Counterintelligence: Crime And Violence Prevention

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March 13, 2008

Civil Liberties and Mental Health

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention


Commissions and Citizens:


Let us speak openly about physical, mental and spiritual illusions, delusions and thoughts that may threaten a person’s civil liberties. By presenting such thoughts can result in physical mental and spiritual retaliation. How do we protect our civil liberties and mental health by reporting such intrusions so that we do not become an enemy of the state?


How do we report without evidence the following overpowering dark subjects to the proper authorities without being declared mentally incompetent, crazy, unstable, a security threat or a potential criminal due to its physical, mental and spiritual nature?


My Community, government or media is targeting or sacrificing unknowing citizens for greed, selfish ambition, hidden agendas, frivolous lawsuits and political payoffs.

Impersonating a law enforcement officer such as FBI or CIA Agent.

Impersonating a mentally disturb military or law enforcement veteran.

Promoting improper military training or orders that results in illegal activities.

Presenting the assassin, terrorist and treason scenarios.

Promoting Anti-Semitism, Conversions, Occults and Religious Warfare

Being overpowered by Special interest, Anti-American and hate groups for the purpose of recruitment, premeditated attacks and illegal activities.

Forcing a person to become a loner, playboy, romantic male and street person.

Coercing that results in stalking, pregnancy and dating or marital violence.

Promoting Hollywood Liberalism and unwanted sexual preferences targeting or recruiting.

Inciting false emergencies, crimes, victimization or rescues.

Promoting threats of long term psychiatric care if I say anything.

Impeding your ability to express your thoughts, talk, write, work or celebrate life.

Forcing verbal and written communications for unknown purposes.

Instigating drug addiction, alcoholism, moodiness, anxiety and eating disorders.

Forcing suicide conditions around you while trying to murder or posses you?

Creating amnesia conditions or I do not remember scenario.


It is ashamed that individuals are becoming community stooges. Let us investigate, bring in backup, observe the community’s behavior, create surveys and find solutions when these physical, mental and spiritual subjects become life threatening regardless if it is a real, imaginary or a spiritual threat. How would you protect your civil liberties and mental health against the above physical, mental and spiritual harassment/torture conditions?


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2


February 26, 2008

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Civil Liberties and Gun Laws


Commissioners, Media and Citizens:


Let us speak freely about Civil Liberties, Gun Laws and related issues. Gun laws are necessary evils to preserve lives, basic human rights and freedoms that we take for granted. I do not advocate guns violence, violence of any kind or other criminal methodology.


Guns should be banned:


When our citizens/employees feel safe to report physical, mental and spiritual issues to the authorities without feeling like a paranoid schizophrenic and a law enforcement target; And without fear of being fired, thrown on the street, reassigned or treated like trash.


When we can ask for protection free of abuses to safeguard against mental health, legal and occupational abuses.


When people offer proper protection, immediate help and answers without feeling that we need to spend beyond our resources to hire others to do the dirty work.


When a person can ask for federal and personal protection without being fearful of retaliation from law enforcement, communities, mental health tradecraft, media, religions and spiritual entities; or being declared mentally incompetent, a security threat, a whistle blower, not a team player and a target.


When religions and other forces do not force people physically, mentally or spiritually into their theology as they sabotage your existence.


When undercover agents can walk any street safely when their cover is blown.


When we do not feel like that we are living in a foreign country that specializes in persecution of its citizens by using security checkpoints to control the masses.


When someone can say thank you, give proper credit to others and show sincere love.


When a person comes to the courthouse, gets stuck, asks for help and does not have to attend for years to get healthy support/mentoring free of charge without threats and procure helpful answers to the meaning of the nonsense.


These accounts are cold hard realities. We have problems. Guns do not solve the problem, but what other options do we have for protecting our basic democratic freedoms free of physical, mental, financial and spiritual abuse. By offering Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention advice, I hope to phase out the need for guns.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2


January 31, 2008

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Civil Liberties and Security Measures


Commissioners, Media and Citizens:

For those who do not know me, I am Alan Scott. I want to discuss Civil Liberties and the new security measures in the building that require citizens to remove layers of clothing. I missed the memo. Through Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention, I will present physical, mental and spiritual intelligence to address my concerns. First, I want to apologize for anything that may disturb you and ask forgiveness for opening my mouth in such matters; I want to avoid any security over-reaction.

I never thought that I would be discussing Civil Liberties, our natural freedoms and freedom of speech upon my return. I planned to stay in the shadows, but I feel humiliated, resentful and mentally disturbed about being forced to remove layers of clothing at the security checkpoints. It reminds me of being physically, mentally and spiritually violated and strip searched for no apparent reason. I am no more of criminal threat than the employees in the government. It is not wonderful feeling when a citizen becomes a target for a crime that he/she did not commit, a pawn or a security threat due to questionable business practices or unseen spiritual games.

To force people to remove layers of clothing such as jackets for the purpose of checking unwanted paraphernalia is an over kill in my opinion. That process tells me that security has problems with their state of the art technology and security methods. A qualified person should be skilled enough with their wand to detect unwanted merchandize without violating our civil liberties of keeping our clothing on.

The questions that need to be addressed are the following: What messages are we sending to our citizens? Let us not murder our basic freedoms or violate our civil liberties to such an extent where we implementing Martial Laws or violating basic human rights.

I understand that security is important, I understand that we are at war with domestic and foreign enemies but how much paranoia is appropriate to the situation?

I urge everyone to reexamine security protocols, voice their opinion and make the appropriate changes to welcome our public citizens to the courthouse in a welcoming manner free of degradation.

It may help to have a sign saying " Do not take it personally. We are only following orders. We are not held responsible for physical, mental and spiritual issues that may arise."

Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2


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Warning: Please investigate policies and procedures, laws and regulations and history of the organization. If you become suspicious or threatened, find help elsewhere. Guard against questionable practices, carelessness, negligence, criminal activities, off the record conduct, biases, misinformation, re-victimization, misguidance and misdirection when seeking assistance. Know your individual rights, the right to collect information on any subject matter and the right to use other resources, if necessary. Check your instincts from time to time. Proper help is not always available. As a result, other healthy socially accepted methods must be established. Know when to request professional backup for protection.


Alan Scott
Copyright © 1999 [Alan Scott's Research]. All rights reserved.
Revised: March 21, 2014 .


E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org


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