Counterintelligence: Crime And Violence Prevention

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June 23, 2010


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

A Warm Thank You


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention.


It is a great honor over the years to know this administration as well as past administrations, work with you, learn from you and watch you dedicate your lives to serving Chester County. There are so many responsibilities that it takes great skill and courage to solve everyone's problems, protect our community, manage our resources and create a healthy community.  What we do not see is what happens behind the scene? A lot of hard work, solving problems, important meetings, skilled negotiations and helping others beyond the call of duty.


For our citizens who have community concerns, the commissioner's meetings are a  great forum to address issues, give speeches, meet people and learn about the wonderful things that Chester County offers. It is a friendly and hospitable for all those who need a safe haven to address their needs.  Be fearless, come to the meetings and share  your thoughts with us. The Commissioners will educate you in wonderful ways and help you to the best of their abilities.


Thank you for your service, time, patience and understanding. Thank you for your smiles, handshakes, hospitality and friendly advice. 


I look forward to working with you in the future. Thank you for being kind, generous and supportive. I think everyone is doing a wonderful job under these challenging times. Keep up the good work.


If I can be any assistance, please let me know. I will see if I can help. Some days it is challenging to help others and solve the problems of the universe.


Thank you for serving with honor and integrity.


God bless everyone.


 Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2


June 22, 2010


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Undercover Special Agent


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention.


For legal reasons, let us role play by creating a fictional character to illustrate a point. I am Special Agent Alan Scott of the Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention Division, a deep undercover agent who was spiritually recruited to fight trouble in the community and rescue others from unseen physical, mental, financial and spiritual criminal activities. I did not ask to be selected, but unseen influences forcefully recruited me. As a result, I became a deep undercover agent with no official cover. It is my real life cover story.  Codename Firehawk was born.


Would it be cool if we all could be undercover agents? We would be able to freely express ourselves, rescue people from themselves, execute our original mission from God, safely explore the system as never seen before and see people at their best and worst while exploring our own psychic conflict or spiritual possession. We could see responses to people who are physically, mentally, financially and spiritually challenged, different or vulnerable. We could troubleshoot by exposing problems, malicious behavior, targeting, fears,  entrapments, dirty politics and incompetent communications.


Of course, impersonating a special agent or any law enforcement agent is illegal. Arrests, charges and lawsuits could be filed if there is an actual impersonation and the intent to break the law. An average citizens who encounters trouble cannot hide behind the shield, avoid criminal charges, be protected from the law enforcement shenanigans or avoid public outcry. Ethically and morally you should tell the truth, but it is not always possible due to dangerous community responses such as mental health threats, jail time, character assassinations, career destructions, laughter and public beatings.


The worst part about being an unpaid undercover agent is that you do not receive a pay check, pension, good credentials, rewards or honors at the end of the day. The only thing that you receive is physical, mental, financial and spiritual trauma and cursing from your family, friends, coworkers, employers and spiritual entities who are disgusted at your behavior even though there were real hidden threats. You feel like a loser with a mental illness.


It would be great if we could teach people moral lessons, bring problems to their attention, reveal dirty games and make our citizens more sensitive to others. We could help people without fears of retaliation.  But we live in reality, where we are afraid to help others, change who we are, disclose things or reveal our inner light to the world. Alert law enforcement for your own protection if you need to become an actor to correct things but make sure that they are not hoping for an arrest. Avoid incriminating yourself. There are FBI Special Agent Handbooks that can guide someone in proper behavior in regards to daily activities but it must be legally adapted for civilian use. Hopefully my actions helped others. The jury is still out. It was agonizing, intricate and messed up. Be aware that July is Social Wellness Month, so be kind to others because we are watching.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2


June 17, 2010


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Protecting Security Assets


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention.


Let us talk about protecting local, state and national security assets. Security guidelines can assist you in determining the physical, mental, financial and spiritual health of your workplace, social environment and friendships. An untrained person is vulnerable to covert influences that may take advantage of their innocents, inexperience in reporting things, fear of the unknown and undeveloped communication skills when dealing with well trained people. In a hostile environment, a person may be abused, entrapped, used as a weapon, threatened and wrongfully analyzed. Let us briefly list possible red flags.


Concealed hostile environments or questionable allegiances to the United Stated.

Harmful foreign or domestic influences, ideologies or beliefs.

Unusual personal conduct, spiritual activities and financial aberrations.

Abnormal sexual behavior, alcohol consumption and drug involvement.

