for me
because strong personal relationships were fleeting. I do not know when,
why, where or how these relationships became estranged but forces seem to
break off all connections over time. Was the estrangement due to different
physical, mental, financial, political and spiritual orientation? Were we
just too busy to be neighborly or sociable? It escalated to a point that I
was unable to approach them, talk to them or ask for references because of
the lack of interaction, social skills from all parties, communication
problems and security issues. As a result, we all became strangers and
references were diminishing.
The few
references that I have collected over the years, I am reluctant to give
due to fear of retaliation from community games. Eventually, I would learn
quickly that a working environment that started as demure could end up
For proper
procedures for processing references, use your instinct to determine the
best course of action. If you are becoming isolated, a potential target,
disillusioned or references are problematic, please notify law enforcement
or other professionals. Stay alert. References should be easy to obtained,
but be careful of pitfalls, strange politics and criminal activities.
Implement Standard
Guidelines for obtaining references. Find References that can confirm
your background and character. This may be difficult due to problems
with remaining in contact, disappearance of
supervisors/co-workers/friends, company closures, stalking and
harassment issues, H.R. restrictions or public relations dilemmas. If
you are unable to contact people due to undue influences then you
should notify law enforcement any way you can to avoid trouble. Make
sure that your references can handle unforeseen security issues or
employer backlashes. Lack of references can force you on the wrong
side of the street or push you further from healthy law enforcement
support. |
Follow the standard
guidelines for checking references. Keep in mind that a person will
list references that they know will give good credentials. If not
careful, this could lead to criminal activity, law enforcement
undercover work or unwanted infiltration. Please make sure that there
are no dangerous games surrounding the company or individual. Due to
legal and security issues, one may unable to talk to previous
supervisors, obtain solid work experiences or find the truth about the
subject. If this is the case, law enforcement or security should be
notified to prevent crime and violence. |
references, obtaining recommendations and checking things out can be
traumatic. To combat these games, ask help from God and spiritual
resources, Intelligence communities and Crime and Violence Prevention
Networks through phone calls, letters or public speeches. The community
needs to investigate and implement a process to safeguard an individual
from improper, lexical and sloppy process of acquiring references and spot
early warning signs of a hostile environment that may surround the person
physically, mentally, spiritually, politically and financially.
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
Web Site: https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2
August 24, 2006
Crime and Violence Prevention
Scott’s Research
Media and Citizens:
I wanted to
present an executive summary about Alan Scott’s Research to induce
change and awareness. In order to fight immorality, strange ethics,
corruption, targeting, profiling, fraud, odd behavior, shadowy
undercurrents, omissions, conversions, brainwashing, physical threats,
mental health threats and spiritual terrorism, the entity was created to
eliminate the games that may surround an individual who may be seeking
help or encountering strange community activities. Let us empower a person
to take control of the situation by creating a simple low cost one-stop
resource of basic information. It is my hope that individuals will use the
web site to overcome any physical, mental, financial and spiritual
handicaps that may be inhibiting the person to properly maneuver through
the heart stopping bureaucracy, other people’s delusions and mean
Crime and Violence Prevention will empower people to prepare for whatever
life throws at them. The mission is to provide basic knowledge and new
concepts for the development of a person's physical, mental, financial and
spiritual well being while providing proper avenues and aid in any crisis,
quickly and accurately.
The research,
spiritual calling, forced role-play or unplanned unofficial undercover
work is based on my investigation into the unknown. Receiving proper
information or assistance from professionals was problematic. I was unable
to ask the right questions, unable to respond correctly or talk freely.
Furthermore, I started to encounter questionable business and employment
practices, hostile environments, dangerous politics, strange ideologies,
and unusual life threatening situations. Also, my friends, colleagues,
acquaintances, family and relatives started to have physical, mental,
financial and spiritual problems that I was unable to resolve with
accurate, timely and quality information. It is my hope that I can save
others from frivolous games and hardships.
This resource
will improve diplomatic relations, build stronger contacts, maintain
healthy relationships, prevent costly mistakes, stop dangerous games,
provide an avenue for staying in contact with friends and inform people
about prevention. Sometimes people become inhibited or incapable of
communicating simply and effectively due to physical, mental, financial
and spiritual pressures. People lack proper crime and violence prevention
information to aid a person in need. Sometimes, life is a deep personal
journey, but being prepared can protect the individual from shadowy
physical, mental and spiritual games when a person is uncertain to what is
happening or why?
Before we take
stand, we should make sure that we avoid becoming entangled in things we
do not understand. Let us present basic information to those encountering
difficult times. Let us prepare the citizens before contacting agencies
and other people in order to fight delusions, incompetence, policy
restrictions, sins, threats and off-the-record practices. A secret
ingredient is the utilization of a special contact list and guidelines for
creating a powerful synergy for proper backup.
For further information, check out the topics in the web site: https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org
Web Site: https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2
July 27, 2006
Crime and Violence Prevention
Commissioner, Media and Citizens:
I wanted to brief Commissioner O’Donnell about my
background. Due to strange spiritual callings that began in 1986, I became
physically, mentally, financially and spiritually challenged. I am seeking
godly advisors to help me unravel the mystery behind these callings.
After graduating from Widener University with a B.S.
Degree in Electrical Engineering, I worked for numerous corporations, a
government facility, an International outfit, and the world’s largest
Electronic Retailer. Beginning in Chester County, Maryland and Washington
D.C. area and until now, I became entangled with the intelligence
community, public sector, business community and spiritual community that
challenge my physical, mental, financial and spiritual health. As a
result, I became a researcher in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence
Prevention to create a safer and more secure environment.
For security and safety reasons, I was forced to train
myself in Judicial Law, Counterintelligence, Executive Protection,
Business Matters, Spirituality, Public Speaking and Leadership. I attended
the Chester County Court House for 17 years to gather support, create a
command center and collect information on Judicial Law and Procedures,
Commissioner's Order of Business, Law Enforcement, Human Services and the
Legislative process.
I have participated in organizations that include
Association for Intelligence Officers, Chester County Toastmaster and
Community Violence Prevention Networks. I am certified in Critical
Incident Stress Management and the Westtown East Goshen Citizen's Police
Finally, I created Alan Scott's Research to share my
research and experiences to enlighten others. At the present time it is
considered a hobby or sideline business. My undertakings could be viewed
as an "outside the box " operation due to undue influences.
The bottom line is that I am physically, mentally,
financially and spiritually disabled due to the unidentified spiritual
callings. I am hoping to find people who can help me resolve my dilemma
and discover why I became a target from unseen shadowy undercurrents in
the community. Why I am still stuck here? Why do I keep getting into
trouble? And where do I go from here?
Over the years, I
have notified many law enforcement agencies, intelligence agencies and
other business professionals about my situation, but the response, at
times, was questionable, scary, threatening and not helpful. I have given
public speeches at the commissioners meetings to address life-threatening
issues. Due to the spiritual handicaps that result in administrative
conflicts, I am unable to follow normal operating procedures. It has been
very challenging to overcome these shadowy forces. If you want to know
more, please review my web site to see public speeches and research
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org
Web Site: https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2
April 6, 2006
Crime and Violence Prevention
Commissioner, Citizens and
This prose will illustrate
strange physical, emotional and spiritual games that exist between local
inhabitants and intelligence agencies. This is where my story began, an
unwanted journey. It has been adapted from my original work.
A secret government
organization received my resume.
The recruitment process
Discussions of intelligence
issues, hostilities and special training came forth.
I stated that the FBI would be
a better fit.
By chance, an Electromagnetic
Engineering position on a naval base appeared thereafter.
It was a government job, low
pay, poor training and fast promotions.
A place where nothing gets
done. Do I need to say more?
Heavenly and shadowy forces
arose during that time.
The physical, mental and
spiritual games would start:
star people,
time travel,
promises of companionship and matrimony
Were the catalyst to start the
spiritual awakening.
Mischievous religious
inferior military and intelligence practices
The Vietnam Veterans' plight
And Extra-terrestrial Intelligence training soon followed.
Eventually, the loving
supportive climate changed to a hostile one.
Warnings of looming crises and
threats transpired.
My new spiritual visitors began
to seize my mind, body and spirit.
You do not belong here and you
are in danger infiltrated my thoughts.
We have an urgent mission for
you entered my mind.
Code name, Firehawk, would be
It was an unidentified
spiritual calling.
So, I embraced it.
My workplace and home front
became spiritually chaotic and hostile.
The unseen influences became
disruptive, death defying and too intense at times.
So I reported medleys to my
boss due to an open door policy custom.
Eventually, I would be
victimized by many.
I would be directed to the
Pentagon’s referral system
Where drug pushing
psychiatrists offered shadowy help
And practiced strange mental
health dogmas.
The mental and spiritual abuse
was sinfully evil.
All I needed was to start an
informal investigation.
And received proper training in
such matters.
Disastrous. I played their
Helpless to escape, I reported
the escapades to the intelligence agency.
The intelligence was too vital
to ignore.
Besides the spiritual pressures
made me vulnerable.
I finish what they started.
My spiritual guides instructed
me to crash and burn.
Messages of KGB, moles,
treason, death and WWIII penetrated my mind.
The merging of the Star of
David and Cross imagery followed.
Helpless to escape, I
sacrificed myself for a just cause
In case the warnings were real.
Voices came. Make sure no one
gets hurt. Help others to help themselves.
Messages of love, trust and
understanding also materialized.
Eventually, I vacationed at a
mental health facility
As the agencies watched.
The heavenly and shadowy forces
rose up against me.
I was naïve, untrained child
of the light.
Dear God, Were there illegal
activities occurring around me?
Were the warnings real or did I
become a pawn in a vicious game?
Was I the target or the town
The cruelty of the spiritual
forces followed me back home.
That is where I returned after
I was fired, hospitalized and abandoned.
The physical, mental and
spiritual backlash from the events
Continued to inflict more pain
and suffering for no godly reason.
I did not escape unscathed.
Years later, the intelligence
Discovered deep moles.
Numerous deaths of secret
agents and disasters occurred.
Terrorism and Iraqi wars became
news items.
Evidence of star people with
spiritual messages of love surfaced.
My own visions became real in
other facets of life.
But my death did not happen as
my visions foretold, sort of.
What other things happen that
were not publicly released still haunt me.
Justice will prevail!
In God, we love and trust.
Based on
Original Works: https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2/spiritual_prose.htm
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org
Web Site: https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2
March 23, 2006
Crime and Violence Prevention
Spiritual Calling for a Young Lady
Commissioner, Citizens and
I will recite prose to
illustrate the unseen physical, emotional and spiritual games that occur
in the community in regards to alien relationships. Some may call it
social intelligence. It has been adapted from my original work.
My deep loneliness, my
mutilated existence, my unknown mission,
And a deep sense of urgency
forced me to a place of hospitality.
I was lost and confused due to
past events.
A waitress would be my savior,
A brief encounter from the
A rescuer of some sort, a
blessing from God,
An unknowing participate of
recovery and healing,
An knowing participate of
mental and spiritual anguish,
A recruit with enough
intelligence and support to assist.
Once Again, the heavenly and
shadowy forces rose up against me.
She would also be effected by
the chaos.
Her aura was warm, loving and
It penetrated my mind, body and
spirit to such extent
That something happened in my
heart and soul.
My soul was peacefully
My mind, body and spirit were
being overpowered by my own desires
And covert spiritual forces.
I was vulnerable during that
God, what is the meaning of
this chaos?
Was she in some sort of danger?
Did I need to stop her from
making a tragic mistake?
Or was I the target?
I just did not know and I was
So, the drama stayed in the
restaurant hoping for more.
It would never come.
I stayed to protect and guide
her as God Commanded.
At least I prayed that God was
using me in an honorable way.
We flirted and admired each
other from near and far.
Mixed messages, confusion and
other complexities were manifesting.
One starts to wonder, Why I was
stuck there and helpless to escape?
During the episode, the
spiritual forces continued to be cruel,
Using shadowy tools to torment
me with senseless thoughts
Of deceptions, misguided love,
false promises and false lies.
Stalking echoed in my mind.
Other dark thoughts appeared
Unspeakable thoughts that
should remained untold.
The emotional and spiritual
rape scarred me for life.
My efforts to find a companion
would be halted.
I did not know why?
So I embrace it in a special
Knowing that there would be
consequences to my actions.
I notified the civilians,
intelligence and law enforcement community,
Across the United States to
bring some light to the situation,
To safeguard life and protect
others from the unseen heavenly and shadowy forces,
Before something tragic
happened that I would regret for the rest of my life.
I was vulnerable.
God, What was your strategy
behind this liaison!
For I was unable to talk at
times, unable to express myself and unable to walk away.
For me, it was emotional and
spiritual terrorism
With a glimpse of unconditional
But I felt the compassion and
love from her.
Or was it an illusion?
The physical, emotional and
spiritual trauma would last a lifetime.
I can not blame her because I
knew better than that.
I will bring the heavenly and
shadowy forces to the light.
God will be my protector and my
defender in such matter.
Justice will prevail.
Dear God my spirit and emotions
must be divinely healed.
I did not escape unscathed.
The cruelty of the universe
severely injured my spirit.
My spirit cries out for healing
and justice.
Based on
Original Works: https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2/spiritual_prose.htm
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org
Web Site: https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2
February 23, 2006
Crime and Violence Prevention
Courthouse of God
Commissioners, Citizens and
Let us get personal again. I
will recite prose about my spiritual journey and related courthouse issues
that other trusting people may encounter. It has been adapted from the
original works.
Upon instructions of the
spiritual representatives,
I entered the courthouse where
the Ten Commandments resided.
A new identity was
The following reasons were
Protection from unseen
Permission for me to play a
politically dangerous game,
To collect and gather
Helpless to refuse;
So, I embraced it.
I attended the Courthouse
regularly as spiritually commanded.
A place of sanctuary from the
heavenly and shadowy battles,
A place to cleanse my body,
mind and spirit,
A place of powerful support,
A place of law and justice,
A place that would protect and
A command center of some sort,
God's chosen place for me, if I
was not a threat to the internal forces within.
Over the years, I observed,
listened and educated myself.
The procedures of law and order
nurtured my spirit.
The embodiment of civil and
criminal charges made me a stronger person.
The commissioner's order of
business was nurturing and enlightening.
A stronger sense of right and
wrong developed.
God, It was really scary.
Even though, these were
honorable, moral and ethical people,
Beware of the shadowy forces
whose intent is dishonorable echoed in my mind.
Walked softly and carefully.
I was a loner in the
courthouse, a potential target.
Afraid to talk and muted due to
the spiritual threats and attacks.
Do not incriminate yourself
echoed in my mind.
Even though you are guiltless,
the shadowy forces will say otherwise.
Greed, ambition, false
accusations, fears, discrimination and hostilities can transpire.
I lacked the education and
maturity in such matters.
I wanted to appear normal, even
if past events mutilated my being.
The heavenly and shadowy force
arose again,
Forcing me to write letters and
to role-play with Judges, Detectives and Commissioners.
Forcing me to do things, I
normally did not do.
Forcing me to work in a new
reality, a reality that embodied a new spirituality.
Such coercion was the first
warning sign of danger.
So, I embraced it, hoping there
was an honorable reason for this madness.
My existence, my belief system,
actions and social skills were being questioned.
Would I be treated and
respected without any thoughts of evil intent?
Would the judges and security
use their procedures, policies and laws against me?
Entrapment echoed in my mind.
Unseen physical, mental and
spiritual forces were instrumental
Of such acts of evil.
Would my rights for freedom of
speech and U.S. citizenship be violated?
Would my rights for reporting
unusual activities be violated?
Would I become a political
target or charitable gift to the mental health professionals?
Would I become a sacrificial
So I embrace it in a special
Knowing that there would be
consequence to my actions.
I notified the civilians,
intelligence and law enforcement community,
Across the United States to
bring some light to the situation,
To safeguard life and protect
others from the unseen heavenly and shadowy forces,
Before something tragic
happened that I would regret for the rest of my life.
I was vulnerable.
God protect and guide me.
Was the new identity necessary?
Were the physical, mental and
spiritual games necessary?
Was I there to help others?
Was I there to escape heavenly
and shadowy forces?
Was I the target?
I did not know, I just did not
It was in God's hands.
For the spiritual community
wanted justice in such matters.
I was the chosen one to deliver
a message.
Injustices will not be
Justice! God's Justice will
Based on
Original Works: https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2/spiritual_prose.htm
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org
Web Site: https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2
January 26, 2006
Crime and Violence Prevention
of God
Commissioners, Citizens and
Now I get personal. I will
recite prose to illustrate the community covert games. The subject matter
may be disturbing, but educational. Due to the mental health, religious,
legal and law enforcement community’s darkness, presenting this stuff
could be dangerous to my well being. It has been adapted from the original
A fierce spiritual calling
seized my mind, body and spirit.
Unrelenting heavenly and
shadowy forces nipped at my feet.
The spiritual forces instructed
me to enter dark dimensions.
Eventually I ended up on God's
doorstep, a house of worship.
The Pastor's blessed hands
entered the holy water
And anointed my mind, body and
Words from the bible came
A white light flowed from the
Bathed my body, mind and
As requested, I returned to the
sanctuary that lasted for years.
The heavenly and shadowy forces
plagued me within the holy place.
Christ, darkness and/or
illusions of Christ stormed from the heavens.
