Thoughts on Biblical Concepts


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

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Thoughts about the Bible Christ Doctrine Semantics
Prayer: Conceptual Discussion Spirit of God or the Holy Spirit Faith
Messiah, Christ and Jesus Christ Atonement, Salvation and Sin Satan and Adversarial Forces
God's Four Questions Anti-Semitism & Other Religious Prejudices Other Religions and Concepts
Question of God   Christ and Anti-Christ




For Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention reasons, I decided to discuss Biblical Concepts and the Bible in order to protect people from confusions, misguidance, strange politics, adversarial forces, cult practices, discrimination and disinformation when a spiritual seeker encounters different views on such items of importance as well as other issues. As I express my concerns, views and opinions, I pray to God that he guides me in such matter in order to present the truth. Everything stated is done to the best of my ability. May God protect and guide us when we speak about the sword of the spirit and related concepts.


Special Note: The issues in the community are too numerous to rely on oneself alone. It tears me up inside to see so much ungodly activities, confusion, pain and suffering. It tears me up to see the limited resources we have to solve the world problems. It tears me up to see my own physical, mental, financial and spiritual health greatly limited by God or shadowy forces to help resolve difficult subject matters. I realized the only thing I can do is rely on God's Love and Wisdom or Christ to protect me and help me to overcome the problems. God is in control of everything and sometimes the burden is beyond our strength since we are not all powerful or all knowing. For those who we are unable to help or fall threw the cracks, I hope God or Jesus Christ can save them, guide them and protect them. I have done my best. God made me very humble and weak. Christ Humility. I realize the only thing I can do is to stay connected to the Light of God, Spirit of God or the Holy Spirit.

Question of God

Due to the in-depth controversial subject matter of the existence and non-existence of God, I wanted to give you a reference for understanding man's relationship with God, social, religious and spiritual issues and related problems. Their are two prominent figures in history that deals with this subject matter.  C. S. Lewis, a literary proponent of faith and Sigmund Freud, a life long critic of religion and spirituality is the other.  An excellent Documentary Dr. Armand Nicholi appeared on PBS. It gave interesting perspectives on the Question of God. Freud and Lewis are brought together to debate the topic. As you guessed, it is called the "Question of God".  It will reveal tools and ideas to help an individual to deal with different views in society.

For more information:

The exploration of God, spirituality and related matter are left up to the client to determine their views on the subject matter.  To really understand God, God must clearly allow you to experience his/her supernatural power and wisdom. God must bless the client with the light to vanquish the darkness that may blanket an individual. At times, connections with God can be challenging to say the least.

Thoughts about The Bible

The Bible, the Sword of the Spirit,  is an important book that contains many wonderful concepts, ideas, moral and ethical stories. Most importantly, the Bible shares information about God and his ways. I found Psalms to be valuable and most helpful. The lessons that exists in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and New testaments are worthy of study. Too many, the Bible is considered to be the "Word of God"  while others view the Bible to be a wonderful literary work or poetry with history and moral lessons.  My view of the "Word of God" concept is that the Bible must be the original book that comes directly from God which is free from human imperfections. The interpretations and the works of God has been translated,  retranslated, reorganized, sections omitted, disassembled and reassembled to find the perfect balance of God and world of humankind. Study the Bible in a way that connects you with God. Be careful of unseen shadowy influences that try to corrupt and abuse the Bible by creating false interpretation, misinterpretations, satanic translations, poisonous ideologies, immoral and unethical practices, toxic prophecies and dangerous conclusions. Reading the bible creates fear within me, because I am fearful of shadowy undue influences overpowering me with their ungodly interpretation or possess me to do their so-called work.  To understand the correct interpretation, a direct connection with God is a must.  An individual who needs more help should study healthy lawful books on the subject and find Godly spiritual leaders and teachers to aid you in your journey. Please keep in mind that you probably had a separate mission from God that should not be corrupted by people's social, political, philosophical and theological works.  Use your common sense and judgment. The Bible's written word is a good benchmark to use in judging right from wrong. Adhere to the Ten Commandments and the Constitutional law to the best of your ability. If the Bible is properly used, the rewards are divine. It can get real scary out there physically, mentally and spiritually with all of the concepts. May God protect and guide you to the proper place. For me, divine intervention is a must, not his so-called agents.

Word of Wisdom:  The Bible and religion doctrine has been abused throughout history. A person must be extremely careful to avoid becoming a victim, unwilling participate or pawns of well meaning people, adversarial forces, cults, questionable practices, physical, mental, financial and spiritual games,  ungodly theologies and philosophies, misplace guilt, strange politics and conversions. Before following any spiritual leader or organization,  investigate the organization and members thoroughly. Stay with basic theologies, philosophies, legal concepts and interpretations throughout your life. If you become lost or confuse, ask God to protect and guide you along your journey. If you become uncomfortable, take a break, walk away, find healthy support and notify law enforcement of your dilemma. Do not be afraid to say "No" to any person or group. Above all ask God for assistance and prepare to go all the way for salvation which may be outside of religion. Create a support system in case of emergency. Always have backup for new situations or physical, mental, financial and spiritual abuse.

Prayer: A  Conceptual Discussion

Through my life,  I have discovered that people pray to God, Jesus Christ and/or the Holy Spirit.  How to pray and to whom to pray depends upon God and your religious upbringing, mind set and the time period in your life. I believe that how you pray and to whom you pray is between you and God. We should not place any form of hypocrisy or misplaced guilt on any individual because the person prays differently or has a unique upbringing.  God will guide and protect us from the misguidance of the world. God  has a plan for you that is between you and God that transcends all religions, doctrines and nationalities.  Listen to God, Jesus Christ and/or the Holy Spirit should be the first being to ask for advice.  Usually the answers lies within the individual.  Please keep in mind that people or God's helpers are there to give you instructions and guidance to a better life, but they are not God or any other powerful being. Treat all honorable people or God's helpers with respect and integrity.  God likes such things.

Special Note: For individuals who prefer to worship Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit or God; or pray to them, please add these words to everyplace that you see the words that can be substituted.

Messiah, Christ and Jesus Christ:

Was Jesus Christ the Messiah or Rabbinic Teacher? If not, when will Christ the Messiah appear or come again? I am not going to debate this with anyone.  All I am going to say is that I accept him for who he is. In other words, I accept God's version of Jesus Christ as my personal savior.  His teachings are honorable and worthy advice, if interpreted correctly.  Once again, it is up to the individual to determine his/her relationship with Jesus Christ or God.  I am sure he will love and protect us anyway. He was just that kind of individual. All of them would possess spiritual discernment to do what is needed to be done. 

For people of different faiths, Is the Jewish Messiah and the second coming of Christ, the same figure who will defeat the evil of the world?

Christ Doctrine

Christ is a Greek word that is found in the Greek Version of the holy scripture which means to anoint. Eventually the term became to mean the Messiah, redeemer and restorer of the Jewish Nation. In the Christian translation, Christ became a reference to Jesus of Nazareth. In the old days the term Christ was used as a  term of respect for a person with special qualifications such as a priest, kings, prophets and patriarchs.

Messiah is a Hebrew name that can mean savior of mankind, the anointed one or the Christ. Christians views says that the Jesus is the Messiah and has fulfilled the Gods requirement as mentioned in the Bible. The Jewish religion views says that the Messiah has not arrived to fulfill the scriptures. 

For Further Discussion,  See Messianic Crime and Violence Prevention

Spirit of God or the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit  or Spirit of God is a guided force from God that helps us, teaches us, guides us and protect us along our way.  In other words,  it is the light of God.  It is a comforting, loving light that can surround us protect us and/or penetrate our mind, body and spirit with the truth of God.  One day, we must stop confusing people by using unnecessary words, present the truth and say what we mean.

Atonement, Salvation and Sin

In the religion community, there are many similarities towards Salvation, Sin and Atonement. Each religion has a different way of saying the same thing.

In the Christian view, Jesus has already defeated death (hence, satan) by being crucified and rising from the dead. He has sacrificed himself to atone for our sinful transgressions. He paid the ultimate price to save the world. Jesus is considered to be God in human form.  In the Jewish view,  If you believe in God, follow God's commandments and his light, than evil has been defeated already and you have been bless by God. If you stay along the path of righteousness then you should be protected from evil regardless of what you believe. Each religion has a different way of expressing themselves. Jesus is more prominent in one than the other. You decide what is appropriate to your situation. God help us all.


Semantics play a powerful role in world religions and the interpretation of theological works. Each religion has different traditions, different ways of saying the same things, different ways of looking at sin and different ceremonies to honor God.  A person must not be swayed by all the interpretation. Find the light of God to reveal the truth in such manner.  Once you can get past all the differences, one will find that God/Christ will love us regardless of the differences and forms of the house of God. God truths will be revealed to those who follow the truth and light. May God and his/her angels protect and guide you, or if you prefer may Jesus Christ protect and guide you or Christ protect and guides you. Remember the most important commandment, Love the lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 

Personal Note: With all the schisms, different interpretations, abuses, Anti-Semitism and Antichristian attitudes, I become  frustrated, upset, tearful and mournful in regards to the nonsense, turmoil and misguidance. Some days I feel like laughing and other days I feel like crying. Now, you know why I am disturbed with religions and the conflicting ideologies. Everyday, I am fighting a spiritual battle against the dark powers, the principalities and the so-called heavenly forces. God 's sense of humor in such things is fleeting at times. God help us all. Through love, God will win.


Faith is a term that must be carefully defined and properly used in proper context. For me, Faith comes after you have done everything in your being including asking God for protection and guidance in order to stand your ground against devilish schemes. Anything else, may leave the person vulnerable to shadowy influences, poor judgment and questionable practices.  Never do anything on blind faith unless you are powerless to resist. Never violate the ten commandments or violate sound ethical laws. 

Christ and Anti-Christ

There are individuals, groups and organizations that create obsessive attitudes, fears, beliefs and shadowy games about the coming of the Christ and the Anti-Christ for reasons unclear.  Such concepts can create delusional, unwarranted fears, false impressions, misplaced guilt and misguided beliefs in citizens, young adults and people. If you follow God's light and basic moral truths, then God will protect you from everything. No harm will befall you. So we should only be concern with ourselves and God's basic teachings. God will provide protection, assistance and information when necessary. Avoid becoming  a pawn in somebody else's games or being overwhelmed by unwarranted beliefs or undue forces. One can educate oneself about such concepts but remember to trust in God for such things and avoid becoming overpowered by unnecessary theologies, philosophies, ideologies and ungodly games. God will take care of Christ, the Anti-Christ and humankind in his own time. Do not worry about such concepts unless God makes it crystal clear to you about his divine plan concerning you free of confusion.  Practice righteousness, God's basic teachings and Godly love.  Beware of false prophets, ideologies, religions and Gods. Know when to request backup if things get out of hand. God is the only way for personal survival.

Satan and Adversarial Forces

Due to my Faith in God, believing in Satan was nearly nil, my own spirituality avoided placing too much emphasis on Satan, Devil, other names or evil spiritual forces. It is not that I do not believe in the existence of such dark forces, but I do not want to give to much power or creditability to Satan, the powers,  the principalities and ungodly heavenly forces that misuse such concepts. In the Jewish world, Satan refers to Adversarial forces that tempt us and work against God's teachings and guidance.  In the Christian community, Satan is a living breathing evil undue influences who can call up all of the evil spiritual forces to wreak havoc on the children of the light.  At times, Satan can become our only enemies which may not be true in the world. I believe such concepts were created so believers can have someone to condemn because of societies ills. All problems should be directed to God. Avoid giving Satan or other shadowy forces more power by directing ungodly thoughts to the dark influences. Please Remember, evil does not come from any one group, but Satanic forces who know no boundaries and can infiltrate any organization at any time as seen through out history.

The Adversarial forces or Satan may try to force their concepts, wickedness or evil into your life. Do not submit to these forces unless God uses you to rescue them. Ask God to protect and guide you for the right course of action. If God wants you to do some type of undercover work, then God will communicate with you in terms that are crystal clear. God may use the experience to force you and others to return to the light. After all God is in control of everything. 

When overly thinking about such concepts, we make ourselves more vulnerable to shadowy undue influences who may use such destructive thoughts against us. In other words, it gives them a entryway into your mind. Such concepts may harm our physical, mental and spiritual well being.  Perhaps, following the teachings of God and eradicating all thoughts about Satan may be the best way to go unless God makes them know to you for a noble reason.  To prevent such violations,  A person should accept, recognize and practice God's truths, righteousness and spirit. Focus on God, God's basic teachings and biblical prophets which include Jesus Christ, Moses, Elijah and Isaiah. There is no need to go into such shadowy concepts in depth. Place more energy on God and his teachings. Walk in the light of God. Avoid getting into things too deep. Find a healthy balance for Gods teachings. Determine your own relationship with God or  Christ.

God's Four Questions

Do you believe in an afterlife or an existence of Heaven?

Throughout time, people have believed in a heaven.  A person will find that all religions believe in a afterlife but that does not mean that people accept it. The scholars say that God will ask the following questions before you can enter his good graces. The questions depend on your true orientation.

The Jewish version asks the person the following questions: 

Did you conduct your business affairs honestly and ethically?
Did you try to create a family?
Did you pray for world redemption?
Did you study Torah daily? Bible daily?

Remember God has the final say to any answers given. There is no absolute answers since the world is full of distraction strange politics and confusion. I would personally like to add the following question: Did you do everything to the best of your ability?

The Christian version asks the following questions: 

Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior?
Have you called upon Jesus Christ to save you?
Did you repent for your sins?
Do you follow the teaches of Christ? Practice his humility in a honest and ethical fashion? 

These questions are standard practices that each religion offers to determine if one is going to heaven or entering God's Kingdom.  Only God knows the right answers.

Anti-Semitism or Other Religious Prejudices

As we learn about our own religions or other types of religious ideologies, we must be sensitive to people with different religions, cultures or backgrounds.  At times, being sensitive is difficult because a person may be unaware of problems associated with discussing their religious thoughts, understanding their spiritual environment, transmitting unknown prejudices or being vulnerable to physical, mental and spiritual games. The best approach is learning about the other persons culture with out loosing your identity by understanding  their ideologies, tragedies, suffering, sacrifices and fears. Learn to listen without criticism, condemnation or prejudicial remarks. Avoid telling others that their suffering is a mistruth, illusional, imaginative or victimization mentality. All religions have a God-given right to tell about their suffering, fears, loves, stories and truths.  No one wants to be a victimized or be thought as a victim. By telling people about their religion and tragedies will help society to fight Anti-Semitism and other religious prejudices. Each religion has their own stories to tell with important moral messages, so listen to them.  All religions must be able to grow in a positive way that promotes a healthy loving interaction with God and our fellow person. Religions must embrace their hardships in order to grow according to God's plan.  Be alert for physical, mental and spiritual games that may cause a person to sin, to be discriminatory and cause dangerous accidents. Research and do your homework to discover the facts, truths and misconceptions about such concepts. Pray to God to protect and guide you along the path of discovery and truth. I hope one day we can overcome the ignorance and misguidance that can occur in each religion. A friendly word of advice, try to be optimistic by believing that people are acting in good faith when they discuss religious concepts. Remember, prejudices does exists and we must never ignore such things. Always try to respond in a sensitive, positive, uplifting and enlightening way. Bless the other person. Ask God to help you to correctly to convey your thoughts which may become corrupted at time due to shadowy influences in your environment.

Special Note:  Through training and discipline, religious community will instill their own identity, training and history in their flock in order to preserve their religion's identity and way of life. Such training will prevent simulations, occult brainwashing and conversions. When people with different religious background get together to discuss issues, a conflict will result due to the inbred training. Concepts will clash. Spiritual battles will begin. Strange politics will begin. People's feelings and emotions may be wounded. Spiritual seekers will be unable to change due to their upbringing. Never overpower anyone with religious concepts or thoughts. The only way to get along is to follow the basic loving doctrine and principles that each religion possess. Hopefully, through the protection and guidance of God, all parties will receive the words of wisdom so peace, love and respect can be achieved free of semantic or other unique religious practices. In God, we love and trust.

Other Religions and Associated Concepts

There are many religions and associated concepts in the world that are worthy to mention but I am unable to address them due to my own limited research. All I am going to say is that you find a way to blend your beliefs into my thoughts and ideas.  I have tried to do the best to be respectful of all religions as long as they do not violate the United States Law and Ten Commandments.  In addition, the religions must  treat others with love, respect and integrity.  May God protect and guide us. No religion has the right to overpower or harm others physically, mentally, financially and spiritually or disconnect you from God. In addition, I prefer religions to walk with God, the light and not the darkness.  I ask for your blessings in such matters.


Through Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention, proper understanding of the Bible, biblical concepts and application can be obtained. Remember that the religious and spiritual community has plethora of problems that can harm the spiritual seeker physically, mentally, financially and spiritually. Be careful of questionable practices and controversial interpretation that  is not from God.  Beware of  misguidance, spiritual psycho-babble, improper use of mind altering drugs, any form of abuse, brainwashing,  spiritual problems,  bureaucratic red tape, mental health abuse and other shady games.  Trust your instinct when encountering questionable practices in the spiritual community. Stay positive. Know when to recruit help outside the religious and spiritual community.  With proper knowledge and training, your physical, mental, financial and spiritual well being will remain healthy and intact. In Summary,  Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Hope for the best.


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Warning: Please investigate policies and procedures, laws and regulations and history of the organization. If you become suspicious or threatened, find help elsewhere. Guard against questionable practices, carelessness, negligence, criminal activities, off the record conduct, biases, misinformation, re-victimization, misguidance and misdirection when seeking assistance. Know your individual rights, the right to collect information on any subject matter and the right to use other resources, if necessary. Check your instincts from time to time. Proper help is not always available. As a result, other healthy socially accepted methods must be established. Know when to request professional backup for protection.


Alan Scott
Copyright © 1999 [Alan Scott's Research]. All rights reserved.
Revised: July 22, 2010 .




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