11, 2012
Crime and Violence Prevention
Crime and Violence Prevention
Citizens and Media:
am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and
Violence Prevention.
to the approaching fiscal cliff, party games and citizens outcries,
it is time to discuss political crime and violence prevention which
is a course of action to keep
America healthy physically, mentally, socially, politically, financially
and spiritually by helping citizens to prevent frivolous lawsuits, public
relations disasters, corruption, exploitations, dirty politics, special
gifts, misguidance, disinformation, legal threats, mental health abuse and
government folly. Let us support leaders who are responsible and free of
false ideas, self interests, discriminations and empty talk.
a terrified citizen who is disturbed with the corruptible behaviors of
leaders, supporters, parties, citizens
and strangers, devour these thoughts to prevent political crime and
following anyone who knowingly does
the wrong things physically, mentally, socially, politically,
financially and spiritually. |
not participate in party corruption, dirty practices, misleading
information, confusing talk, destructive behaviors towards others,
shadowy recruitment and targeting. |
not praise or support Anti-American doctrines, questionable
ideologies, favoritism, prejudices and wasteful spending that harms
the country and its citizens. |
causes that you think are worthwhile, moral, ethical, legal and
honorable. |
up and "Say No"
to dirty politics, self interests, bad policy and illegal games. |
those who take responsibility for their actions, does the right thing
and refuses to play games with the livelihoods of American citizens. |
those who say what they mean and believe in a truthful way free of
confusing talk, deliberate verbal abuse and unhealthy peer pressure. |
those who treat the President with
respect and who are willing to work together. |
in local, state and federal enforcement to protect your freedoms and
well being. |
them know that inappropriate behaviors will not be tolerated. |
to what others think, we live in a country that offers equal protections
for all. We need leaders and
parties who are willing to do what is right every day. Let
us ensure that our citizens do not become piñatas,
fragile containers filled with candy and toys suspended from a
height to be broken by blindfolded children with sticks for political
gain. Until there are healthy changes within the leadership and political
party, I stand alone. Our goal
is to fight evil where ever it lives not to cater to it. The
extreme form of shadowy politics can result in severe human rights
violations and extreme corruption. Sometimes we forget how lucky we are to
participant in a political system that promotes democracy. Political crime
and violence prevention will help preserve our physical, mental, financial
and spiritual well being. Over the years, I have been injured, crippled
and disabled due to the games. I am a broken citizen. Trust me, It is not
funny. All my dreams are being destroyed. The only thing left is my sense
of humor. I really hate politics.
Scott’s Research
Crime and Violence Prevention
Web Site:
29, 2012
Crime and Violence Prevention
Crime and Violence Prevention II
Citizens and Media:
am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime and
Violence Prevention.
Due to
the county's battles over holidays expressions and my own exposure to
hostile physical, mental, spiritual, political, financial and religious
warfare, let us revisit religious
crime and violence prevention which deals with the shadowy underworld of
indoctrinations and secretive practices that can overpower one's
sanity and destroy lives.
can be a wonderful thing. It is full of moral thoughts, ethical stories,
historical accounts, metaphorical concepts and wonderful sayings.
Receiving a healthy education in a truthful way would reveal the mysteries
of God, spirituality and marvelous cultures. But this is not always the
case, it can unjustly target others who follow their own spiritual path.
If a
religion or any other force suppresses people, limits freedoms, restricts
education, misguides you, overpowers you, forces it down your throat,
unjustly converts you and threatens you,
then it is a cult pretending to be rationale. Spiritual forces can use
deceptive techniques to confuse people, create an atmosphere of hate, take
advantage of naïve people (brainwash) and use vulnerable citizens as
weapons. Spiritual Forces can create illusions against a non-conformist
(dissenter) by creating gossip, lies, taboos, biases, discriminations and
other dirty games. Spiritual Forces can steal the soles of our friends and
family members in a dark way. It
can leave such a bad taste in your mouth that it chases you away from
healthy teachings. Beware of false ideas, deceptive practices, cults,
corruption, shadowy spies, ungodly voices and satirical ideologies.
Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention and Executive
Protection principles, one can prevent any unhealthy exposure to a
religion or other forces. Know when to bring in backup if you fill
disoriented, threatened, possessed or vulnerable. Backup may include God,
law enforcement, spiritual friends, proper mental health support or
honorable strangers. For my
spiritual friends in the community, I do enjoy learning about different
cultures as long as it is presented in a healthy way and free of any
forceful indoctrinations, so-called accidents or covert games. Please
remember, there are things that I will never do in the name of religion or
any other ideologies especially if it is immoral or illegal. I think that
we should ask the Federal Bureau of Investigation to participate in the
discussion by offering protective safeguards to preserve our religious
expressions and combat unhealthy practices. Over the years I have been
physically, mentally and spiritually injured, crippled and disabled due to
the games. Trust me, I do not find it funny.