The darkness refused to
surrender without a battle.
And fused with me, inflicting
me with the wounds of Christ.
A spare pierced my torso from
the lower right side to the upper left side,
Spikes penetrated the palm of
my hands,
The wreath of thorns besieged
my skull.
I suffered the bruising and
beatings of Christ.
I remain calm, cool and
collected even though I was scared.
God knows I was scared,
helpless to escape.
So I embraced it!
Theology of Christianity as
well as Judaism was illuminated.
The similarities were
frightfully enlightening.
I heard stories of practices of
hate and discrimination due to dogma.
The theology contained the same
truths, but stated in a different manner.
They were both honorable if not
twisted or perverted.
The process continued to break
me down.
Heavenly and shadowy forces
The home front was a
battlefield due to my Jewry.
It was a spiritual thrashing
that I would never forget,
But I was being assaulted from
all sides. So, it did not really matter anymore.
It was in God's hands.
So I embrace it in a special
Knowing that there would be
consequences to my actions.
I notified the civilians,
intelligence and law enforcement community,
Across the United States to
bring some light to the situation,
To safeguard life and protect
others from the unseen heavenly and shadowy forces,
Before something tragic
happened that I would regret for the rest of my life.
I was vulnerable.
Manifestation of spiritual
illusion and lies continued to haunt me.
Heavenly and shadowy forces
skilled to exploit the numerous theologies
Tried to scare, confuse,
destroy, murder, manipulate and brainwash me.
The Messiah, Antichrist and
other theologies resonated in my mind.
Misplaced guilt, a guilt that
snuffs the light, filled my mind.
Why God, do you allow these
games to exist?
Your will is a mystery to
everyone concern.
Cruel intentions of the
spiritual forces emanated.
Why God, do you permit such
evil to occur?
Was the transformation a divine
scheme or something dark?
The physical, mental and
spiritual rape of an innocent is an unnecessary evil.
I want no part of this madness.
I demand justice in such
Looking back, I ask myself what
it was all about.
Why I was forced in and out of
churches and synagogues?
Why I was summoned to other
places, holy as well as unholy?
Why my life was turned upside
down and unnecessarily destroyed?
A vision for special spiritual
support came forth, a County Courthouse.
Dear God, my spirit and
emotions must be divinely healed.
I did not escape unscathed.
The cruelty of the universe
severely injured my spirit.
My spirit cries out for healing
and justice.
Based on
Original Works: https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2/spiritual_prose.htm
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org
Web Site: https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2
January 12, 2006
Crime and Violence Prevention
for Chairman
Commissioners, Citizens and Media:
Please keep in mind, at times, I am confused about many things that
occur in politics, I advocate federal protection and I mean no disrespect
to any Commissioner. I do not understand party politics, the legal
maneuvering, staging of meetings or the physical, mental, financial and
spiritual games that transpire or the egos (psychoses) that are involved.
Throughout my investigation or spiritual calling, I have witnessed the
refusal to support Commissioner Andrew Dinniman
for the Chairman position. He has honorably served as Commissioner for 14
years. His superb experience, oratory skills and expertise would make him
an excellent candidate for the position. He has showed continued support
for the Commissioners in every administration regardless of party
affiliation. His profound effect on the future of Chester County, its
citizens and each Commissioner has been inspirational.
Why the lack of support? Echoes in my puzzled mind. A person of great
character should be able to rise above party politics to allow fairness
and justice to materialize. His views are similar to your views except for
his party affiliations. Critics may say that covert discrimination;
background irregularities or mean spiritedness holds him back. In my view,
the only crime that inhibits him is his choice of party affiliation.
Since you were beginning your term, I do not blame you for rejecting
him for Chairman in the previous years. In reality, past administrations
should have given him an opportunity to serve. Perhaps, if any Republican
shows support for him as Chairman, the consequences would result in
political suicide, financial ruin and destruction in their careers.
We all should be working together. Party politics should not influence
our decisions to do what is right and just. Besides, the Republican Party
will still be the ruling body because Commissioner Andrew Dinniman is the minority vote here in so many ways. At
times, I am uneasy with his decisions as well as your thoughts on things,
but through proper divine channels everyone can keep him well regulated.
So when you decide to choose, please search your heart and do the right
thing free of any coercion. Let us recognized Andrew Dinniman for his honorable service in Chester County by
electing him as chairman.
May the truth and light be with you.
May the truth set you free.
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org
Web Site: https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2