Bizarre emotional, mental, personality and spiritual disorders or behaviors.

Criminal conduct, security violations and unhealthy outside activities.

Misuse of information, advanced technologies and weaponry.


In the evaluation process, we examine the person's past, present and future life; the good, the bad and the ugly; and their hostile physical, mental, financial and spiritual environment to make the judgment call for access to superiors, friends, employment and highly classified information: The following factors should be considered in the investigation.


The nature, extent, seriousness, frequency and recency of the conduct.

The circumstances and negligent help surrounding the incident.

The maturity, mindset, mentality and criminality of the individuals encircling the person.

The individual's age, maturity and cooperation at the time of the conduct.

The presence, absence or criminality of  rehabilitation and behavioral modifications.

The motivation and the likelihood of continuation, recurrences or community threats.

The potential for physical, mental and spiritual pressure, coercion, duress or exploitation.


Finally, we must examine if the information was voluntarily reported, the truth was forthcoming and complete in responding to questions, if proper assistance was given, professional guidance was received  and if the incident was resolved in a healthy physical, mental, financial and spiritual way. A lawyer, mental health counselor, executive protection agent or a federal officer may needed to prevent physical, mental, financial and spiritual hostilities from influences who are dirty, scrupulous, political and play physical, mental, financial and spiritual games. Incorporating security guidelines in your life can help  prevent trouble from internal affairs, external pressures and unwanted attention. (Humor) June is National Headache Awareness Month.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2


July 13, 2010


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Star People


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention.


Along my spiritual quest, I became entangled with Star People. They are men, women, children and supernatural beings who soles originate from the stars. Their mission is helping the world through challenging times, personal transformations, historical changes, spiritual awakenings, technological advancements and dangerous undercurrents. They have unique physical, mental and spiritual characteristics that vary from the norm such as spiritual experiences, enhanced intuition and higher divine energies. They have thoughts and ideas that promote optimism, inner peace, enlightenment, love for the environment and saving the world from itself.


Star People may feel alone and isolated in the world due to a deep extraterrestrial yearning. They may be targeted, recruited or victimized by higher souls or earthly spirits because of their celestial light, visionary skills, spiritual gifts and compassion to help others. Obstacles may be placed in their way to prevent them from helping others or revealing shadowy physical, mental, financial and spiritual games.


For protecting Star People as well as earthly natives from terrestrial hostilities, we should incorporate in our lives counterintelligence, crime and violence prevention, spiritual discernment, behavioral science and healthy spiritual training that promotes compassion for others and civility in times of great stresses and turmoil. Star people are protected by the same freedoms that we all possess as American citizens so treat them right.


Star people live among us. They are here to help. But beware of souls, spirits or individuals who might abuse these concepts for profit, gains, shadowy agendas and unhealthy practices. Always test the spirits by using legal, moral and ethical standards. They try to do the right thing, but may become vulnerable to hostile frequencies, chaotic environments and beings that victimize them. They promote love, caring and understanding.


For unknown reasons, I have a strong connection with Star People, perhaps due to a spiritual encounter, astral angelic intervention or a sense that my essence may come from the stars. I am kind, lovable, creative, funny and playful at times. The world love us (hate us) by forcing us through the mental health system, dark corners of the universe, near death experiences, spiritual awakenings and political games. We are flesh and blood like you, so we bleed when viciously attacked. We become lost as we try to shed our unhealthy earthly entanglements, help others and correct things in nature. We try to achieve a harmonious balance with God and the universe. If you are interested in exploring Star People, read the following books The Star People, Star Born, The Fellowship, Indian Wisdom and other wonderful books that deal with aliens among us by Brad and Sherry Hansen Steiger, who are experts in the field. So, here is a thought provoking question. Do Star People exists or is it an illusion created by beings to combat society's misguidance, lies and abuses? You decide. Let us work together to create a better world. May the light and truth set you free.


 Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2


July 15, 2010


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Connecting with Law Enforcement


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention.


For citizens who are seeking assistance, troubled, so-called normal, paranoid, delusional or hallucinating, I wanted to bring attention two awesome website that could help ease their confusion about questionable criminal activities, mental health games or victimization.


One website is the FBI site located at http://www.fbi.gov/ . It gives information across the United States on the following criminal activities: Discriminations, Public Corruption, Organize Crime, Law Enforcement Corruption, Violent Crime, White Collar Crime, Counterterrorism and Cyber Crime. If you want to get daily reports on things that you think is your imagination, sign up for their e-mails, get press releases, news feeds and explore the site. You will be surprised what you discover. When people tell you that you being paranoid or out of your mind, smile and refer them to the FBI website for factual information. Perhaps, the site can build confidence in a person to comfortably report suspicious activities or hallucinations instead of being afraid to say anything due lack of sufficient evidence.


Another useful site is the Secret Service website located at http://www.secretservice.gov/ . 

Our citizens are being exposed to a lot of negativity, shadowy games  and dark thoughts about the President and related issues from upset people, disturbed groups, dark soles, mischievous spirits, potential threats and the media.  The website would help citizens to make sure that they have a healthy mindset and they are expressing themselves within the proper physical, mental, financial and spiritual boundaries. It provides information on protection, facts about the  Secret Service and presents threat assessments studies that profiles every U.S. citizen as a potential threat.  God bless the President, The United States of America and all the past, present, and future presidents. We live in challenging times and we should support the president to the best of our ability within healthy boundaries.


Referring individuals to these websites will educate people, provide proper support and thwart recruitment of others to the dark sides. These sites will give access to facts that others may pervert. It would let people know that they are not alone or isolated in the world and there are people trying to make the community safe.  In addition, by surrounding themselves with successful positive people, honorable friends and awesome ideas will make sure that they remain in the light. Be careful when presenting these recommendations, the response may be hostile depending on your circle of friends. I am tired of all the unseen and seen animosity in the community. Let us be positive in a healthy realistic way.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2


June 15, 2010


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Strangers Among Us


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention.


We live in a community, where there are strangers among us. For our own protection and self preservation, we are taught the following: Do not talk to strangers. Do not reveal information. Always ask questions. Do not trust anyone especially people who promote hate, immorality, false teachings, criminality and improper help.  Do not follow the crowd.


Basically, we are taught to distrust others. So we live in fear of people, professionals from all walks of life and family members. For we do not know when they will turn towards the dark side, lose it or betray us. As a result we feel alone and disconnected from others. The sad part is that it is a necessary evil because there is so much immorality, criminality and dangerous influences around us that we have no choice but to test the spirits. We become prisoners and isolated from the world because of the apprehension. To combat this insanity, we are encourage to apply moral, divine, legal and mental health tools such as security guidelines, spiritual training and ethical codes. We are told to put on the Armor of God for protection, choose our friends wisely and be a good person. But, there are strangers among us who violate these commandments.


So when we gather for special meetings and we are surrounded by family, friends, colleagues, strangers, associates, acquaintances and spirits. We must ask the following questions.

Who are these people that surround us? Why are we connected to each other?

What lesson do we need to learn? Are we here to help others along the way?

Why Am I here? Who Am I? Why are we entangled? What does the universe want?

Do we share a physical, mental, financial and spiritual mission or affliction that stems and bonds us from one generation to another?

Are my physical, mental and spiritual friends trying to get me into trouble?

Is God punishing us, rewarding us or using us as saviors of some sort?


There are strangers among us who are not healthy for us. If these strangers promote getting tattoos, smoking cigarettes, doing drugs, drinking irresponsibly, breaking the law, taking advantage of others, converting others, advocating martyrdom and selling their soles in exchange for money, acceptance and love from our community, family, house of worship, employer or government, then we must avoid being physically, mentally, financially and spiritually entrapped in these dark activities. True friends are those who listen to us, respect us, protect us and help us to be our best. If we are blessed, we can find a true connection (companionship) with others and a light that protect us from the darkness. All I ever wanted was to live happily ever after, achieve the American Dream, find a soul mate, be productive, be connected and create a world full of virtue. Instead, I feel alone, abandoned, crimpled, targeted, rejected, beat up and unable to help. There is something wrong in my community and I do not fit in. Today is the day that I was born to help rescue the world from its transgressions.  June is rebuild your life month. Now is the time to make changes in your life.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2



May 26, 2010


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Slander and Libel


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention.


In the political, business, religious, government, mental health and legal areas, defamation seems to play hand in hand. Slander and libel is a form of communication that makes false claims that physically, mentally, financially and spiritually defame, vilify, mislead or maliciously harm an individual, groups, businesses, products, governments or nations through verbal or written statements, published words and broadcasting.


Basically, a person may say anything that they want to say in any setting without resulting in criminal and civil litigation as long as they observe the following elements. If


Statements are made in a good faith and one had a reasonable belief that they were true.

Opinions, expressions and insults are based on beliefs or emotions that are not facts.

Comments on a matter of public interest is fair, honest and sound.

Remarks were given with consent by the person who disclosed the information.

Comments were innocently (accidently) made without any knowledge that it was harmful.

A  person has such a bad reputation that anything said cannot do any harm.

There is no third party communications, no proof of defamation or the third party believes the statements to be untrue, then there is no injury or recourse.

There is no violation of public disclosure of private facts that is not of public concern.

There are privileges or immunities from defamation due to moral, legal and public responsibilities such as statements from  attorneys, judges, legislature, witnesses, journalists and other parties as long as there is no proof of  malice, for some.


Defamation could be warning signs of criminal activities. Criminals will take things out of context. Avoid giving the full story. Make false statements. Use dangerous ideologies. Take advantage of one's physical, emotional, financial and spiritual desires. Create delusional and hallucinatory atmosphere. Try to overpower a person's sense of right and wrong. Employ their knowledge of law on how to use the defamation defenses to their advantage.  


Due to the dangerous undercurrents in society, we must not fall prey to physical, mental and spiritual communications from influences who maliciously harm others as a common business practice.  It is too easy to take advantage of someone, say things when no one else is around to hear or befriend a third party to say it is not true.  If you find yourself surrounded by unwarranted malicious behavior, defamation, insults and shadowy games, notify the authorities as a precaution to prevent bloodshed. Let us show you how your new found friends play physically, mentally, financially and spiritually with others to stop it. We have enough problems in our community without disrespecting others, destroying confidences, saying disparaging remarks or creating an atmosphere of hate against an individual or entity. To avoid legal issues and public disapproval, it is safer to remain silent and not get involved. Only, if I could.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2


May 25, 2010


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Bribery and Extortion


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention.  


Citizens, corporations and government are finding themselves getting physically, mentally, financially and spiritually engulfed in bribery and extortion schemes domestically and internationally. Once entrapped, the accuse will be extorted again by being forced to hire a battery of lawyers, accountants, consultants, therapists and investigators to combat the charges which result in more political payoffs, huge fines and hiring independent investigators and government monitors (attorneys). It can be a very expensive relationship, lucrative for those who receive the income and good business for those who can afford it.


Bribery and extortion can be defined as actions that alters the physical, mental, financial and spiritual behavior of the recipients through money, property, political rewards, social favors, patronage and special privileges. How do we avoid being entrapped in an illegal act?


Let us examine warning signs of bribery, extortion and illegal activities. It is everywhere.

Inconsistent messages in regards to honest practices at all levels.

A culture of lying, cheating and defrauding that is acceptable, sanctioned or profitable.

Careless managers who expose the organization to criminal or civil litigations.

Questionable security practices, destruction of evidence and employees terminations.

Financial irregularities such as hidden costs, unreported loss of money, unexplained purchases and questionable budgeting.

Inappropriate taxes, gift giving, hospitality, entertainment and expenses,  travel arrangement, political contributions, charitable donations, sponsorships and aid. 


Here are suggestions to improve the culture.

Enforce the law, operate with integrity & insist on full transparency of all transgressions.

Make it crystal clear that bribery, extortion and corruption are illegal and unethical.

Provide opportunity for citizens to ask questions about what is proper and improper.

Create an atmosphere of trust, comfort and encouragement for reporting things.

Create effective internal controls, legal measures, recordkeeping, confidential reporting, realistic evaluations and disciplinary procedures.

Screen and investigate foreign and domestic officials,  organizations, professional associations, third parties and related business dealings that surround you. 


A person or entity can be vulnerable to all sorts of corruptible practices and great care must be taken to prevent dangerous consequences. All that I know is that it is wrong to bribe or extort anyone for votes, rewards, favors or promises. Where do we draw the lines? I do not know how to play politics which can incite bloodshed. An open door policy is needed to allow individuals to address issues free of physical, mental, financial and spiritual hostilities.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2


May 13, 2010


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Mental Health Victimization


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention.


Since May is Mental Health Month, I would like to reveal mental health exploitations in seeking help, the referral process and sloppy workmanship. Let us examine a ongoing case study that can warrant a federal investigation. A naive, trusting and playful person is engulfed into the dysfunctional wonderful world of mental health. The question that must be asked is How can a minor problem become a  major issue?


A person seems to be troubled, to be CIA/FBI oriented and expresses thoughts. It begins with a trained social worker who listen wonderfully, follows policy of the questionable enterprise and acts as a front person for the brass. Next, the client is referred to numerous mental health professionals who are trained to think as one. The licensed experts and others overreacts, sees dollar signs or follows the orders of the powers, principalities and authorities by saying the following shadowy phrases, implied wordage or acting weird:


I am expert, I know everything about you and I can recognize mental illnesses.  You have many problems. I am prescribing many colorful pills to cure you. I am also labeling you with fancy words to say you are crazy since the insurance company and other factions require it to control you, protect us from lawsuits and prevent criminal investigations.

Let us strap you to the table, drug you and see what we find.

I charge 200 dollars an hour to exploit you. We can work something else out as payment.

No one will believe you since you have been labeled. You have no rights.

You will never get well.  To get work through the agency, you need to use drugs.

A lot of silence, unhelpful advice, rudeness, crazy tests and misguidance results.

I have insurance and protection against lawsuits. I know how the law works and I have friends in high places so I can get away with murder.

What are you going to do about it?


We need to ask these questions to find solutions to the dirtiness.

Does anyone see the problems of profiling in the first hour, prescribing many colorful pills, saying dangerous comments and labeling the person?

Can anyone see how questionable practices can result in fear, insecurity, mistrust, paranoia, FBI & DEA notifications and physical, mental, financial and spiritual abuse?

Can anyone see how a minor issue can become a federal case?

Did anyone think about talking to the client with respect and dignity? Did anyone ask the right questions? Did anyone check out to see if the clients environment was hostile?


There are physical, mental, financial and spiritual dirty games that can make the situation criminal. You can not do it alone. What is going on here? Let us investigate, come up with ideas and stop the nonsense before it starts. We need more transparency in this area.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2


April 15, 2010


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Recruitment to the Underworld


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention.


Due to a naïve encounter with the intelligence community, I became engulfed in unusual physical, mental, financial and spiritual hostilities that stole my innocence. What came forth is advanced warning signs to prevent recruitment to the underworld. Children of the light may be seen as a threat.


When you reach a certain level of anguish, weaknesses and vulnerabilities and when things begin to go awry, Monsters will come out of the abyss to tempt you, harm you, take advantage of your situation or blind you from the truth. Here are things to watch out for.


Spiritual attacks,  misguidance,  manipulations and violations. Threatening dreams.

Drugs dealers, friends who promote drugs or prescriptions drugs abuse.

Prostitution, strange dating practices and sexual recruitment.

Relationships with domestic or foreign organized crime or spy associates.

Strange mental health, religious, law enforcement, intelligence, legal and relationship help and practices that scares the hell out of you.

Encounters with physical, mental and spiritual influences who promote hate, criminality, nonsense, dangerous government relationships and cryptic law enforcement games.

Inability to communicate properly or other disabilities.

Talking to people who will hear what is convenient for them.

Your community is acting strange around you.

Extreme loneliness and abandonment issues.


If you see these early signs, walk away and get help because you are in trouble. If you find yourself in a hostile environment or dysfunctional community, notify federal, state and local resources to cleanse your physical, mental and spiritual environment. Be careful when approaching people for support, their compassion and understanding may be misaligned with your needs. To prevent law enforcement targeting, community fear induced responses or criminal beatings; be diplomatic, be professional, play nicely and avoid anger unless you are threatened. You might have to ride out the storm for a while because you may be in so deep that proper physical, mental, and spiritual support is unavailable. If you have valuable information, present it in a responsible way. Soles may be saved. If anyone says that it is your imagination, your spiritual warnings are not real or you are crazy, forge ahead until you feel safe and let the authorities figure it out. With limited intelligence support, I misjudged my own situation and became damage goods in the process. Others are not as fortunate. Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention is not as easy as it looks, so be careful out there.  Next week is National Crime Victim's Rights Week. It is a worthy cause.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2


April 13,  2010


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Running for Office


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention.


Primary elections in Chester County are coming forth and strange voices are haunting me. As a result, I need to role play in order to address physical, mental health, financial and spiritual dilemmas for running for office. 


There are many physical, mental, financial and spiritual challenges to overcome in regards to political legalities, criminality, social pressures and security issues which could lead to trouble.

Due to unhealthy peer pressure, I would be vulnerable to illegal activities, hostile political folly, white collar crimes, seedy relationships or mean spirited debates.

Financial fraud, political bribes, mail fraud, law violations and questionable business practices scare me and may entrap me since I am not all knowing and all powerful.

Lying, distorting the truth and misrepresenting myself does not come naturally.

My religious views would be condemned by others who hold different views.

Solving problems may prove difficult since I do not always have helpful answers.

Social phobias, phone phobias and other communications restraints may present themselves when I am working, handling, helping or recruiting people.

My work history would be questioned due to creative gaps, fillers, investigations and counterintelligence themes that was needed to combat questionable community activities, spiritual games and business practices.

Due to my background, politics is way out of my league. In other words, I became entrap in your political world for unknown reasons.

References, recommendations and personal support may be hard to find due to fears of embarrassment, retaliations, threats, career damage, social backlashes and political suicides. I am not well liked and I may be seen as a potential problem.


After careful analysis, I would become road kill.  For me to run, God's protection, guidance, support and financial contributions would be needed. Due to my traumatic metaphysical collision with the local inhabitants, I was forced to networked with Federal, State and Local resources for backup. With Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention, we can make sure that we do not become political targets of any physical, mental, financial and spiritual games. So if anyone thinks I would be a good candidate, please let me know. If you have any place for me besides prison, mental health facilities or a foreign country, let me know. If you see any potentials, talents and gifts within me, enlighten me. At times, I am  humble and clueless. Any job leads, references or financial support would be greatly appreciated to offset future financial problems. I can't make any promises. 


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2


March 30,  2010


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

Russian Pogroms


Commissioners, Citizens and Media:


I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention.


In the spirit of Passover and Easter, let's discuss the Russian word, pogrom. Pogrom is defined as an attack that is accompanied by physical, mental, financial and spiritual hostilities such as murder, rape, scapegoating, seizing of property, terroristic threats, public relation games, mental health threats and creative community practices against one group of the population due to their race, nationality, spiritual beliefs, ethnicity, disability, social status or political affiliation.  


Pogroms can result from periods of severe political crisis, social upheavals, spiritual transgressions and fanatical patriotism. It starts with a mental or spiritual thought. Followed by unjust targeting of a person, followed by the slaughtering of lives and finally by genocide.    


Throughout the centuries, the Jewish population has seen the horrors of such actions by hate groups. The Jewish population suffered great losses under the Roman Empire and from other crusades/campaigns. The Russian Jews were victims of large waves of pogroms during the 1800's and early 1900's which led to many horrible atrocities. It continued throughout Eastern Europe.  Due to the widespread hatred, ignorance, incapacitations and denial, such actions led to the extermination of Jews, the Holocaust.


My ancestors escaped from Russia during the early 1900's to America to preserve life (avoid death), acquire freedoms and pursue happiness. Those who stayed behind suffered great losses from pogroms and later, the Holocaust (Shoah). For more information, search the web.


I wanted to bring forth this topic in remembrance of my ancestors, to bring awareness about pogroms in Eastern Europe which are overshadowed by other cruel acts and to create a fun, loving and supportive community. Also my six sense is warning me that I need to be on guard and gather support because of who I am and the intelligence I possess.


As we reflect upon our actions during the holidays, we should remember and honor our ancestors, find ways to support each other in a fun, loving and ethical way and create a healthy mindset. We should watch for warning signs of dangers and find ways to stop the cycle of physical, mental, financial and spiritual violence before it starts. With Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention, we can ensure that America citizens can give aid to any individual, group or sacrificial lamb who may be unjustly targeted physically, mentally, financially and spiritually. No one should be condemned, crucified, imprisoned, institutionalized, converted, drugged, silenced, forced to change their name, sacrificed or financially ruined.


If I have done anything to offend you, I apologize. Please be kind, I have been hurt enough for being christlike, a mensch or a person of integrity and honor.


Alan Scott’s Research

Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

    E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org    Web Site:   https://fhawk1.tripod.com/ASR2


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Warning: Please investigate policies and procedures, laws and regulations and history of the organization. If you become suspicious or threatened, find help elsewhere. Guard against questionable practices, carelessness, negligence, criminal activities, off the record conduct, biases, misinformation, re-victimization, misguidance and misdirection when seeking assistance. Know your individual rights, the right to collect information on any subject matter and the right to use other resources, if necessary. Check your instincts from time to time. Proper help is not always available. As a result, other healthy socially accepted methods must be established. Know when to request professional backup for protection.


Alan Scott
Copyright © 1999 [Alan Scott's Research]. All rights reserved.
Revised: March 21, 2014 .


E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org


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