God, protect and guide us during the holidays. May the truth and light be
with you.
Scott’s Research
Crime and Violence Prevention
17, 2012
Crime and Violence Prevention
Citizens and Media:
am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime &
Violence Prevention.
remembrance of Yom HaShoah,
Holocaust Memorial Day, on April 19, 2012 and my own personal connections
with the universe, hear my words.
Am a
Child of God
Loving Human Being
My Sacrifice
Again Shall You Forsaken Me
Did You Let It Happen?
To Escape
is Holocaust Remembrance Month. Let
us reflect, protect and ensure that no one is unjustly persecuted,
sacrificed or targeted for physical, mental, financial, social, legal,
political, religious and/or spiritual profit
or gain.
did you silence, inhibit, forbid, cripple and obstruct me from helping?
do not understand.
us take actions to help save the world from injustices by taking personal
responsibility to do what is right. However, let God prepare, counsel,
guide and protect you before proceeding. Hopefully, God, the messiah and
everyone else will do their part.
God, I did my best.
Scott’s Research
Crime and Violence Prevention
Web Site:
3, 2012
Crime and Violence Prevention
and Harassment
Citizens and Media:
am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime &
Violence Prevention.
society is creating an atmosphere of hostilities, fears and abuses towards
clueless people. Everyone is being perceived as stalkers,
potential threats or disturbed. There is a thin line from
soliciting a business, writing a letter, phoning a friend, asking for a
date, seeking help or reporting questionable physical, mental or spiritual
activities. To avoid being arrested or victimized, let us discuss stalking
and harassment to get a better understanding of the issues.
is an unwelcomed communications, verbal or nonverbal; or physical behavior
based on origin, sex, beliefs, age or disability that creates
hostile conditions that involve questionable actions, policies or
decisions. Stalking refers to repeated willful, malicious, nonconsensual,
inappropriate actions that harasses, creates fears, threatens a person,
businesses or organizations through the use of writing letters, verbal
expressions, phone calls, gifts, following, watching, vandalizing or
surveillance. Most stalking laws require the entity to be declared as a
stalker if there are credible or implied threats. Anti-stalking and
harassment laws are easy weapons to abuse when our own policies, fears,
mindsets and ignorance are unhealthy, criminal, weak or uncivilized. They
can be used to entrap or threaten naive citizens who may be acting with
integrity, investigating, seeking assistance or addressing insane issues.
These laws can be confusing, abusive and vague at times.
do I ask for help, network, find work or report suspicious activities
without appearing disturbed? How much contact is too much? How many
speeches, letters, phone
calls or visits to elected officials,
law enforcement, businesses or individuals are too many before it
is considered threatening? Is
it alright to discuss physical, mental or spiritual things? When people
remain silent or do not respond, what does that mean and what are the
warning signs of potential
human rights violations?
To support the brave citizen, let
them know that it is okay and no harm will befall them. Learn to listen,
treat others with respect and show encouragement. If anyone unknowingly
oversteps any boundaries, let them know in a thoughtful way about the
inappropriate conduct. Provide self-help information from the public
health department, other resources or approved books. To
avoid confusing stalking, harassment, threatening and rejected scenarios,
notify federal, state and local law enforcement to investigate and protect
all parties involved. There may be trouble. And I promise you, they will
get to the bottom of the physical, mental and spiritual games. Above all,
do not take anything, personally.
With Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention, we can ensure
that our citizens avoid becoming targets and prevent law enforcement
misuse or abuse. Be careful that no one falls prey to any form of
physical, mental or spiritual terrorism. After you have done everything to
stand your ground, stand firm so God can protect and guide you against
devilish schemes. This stuff can seriously mess you up. It may be better
not to approach anyone, say anything and let the FBI or internal affairs
handle the craziness.
Scott’s Research
Crime and Violence Prevention
Web Site:
13, 2012
Crime and Violence Prevention
and Recovery from the Chaotic Light
Citizens and Media:
am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime &
Violence Prevention.
the upcoming events that deals with God, Love, Sacrifice, Redemptions,
Remembrance, Traditions and Spirituality, let us examine how our unseen
community can change a person life in ways unimaginable. The following
freestyle prose, Returning
and Recovery from the Chaotic Light, will reveal what happens to an innocent dove when
physical, mental, financial, social, political and spiritual games, lies,
threats, ignorance, self
interests, cover ups or warfare occurs. Someone pays the price and
everyone's life is changed
forever. I apologize for any
emotional reactions that may occur, but it may be a safety and security
As I sped pass the moon, the excruciating pain was no more.
Familiar screams followed me, calling me home.
Recent allies' chaotic connections entrapped my soul.
So, I returned to help, only to be massacred once again.
No rewards were granted, only solace, danger, chaos and confusion.
Time sped forward. My mutilated existence would be tested again.
Infusion of light and energy surged through my mind, body and spirit.
As I sped into the celestial bodies into nonexistence,
Pass the bluish and pinkish angels of light,
Pass the dark ones and pass numerous white spheres,
Not planning to return to the chaos and confusion,
Stopped, dead in my tracks for the third time.
A white celestial being commanded me to return.
It is not your time yet. You are not done.
My vessel was fused with my spirit.
What mission was left undone and why was I the chosen one?
I was lost, confused and fed up with the physical, mental and spiritual
That God, heavenly and shadowy forces were playing.
A new future was brought into existence. My free will was no more.
New missions formed. New connections created.
the journey possess shadowy illusions and deceptions?
Tell me God what is your plan.
For me to continue, my spirit must be restored, refreshed and renewed.
Surely a covenant of love, happiness and peace will follow me forever.
For the interest student, ask yourself these questions. What is the author
trying to convey? How do we
improve the world? How do we
express ourselves without retribution? Use your creative imagination and
predict the outcome of this revelation.
Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention, Let us empower people
to aid others in a crisis quickly and accurately free of dark forces by
providing basic knowledge and new concepts for the protection of a
person's physical, mental and spiritual well being. Let us have a honest
and open discussion with law enforcement, intelligence officers,
elected officials, the criminal underworld, spiritual leaders and
helpful citizens to discover the meaning of
this exquisite parable. Perhaps,
we can answer the mystifying question Why? Where do we go from here? and
What do you want me to do about it? Let us reveal a community full of
compassion, love, honor and integrity that I know that exists.
a single moment, my life changed forever. Why?
Scott’s Research
Crime and Violence Prevention
Web Site:
28, 2012
Crime and Violence Prevention
Citizens and Media:
I am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime &
Violence Prevention.
With all
of the political discussions on Women Rights and Faith, let us talk about
Human Rights. Human Rights are
inalienable rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled such as
the right to life, liberty, freedom of thought and expression, personal
security and equality. It includes physical, mental, financial and
spiritual protections for all regardless of race,
sex, religion, political
opinions, ancestry, property, birth or other status.
No one should be held in
slavery or servitude; subject to cruelty, torture, drugging, inhumane
treatment or degrading punishment. No one should be unjustly incarcerated,
detained, institutionalized, persecuted or exiled. No one should be forced
to change their name, religion or nationality under duress or threats
unless it is God's will. All beings when accused, criticized or blamed
should receive a fair hearing free of discriminations, biases, prejudices,
false accusations and self interests.
No one should be condemned or convicted without due diligence or
care and they should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. No one
should be prevented from a healthy divine heterogeneous
relationships or other social interactions. No one should be prevented
from making an honest living or be unfairly taxed.
With all this said and done, I believe that all women
should have any rights they desire as long as I and others are treated
with respect and dignity free of cruelty.
You can decide how to handle birth control, abortion, child care
and personal issues. I have no business discussing women's issues. Just
enlighten me when I can express myself on the matter.
Over the years, I have been terrorized, harmed and
divinely revived (resurrected) from near death experiences for reasons
unknown. Human Rights are sacred and no one should be harmed physically,
mentally, financially, socially and spiritually in any way. However, there
are those who may disagree and you have the right to protect yourself from
evil where ever it hides. Do not play games, do no harm and help others to
the best of your ability.
As citizens, you have the right to choose what you want to
do with your mind, body and spirit. However, a higher power will hold you
accountable for any actions, activities or operations that intentionally
harms the well being of others. We
live in a multicultural community, so no one should tell you how to live
your life without justification. However,
proper teachings, etiquette, morals, ethics, laws and eating are
healthy things to embrace. Please
remember, I am a human being with rights. I am not perfect or all knowing.
I do not want to be victimized, imprisoned, institutionalized, charged,
fired, abused, sacrificed or punished physically, mentally, financially,
politically, socially or spiritually for speaking about human rights.
March is National Women's History Month so let us honor all the Women that
made this world a better place to live.
Scott’s Research
Crime and Violence Prevention
Web Site:
16, 2012
Crime and Violence Prevention
Citizens and Media:
I am
Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime &
With all of the political gaming, let us talk about
Multicultural Diversity in Chester County, Pennsylvania.
I want to remind citizens that
we live in a multicultural community. When we come up with ideas, we must
make sure that we consider the well being of others. We must remember that
no one theology, ideology philosophy
or political belief can make people extremely compliant or obedient. We
must allow creativity, expression and free thought to transpire. We must
treat everyone with respect to the best of our ability as long as undue
influences do not target, vilify or wrong us. Human rights are sacred and
they transcend race, color, belief, religion, origin, sex, age and
The only thing that will make people live and work
together are common ideas that everyone respects
and shares. For example, The Ten
Commandments, Constitutional Laws and American doctrines contains
rules, rights and guidelines that protect our individual freedoms. These
doctrines allows us to share a common way of life, coexist in society,
share ideas, join together for a common goal and protect each other from
However, it does not mean that all laws, rules,
regulations and guidelines are healthy, ethical or moral. In cases of
human rights violations, criminality, discrimination and shadowy games, we
must join together in a way that promotes change. We must not be afraid to
speak up, reveal questionable practices, stop dirty politics or prevent
dangerous laws from coming into existence. We must know when to bring in
backup to helps us fight for our freedoms.
To create change, we must never physically, mentally,
politically, financially and spiritually attack one another. We must guard
our tongue against evil and remove our own sinful nature from the
equation. We must do what is justified in the eyes of God. We must rise
above animal like conduct (bestiality); and speak the truth that is not
based on lies. We must not allow shadowy politics or false religions to
overpower us or make us into people we hate and despise.
We must stand up, fight for the rights of others when others cannot
fight and force healthy change when needed.
If you
feel that your freedoms are being threaten, bring in back up from trusted
law abiding citizens. There is
only so much crap that one person can take before snapping. Stop the cycle
of violence. Let us make sure that we treat our multicultural community
that is full of individuals from all walks of life, cultures and beliefs
with respect. However, we must never sacrifice our own divine truths, path
or physical, mental and spiritual health when we partake in
multiculturalism. Hopefully, no one will see you as a potential threat,
stalker, dark angel or sacrifice when following your calling. February is
the month of love, so love one
another as you would love yourself.
Scott’s Research
Crime and Violence Prevention
Web Site:
14, 2012
Crime and Violence Prevention
Side of Vouchers
Citizens and Media:
am Alan Scott, a citizen engaged in Counterintelligence: Crime
Violence Prevention.
us talk about the dark side of vouchers. Vouchers are documents entitling
questionable payments for services. It is my fear that vouchers were
created to support hidden agendas, questionable politics, phony teachings
and private money shortfalls. It
may destroy the American way, reestablish segregation,
spur unhealthy religiosity, create unwanted discriminations and
destroy great public schools.
public school systems were created to educate everyone regardless of race,
sex, color, culture, beliefs, origin and disability. As I was growing up
in Chester County, Pennsylvania, I was blessed with a superior education
and great teachers from the West Chester Area School District. Of course,
it did not mean that they could prevent criminality from targeting me or
solve all my problems. Later, I would be trashed by society games, dirty
politics, hostile spirits and con artists. Voices would harass me by
asserting that public education has failed me, private education would
have saved me and vouchers would solve everything.
decades of torment, I realized that the real culprit to our dilemma was
that people were mistreating others regardless of schooling. The simplest
things seemed to be the catalyst to anger people and blame others and the
public school systems for failures while ignoring their own antisocial
behaviors. Are imperfect people being physically, mentally, politically,
financially and spiritually attacked in
subtle ways? Is it discriminatory? Are we creating a hostile environment
that results in questionable practices, criminality, targeting,
alienation and loneliness. Are there other factors involved?
my experience, the public schools system created a healthy atmosphere of
respect, tolerance, multicultural diversity, ethics and morals while
preventing abuse from undue influences.
I learned that people and hostile spirits can cripple souls and
make people feel inferior regardless of schooling. So, backup may be
needed from law abiding citizens, intelligence officers and legal experts
to educate people about truth, justice and the American way when darkness
engulfs you.
's create an exploratory committee to see if a hostile, unsupportive and
unhealthy environment can make people act like idiots, destroy lives and
brainwash our citizens. In addition, we should investigate any physical,
mental, financial, political and spiritual games that may limit a person's
or school's success.
Let us recruit teachers, psychologists,
business professionals, spiritual leaders and law enforcement to help us
find solutions. Since I am not all knowing and all powerful, show me the
correct way to think. Prove to me that you know the right way to educate
people in a healthy supportive way. There are dark problems in society
that can make an education difficult regardless of schooling. February is
Random Acts of Kindness Month, so thank
your teachers and helpful citizens for educating you
Scott’s Research
Crime and Violence Prevention
Web Site: