September 22,
Crime and Violence Prevention
Rosh Hashanah
and Yom Kippur
Citizens and Media:
I am Alan
Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence
As a cultural
exchange and in the traditions of the Jewish Holidays, Rosh Hashanah and
Yom Kippur, we ask for forgiveness and atonement for our sins
committed against God, others and things that are beyond our understanding
in the name of religion, spiritual ideologies, ignorance, fears,
questionable practices, political agendas or personal views. Our tradition
tells us that if one sins we should act like we all have sinned by using
we instead of I. We should ask for forgiveness and apologize for anything
that annoyed others. Finally, We hope that we are forgiven and blessed.
Let us begin.
We apologize for anything
we have done, not done or said over the years that may offended you,
confused you, hurt you, forced you to hide the truth, prevented you
from properly helping and suppressed you from addressing physical,
mental and spiritual issues. |
We ask God to free us from
physical, mental, financial and spiritual bondage, slavery, ignorance,
weaknesses, misplaced guilt and fears that one may have lived through. |
We ask God to free us from
the hatred, the loathing, the name-calling, the helplessness and the
confusion that we feel against religions, politics, individuals,
spiritual entities or any organizations that suppresses our true
nature, our connection with God and causes us to sin. |
We ask God to make us more
compassionate, healthier and stronger so we can help others to build a
productive life and heal our nation. |
We ask God to protect us,
guide us and surround us with the light. |
We are sorry for the sins
committed against others, the disturbances that forced us to act and
the extra work that resulted. |
We are sorry for any
physical, mental, financial and spiritual transgressions that exploded
over the years. We were confused, scared, wounded and traumatized due
to the physical, mental, financial and spiritual hostilities that
surrounded us. Thank you for helping others to the best of your
ability. With your patience, special actions, prayers and
multi-dimensional connections, we have somewhat stabilized the
environment. |
We are so sorry. |
As for the
Counterintelligence briefings, It was a necessary evil to bring spiritual
awareness, extra support and special attention to shadowy issues in the
community. For that, we are sorry.
Dear God,
protect and heal our leaders, our nation and our citizens physically,
mentally, financially and spiritually. Give us supportive friends, fill us
up with humor, provide us with an honest living and help us grow in a
healthy way. We are sorry for everything. Because of who we are and who we
are becoming, trouble engulfs us. Only through you, we can be saved.
I am sorry. We
need your help. Amen.
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
Web Site:
August 6, 2009
Crime and Violence Prevention
and Mold Me, But Do It with Integrity
Citizens and Media:
I am Alan
Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence
Due to the
unemployment uprising, let us take this opportunity to discuss the
illusion of grandeur, delusions and deceptive practices in recruiting and
things that an employer does not what to hear. With Counterintelligence:
Crime and Violence Prevention, we can create a culture that builds you up
and not tear you down because it is entertaining.
Why do we tell
staff to find people with excellent verbal, written, social and
professional skills? Due to the coercion, people will overstate their
skills in a deluding and artful way. No one can be perfect day to day. We
are not living in reality. Sometimes, I am just clueless to things I can
do, not do and the undiscovered gifts that I possess.
People need to
be trained, shaped, molded and done with integrity. Do not force me to
lie, cheat, steal, con, defraud others and act as a criminal to get ahead.
Personally, I have above average skills but I also know that I have
shortcomings that may surface depending upon the physical, mental and
spiritual environment of the person whom I am engaging. I found that
acquiring advance skills is a life long process, no one is perfect and
things go awry. That is reality. So, let us check our moral compass from
time to time.
Let us
investigate ways to improve protocols when seeking out people. People with
special self-esteem issues may surprisingly outperform our best and
brightest people. We can examine, evaluate and investigate the recruit
without subjugating a person to overstate their qualifications. With
proper management skills, we can teach a person to fit into the culture
and succeed. With bad management, we can destroy careers and ruin lives in
the process.
We hire people
to solve our problems, but then we find ways to screw people over instead
of lending a helping hand. Due to management deficiencies, we improperly
manage, support or train people. We say stuff unjustly like "You are
a failure". We violate ethical teachings and we expect others to
follow blindly. I have seen people with impressive backgrounds only to
fall short of everyone’s unrealistic expectations.
prospective employer and community, I am not perfect, I do not have
excellent verbal, written, social and professional skills, I do not know
everything but I am good at what I do. I will fail at some point only to
achieve success in other things. If you want me as part of your team with
all of my physical, mental, financial and spiritual disabilities and
delusions, give me a fair chance to prove myself and treat me with
respect. I will surprise you.
Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention, we can recognize facts
from fiction. So when undue influences degrade you unjustly without proper
facts and evidence, we can tell them they are full of it while we network
with law enforcement, lawyers and mental health experts for protection
against physical, mental, financial and spiritual mistreatment.
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
Web Site:
August 4, 2009
Crime and Violence Prevention
You Think You Are In Trouble
Citizens and Media:
I am Alan
Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence
So you think
you are in trouble. What do you do? Law enforcement tells us that we
should report all suspicious activities. Lawyers tell us that we should
not talk to the police or anyone without an attorney. Criminals tell us to
keep your mouth shut or else. Media rendering of law enforcement threatens
people. Psychiatrists are pushing prescription drugs to solve all your
problems in the first half-hour. Religious groups tell us if you walk with
us, you will be saved.
When you
approach people with a problem, satanic things are happening that makes
you feel scared, confused and unwanted. They use questionable verbiage
like what do you want us to do about it? Go see a mental health
professional, get a lawyer, do drugs, it is not my jurisdiction or ask me
if I give a Blank. There are shadowy games in our community that
interferes with crime and violence prevention. How do you report
suspicious physical, mental and spiritual activities and community
weirdness without being victimized, re-victimized or targeted?
We are going to
need a Critical Incident Stress Management team before approaching anyone.
The team would offer psychological protection for reporting suspicious
activities in a way that would prevent trauma when people are insensitive,
shadowy, verbally abusive, ignorant, stressed, informing (snitching) and
silent due to legal risks. Hopefully, we can eliminate the need to ask for
federal protection when we approach citizens on complex and unusual
Intervention is a physical, mental and spiritual first aid that uses
special methods to help the individual. George S. Everly’s and Jeffrey
T. Mitchell’s CISM goals are to stabilize the situation, acknowledged
the crisis, facilitate understanding, encourage adaptive coping and
restore independence. After the intervention, psychotherapy may be
required to encourage communications to aid in personal growth, behavioral
change and healing, if done correctly.
The process for
reporting suspicious activities can leave you with a bitter taste. It can
be traumatic, dangerous, stressful, incomplete and uneventful. Undue
influences can create physical, mental, financial and spiritual chaos in
your environment that can cause poor and incoherent communications. So,
after talking with our circle of friends, we can have a CISM specialist
and psychotherapist to defuse the situation. After all, we want to create
a community where citizens feel comfortable coming to us for advice, help,
support and sharing intelligence, even if it is alien. We also must
prevent citizens from transferring their issues on the person asking for
help. We need to make sure that any communications such as e-mails,
letters, phone calls, public speaking and physical contact is not
perceived as a criminal act or a reason to violate rights. Let us create
safeguards to prevent such problems. Funding may prove difficult.
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
Web Site:
July 9, 2009
Crime and Violence Prevention
to Influence People and Win Friends
Citizens and Media:
I am Alan
Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence
For some
reason, we live in a world where friendships, business dealings and
relationships can be quite challenging. Things seemed to break down. You
find yourself: alone, talking with law enforcement, behind bars, target of
a probe, visiting a mental health specialist or encountering weird
undercurrents. You just do not understand why or what is happening in your
community? With Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention, we can
make sure our friends are physically, mentally, spiritually and
financially healthy for us. From the book, How to Win friends and
Influence People by Dale Carnegie, here are some guidelines.
criticize, condemn or complain. Give honest appreciation. Arouse desire
and develop a sincere interest in others. Be a Good Listener. Smile.
Encourage individuals to talk about themselves. Honestly, make the person
feel important.
For leading,
managing and changing people’s attitude and behavior without creating
chaos: Indirectly, call attention to people's mistakes. Ask questions
instead of giving direct orders. Let the other person keep their
integrity. Praise small and all improvements. Make any mistake seem easy
to correct. Make the other person glad that they did your suggestions.
For persuading
people to think like you, here are some tricks. Start in a friendly way.
The best way to win an argument is to avoid it. Show respect for the
other's opinion. Never say you are wrong. Let the other person do the
talking. Allow the person to believe that the idea is theirs. Appeal to
their goodness. Dramatize your ideas.
Finally, let me
share my personal thoughts. Guard your tongue against evil and your lips
from speaking guile. Be yourself. Always improve yourself and strive for
success in a healthy way. When you have done everything in your power to
create a healthy relationship and things seems to go awry, listen to God.
Leave everything in God’s hands. Ask God to send you healthy friends.
Request law enforcement and community backup when you find yourself alone,
abandoned and threatened physically, mentally, spiritually or financially
for reasons unclear. God and his spiritual task force may have other plans
for you, your friends and related activities. Finally, when time is short
and all else fails, forget the nonsense, give orders and take control of
the situation because the negotiation is over.
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
Web Site:
July 7, 2009
Crime and Violence Prevention
of Former Intelligence Officers
Citizens and Media:
I am Alan
Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence
We live in a
society full of political turmoil, criminal activities, legal games,
religious battles, spiritual abuses, mental health violence, military
stresses and dangerous undercurrents that threaten to undermine the
sanctity and sanity of the United States and its citizens. Through
Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention, we can look for
organizations that can protect our physical, mental, financial and
spiritual health in ways that can fight the deterioration of our society.
Today, I would
like to talk to you about Association of Former Intelligence Officers,
also known as AFIO. AFIO is a non-profit, non-political tax-exempt
educational association, incorporated in Virginia in 1975. AFIO focus is
on educating and fostering understanding of the importance of U.S.
Intelligence in historic, current and future matters. AFIO consist of
distinguished and ordinary people, inside and outside of government, who
have participated in historic events, leadership roles and other things.
AFIO promotes community outreach, prepares programs, produces
publications, conducts conferences and provides media support, networking
and mentoring that focuses on Intelligence, counterintelligence, security
issues and other related events.
AFIO offers a
body of knowledge and resources that allows an individual to build
protective layer of Intelligence and counterintelligence to balance
public, private, criminal, religious, military and media discourse on
numerous physical, mental, financial and spiritual subjects. AFIO promotes
values of patriotism, excellence, integrity, dedication and loyalty
towards the advancement and defense of vital interest and security of the
country, its citizens and its allies. It also engages intellectual,
political, business and community leaders and the general public by
sharing information about intelligence related to current affairs,
security issues, potential threats and shadowy undercurrents. More
information can be found at
or contact me.
As with all
organizations, an individual may encounter creative executive,
organizational, management, personnel, financial and security problems
that may cause discourse among the organizational body and its members.
With Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention, we can all
explore AFIO as well as other organizations in a safe and secure way
physically, mentally, financially and spiritually. AFIO offers an
excellent way of preserving our freedoms, protecting us from unhealthy
influences and educating us in ways that provides balance in our lives as
well as our community. We can learn many lessons from AFIO so we can
become better citizens and a healthier community.
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
Web Site:
June 24, 2009
Crime and Violence Prevention
Bill of Rights by Anonymous
Citizens and Media:
I am Alan
Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence
With the
ongoing physical, mental, spiritual and financial violence in the world, I
wanted to present an adapted version of Personal Bill of Rights that was
created by a brave anonymous individual who probably embraced life, but
ended up in a life-threatening situation. No one should be mistreated
physically, emotionally, financially or spiritually. Here are important
thoughts that we should incorporate into our daily lives.
Life should have choices
beyond survival mode. No one should have to live in a hostile,
oppressed and threatening environment. |
You have the right to say
"No" if you are feeling unsafe or insecure. |
You have the right to take
care of yourself first, defend yourself and make decisions for
yourself. |
Life should be motivated by
God, love, fun, courage and happiness; not by fears, shadowy
practices, illusions or threats of any kind. |
You have the right to
express your emotional and spiritual thoughts, needs and wants. |
No one should ever be
subjected to spiritual or psychological games, unrealistic negativity,
misplaced guilt or other forms of abuse. |
You are free to make
mistakes, to learn, to change and to grow without feeling threatened,
inadequate, harassed, embarrassed and/or vulnerable. |
You have the right to be
yourself without legal and mental health threats. |
You have the right to
terminate any conversation that becomes overwhelming, threatening,
psychologically abusive or spiritually harmful. |
You have the right to be
successful and better than those around you. In other words, achieving
physical, mental, spiritual and financial health should be top
priority. |
It is okay to set limits,
reward oneself and be selfish. |
Being irate at someone you
love is okay as long as it remains within healthy limits. |
When you are emotionally
upset, there is no need to smile. A good friend will understand. |
You have the right to ask
questions free from physical, mental and spiritual intimidation. |
You have the right to treat
others with love, courtesy, sensitivity, respect and dignity. |
You have the right to
embrace your own spirituality and pray to God of your choice. |
You have the right to
prevent crime and violence of any kind in any form. |
It is okay to be relaxed,
playful and fun. |
Finally, No one
has the right to deprive any person of life, liberty, or property through
physical, mental, financial and spiritual coercion without due process of
law or equal protection of the laws. You have a right to take a course of
action in a healthy socially accepted way to preserve your physical,
mental, financial and spiritual well being.
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
Web Site:
June 9, 2009
Crime and Violence Prevention
Speaking Intelligence
Citizens and Media:
I am Alan
Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence
I used to be a
person who had difficulty speaking (still do). I was shy, awkward,
verbally challenged and fearful of people (still am). I had many physical,
mental and spiritual voices trying to influence me (still do). It has
always been hard for me to communicate, speak freely or without thinking.
As a youth in the seventies, I participated in speech therapy programs
including a West Chester University summer program where an aspiring young
math teacher magically helped me to speak better.
Eventually as
an adult, I would become a member of Toastmasters, a non-profit
organization that teaches leadership, communication and organizational
skills for those individuals who want to improve themselves. The program
teaches the importance of public speaking, speech preparation, body
language, a good speaking voice, word selection, quality information,
inspiration and public relations. It made me a better speaker and a better
Due to my
physical, mental, social and spiritual disabilities, I prefer to prepare a
speech before hand so I avoid giving a presentation full of fragments,
disjointed thoughts and verbal mistakes caused by unseen physical, mental
and spiritual influences. As a result of my planning, I hope that my
presentations are understood and well liked.
For those who
utilize different speaking styles and formats, I realize that a person may
need to address issues without preparation. I admire all speakers who have
the courage to speak up any way they can. Everyone should be treated with
respect, heard with sincerity and treated equally. The Commissioners
accomplish the above tasks brilliantly. The Commissioners & Sunshine
meetings are designed to allow people to address real concerns and allow
organizational transparency.
Since we are broadcasting the
meetings, I thought it would be fun to discuss public speaking. Here is a
fun fact: When giving a speech it is important to include a strong
opening, a coherent body and a skillful conclusion. The Toastmasters club
is a great resource to develop leaderships and communication skills while
fostering self-confidence and personal growth in a supportive environment.
I urge everyone to read books, search the internet or participate in
public speaking programs so we make a good impression to our constituents.
Do not be afraid to express yourself or improve upon your skills.
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
Web Site:
June 11, 2009
Crime and Violence Prevention
Citizens and Media:
I am Alan
Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence
Due to the
political, media and public attacks, I am concern with the witch hunts,
communism, socialism and fascism hysteria that is happening in our
communities. The Declaration of the Independence and the United States
Constitution protects our rights and preserves our country from such
things. There are groups who are using reckless talk, hateful speech and
questionable methods to create a hostile environment against people with
different views, political backgrounds, religious practices, law
enforcement slants and beliefs. They use shadowy words like socialism,
communism and Anti-Americanism to describe the current affairs of the
nation and its people unfairly.
It brings me
back to the horrible memories of civil rights abuses and beyond. As I grew
up in Chester County, academia taught me that McCarthyism created a world
of hate to discredit unwanted people and the Salem Witch-Hunts attacked
innocent people due to religious and political madness. Also, they taught
that the American Indians were vilified due to abusive propaganda, that
Jews were discriminated against by elitist, that Afro-Americans suffered
great hardships at the hands of narrow-minded people and finally, that the
Vietnam Vets were treated as enemies as they returned home. Never again
should we follow the crowd and allow such things to happen.
Why is this
rhetoric rearing its ugly head? Is it a physical, mental, financial or
spiritual form of subtle discrimination against undesirables?
As a Chester
County Citizen, I am fearful that such dangerous dialogue may lead us down
a shadowy road that threatens our physical, mental, financial and
spiritual freedoms in our community.
I was always
raised to speak the truth, treat people with respect, find solutions, lead
by example, avoid false accusations and help others to the best of our
abilities. We should act responsibly and support each other in a civilized
manner. We should just agree to disagree.
We live in a
world of ignorance, wickedness, fear, criminality, misguidance,
questionable practices, bias and hatred that can create a hostile
environment towards sex, race, color, beliefs, ethnicity, occupations,
ancestry, spirituality, mental health and disabilities. We need to prevent
dangerous political propaganda, media attacks and public abuses from
spreading. We need to stop any form of physical, mental, financial and
spiritual terrorism. We must protect our rights and request backup when
needed. I am seriously concerned with the reckless campaigning against
voters. Now is the time to speak out against such atrocities.
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
Web Site:
May 26, 2009
Crime and Violence Prevention
Commissioners, Citizens and Media:
I am Alan Scott, an ordinary citizen engaged in
Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention.
When you find yourself in a compromising position,
forced into unknown situations, attacked from the right and the left,
attacked from above and below, surrounded by dangerous undercurrents,
stuck and alone in everything you do. It is time to use the community
outreach programs to its fullest. With Counterintelligence: Crime and
Violence Prevention, we can make sure that the community outreach programs
operate with honor and integrity while providing proper support, avenues
and information in a physically, mentally, financially and spiritually
challenged environment.
The community outreach programs are designed to share
information, network, mentor and provide help to anyone that requires
special attention. Community outreach may assist others when your
community turns against you, assistance is fleeting, criminal activity is
out of control and people are afraid to speak up and act in a responsible
way. Outreach programs work closely with federal, state and local
governments, academic institutions and the business community to connect
people and heal old wounds.
Each entity offers their own interpretation to the
meaning of outreach and brand of justice. The FBI, NSA, CIA, Homeland
Security and Justice Department are various government agencies that offer
community outreach at all levels of service and non-service. If a person
does not like government involvement, there are local entities that offer
non-governmental outreach with their own missions and objectives. If they
like you and you are not a threat to their well being, they may provide
proper support.
If you are scared to death, your health is threatened and employment
outlook seems bad due to your encounter with the unknown, then find the
outreach program that best addresses your needs. If you have made
political, social, criminal and religious enemies along the way and the
world seems against you, please contact the ones that can work closely
with you.
Please remember. There is nothing wrong in reaching out
to these agencies, organizations or people. There are entities that use
stalking and harassment, mental health, law enforcement, and media threats
to prevent people from contacting (bothering) agencies or people with
written or verbal communications. Other tools of the trade include blowing
people off, silence, dumping it on somebody else’s doorstep, providing
unhelpful mentoring, questionable assistance or following orders of the
powers to be. With Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention, we
can avoid becoming traumatized by unjustified hostile reactions from
networking, approaching people and communicating with others, physically,
mentally, financially and spiritually. My favorite outreach resources are
the FBI, NSA and Chester County Courthouse. They offer a body of community
knowledge that can build confidence in a person and ones surroundings. Let
us take collective responsibility for our community actions.
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
Web Site:
May 12, 2009
Crime and Violence Prevention
Commissioners, Citizens and Media:
I am Alan Scott. I am an ordinary citizen engaged in
Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention.
Being influenced by many amazing cultures over the years, I wanted to
broaden my community’s social horizons. With Counterintelligence: Crime
and Violence Prevention, we can safely explore other cultures that we
would normally overlook.
Recently, I discovered a program on Comcast Cable On Demand called
Shalom TV. It is the first American TV national Jewish Cable Network
covering the entire spectrum of Jewish Culture. It is independent of any
specific Jewish movement or organization. Their programs explain the
meaning of being Jewish, the importance of the Torah and Jewish Identity.
It also discusses political, theological, ethical and social issues in the
Jewish Community as well as the Non-Jewish Community. It helps reveal the
proper truths in Judaism.
Shalom TV is a company operated by individuals committed to Jewish
life, the State of Israel, and the future of the Jewish people. The
network's president and CEO, Rabbi Mark S. Golub, has been involved in
Jewish media for 40 years and successfully created the first
Russian-language channel for Jews from the former Soviet Union. The
website can be found at:
After my unique exposure to Christianity, Judaism, Anti-Semitism,
Spirituality, media slants and unusual community activities, I found
Shalom TV to be refreshing physically, mentally and spiritually.
I am taking this opportunity to share this intelligence to enlighten
others to the challenges in society that may confront the individual’s
physical, mental, financial and spiritual well being. Keep in mind that I
have my own interpretations on ideological issues, spiritual
interpretation and security matters that may inspire others in unknown
ways. With proper education, counterintelligence and executive protection,
we can avoid becoming traumatized by overwhelming religious, social,
political and cultural issues. Sometimes, our own views can have
unintentional consequences on others without realizing it. Shalom TV is
great free service in creating a supportive, loving and peaceful
Alan Scott’s
Crime and Violence Prevention
Web Site: