Spiritual Crime & Violence Prevention


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

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Spiritual Crime and Violence Spiritual Traits of Good and Evil Spiritual Self Protection and Preservation
Types of Spiritual Violence Spiritual Prayers and Practices Freestyle Spiritual Prose

Past Lives and Reincarnation

Near Death Experiences

Messianic Crime & Violence Prevention

Thoughts on Biblical Concepts Symptoms of Spiritual Pressures  




Spirituality is the most loving, frightening, ignored, threatening, covert and complex issue to address due to physical, mental, financial, social, political, legal, criminal, religious and spiritual intimidation, conversions, control, undue influences and games. To prevent spiritual warfare, crime & violence, shadowy games and other ungodly acts requires training in counterintelligence, crime and violence prevention, discernment, self-improvement, spirituality and public safety programs. By possessing high standards and knowing oneself, one can sense things that are not normal to one’s existence. By being spiritually sensitive, our physical, emotional and spiritual well being will remain healthy free of injustices, torturous sufferings, persecutions, victimizations, threats, abuses, mean spiritedness and trauma. With Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention skills we can preserve our physical, emotional, spiritual and financial wealth.

Spiritual Crime and Violence

This type of crime and violence starts in a world that contains being of lights and darkness, undue influences and spirits who intent is good or bad. By being aware of one surroundings and having high standards, one can sense things that are not normal to their world. It can become very dangerous and destructive.

Words of Caution:  Due to acknowledgement of spirituality, extreme care must be taken when researching and presenting such thoughts. We live in a world of ignorance, wickedness, fear, bias and hatred that can create a hostile environment regardless of sex, race, color, beliefs, ethnicity, national origin, professional occupation, mental illness, spirituality and handicap. Make sure that no service uses barbaric tactics, uses improper treatments, violate your rights or embarrasses you.

Spirituality and the U.S. Constitution

The U.S. Constitution and laws were created to protect everyone's physical and mental rights in regards to life, liberty and property from official coercion; but does not speak about protection of spiritual freedoms or our rights to be protected from unreasonable spiritual practices. Spirituality is significant and important aspects to many disciplines. By acknowledging and correctly using spirituality, we can prevent crime and violence before violating any laws or ethics. Once the law is violated, the law can only be used to judge the physical and mental facts of the situation and not the spiritual facts that may have caused the situation. For things caused by threatening spiritual undercurrents, God and the spiritual community will be required to protect and guide a person from the hostilities and misguidance. God and the spiritual community will be required to administer justice to all parties involved. If you are overpowered by by unknown spiritual callings, ungodly forces, spiritual games or spiritual terrorism, request backup from proper authorities, but be prepared for a questionable response, intense aversion to spirituality and unanticipated physical, mental, financial and spiritual problems.

Spiritual Games, Techniques and Scenario that influence the Victims

Spirits or people's spiritual guides will use anything to complete a task. They will use illusion and deceptive tactics to control, harm or help the person. Such influences can transposed thoughts, experiences and hidden agendas that are not our own. We must take care when we encounter something we do not understand. The following are possible games, scenarios and tactics that can be used:

My Community, government or news media are against me and they are willing to sacrifice me
for their greed, selfishness, hidden agendas, frivolous lawsuits and political payoffs.
Law enforcement way of Life - How to be a law enforcement officer such as FBI or CIA Agent?
Improper military training or military orders tactics that promotes illegal activities.
Improper religious or spiritual training that promotes ungodly thoughts.
The mentally disturb military or law enforcement veteran such as former FBI and CIA officers
Memory loss due to spiritual encounter or I do not remember scenario.
Assassin or terrorist scenario - How to become an assassin or terrorist through guides?
Anti-American ideals, moles and treason scenarios
Anti-Semitism, Conversions, Occults and Religious Warfare that promote harmful activities or games.
Special interest groups and hate groups scenario - How to attack, destroy and recruit innocent people through spiritual manipulations and influences?
New Age, the chosen one, God's gift, religious conversions, satanic and demonic worship scenarios
Messiah or second coming of Christ scenario or today's story of young Christ - Christ is you .
How to violate any civil and criminal laws to kill, destroy or make money on the spiritual planes.
The loner, playboy, making of a romantic male, rich man and street person scenario
Stalking, virgin misdirection, pregnancy, dating or marriage violence and betrayal scenario?
Town misguidance scenario, Hollywood spirits recruitment and gay recruiting scenarios.
False emergencies, crimes or victimization that people are recruited to rescue them.
Professional & legal crime and violence scenarios that results in frivolous mistreatment.
The Mental Health spiritual guides' misguidance scenario such as threats of psychiatric care or
institutionalization, if I say anything. Improper information and aid may result.
Mental illness illusions that results in threats, fear, dual personalities, paranoia and delusions.
Inability to express your thoughts and ideas.  Inability to talk, write, work or celebrate life.
Forceful verbal and written communications for the purpose of  good or evil.
The drug addict, alcoholic, mood, anxiety and eating disorder scenarios.
The suicide - How guides create suicide conditions while trying to murder you or posses you?
Wonderful world of Star People, mystical experiences, Pleiadians and UFO contact scenarios.
Code Name: Firehawk scenario: He helps others to help themselves. He works outside the system to help our citizens, news media and law enforcement Agencies.

It is ashamed that our spiritual friends must use disguises, tricks and deceptions to get what they want. All these scenarios are possible and care must be taken to prevent these forces and scenarios to overpower you. When the thoughts become overpowering,  undue influences are forcing you to act against your will and your mind, body and spirit are being consumed then make a national security issue out of the incident by notifying special people or agencies in your contact list. Bring in backup as soon as possible. If these experiences occur frequently then it is a warning sign that trouble is around you. If it is seldom, I would not make a federal case out of it. Keep in mind, there are more scenarios that were not mentioned. Stay alert and stay safe.

Good Spirits

The good spirits if possible will gently push you in the right direction while explaining what they are doing. They will properly guide us without fear or threats of any kind unless a crime or violence act was committed. These spirits will be like loving parents who help us and nurture us to full potential. All of these spirits should be working under the direction of God. If not, the spirits may do more harm than good.


Importance of Law Enforcement Support

For security and protection,  I would strongly recommend solid connections with the law enforcement and intelligence community.  Through this connection,  people will be protected from shadowy influences that tries to force strange beliefs, philosophies and ideas into your mind.  It will also aid people from becoming overpowered by any religion practices, illusion, spiritual possession and any other illegal or ungodly activity. The law enforcement and the intelligence community will make sure that everyone remains in the light to the best of their ability.

Obey the Law and Ten Commandments.

Understand and know the laws to prevent misguidance, crime and violence. If absolutely necessary, report any spiritual violence scenario at once. No suspicious activity is too small to report. Make sure no laws will be broken, no one gets hurt physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually or financially. Be careful, not everybody will accept the spiritual angle due to ignorance, criminal activities and hatred. View the Ten Commandments.

Spiritual Self Protection and Self Preservation.

Examine and understand your own self esteem.
Understand and use positive thinking techniques that build you up.
Understand and combat questionable peer pressure.
Learn about conflict resolution, decision-making, and stress management.
Learn about proper family relations and family violence.
Learn about mental health issues to avoid ignorance misguidance and trickery.
Stay healthy, build lasting friendships and get a good education.
Stay away from drugs and people who use drugs.
Learn Proper dating practices to avoid violence and misguidance.
Learn Proper relationship practices with your spouse or loved one.
Learn about Crime and Violence Prevention and Counterintelligence and Executive Protection.
Learn about law enforcement , proper business skills and criminal fraud.
Learn how to prevent obsessive behavior, jealousy , abnormal behavior or suicides.
Learn about cultural diversity, religious communities and cults.
Learn to remain silent, peaceful and loving when people insult, oppress, humiliate, harass and harm you. Let God's power work through his/her children. Wait for God's permission to defend yourself.
Always test the spirits, eliminate unnecessary spiritual guides and do your own background investigation.
Adapt, filter and block unwanted mental thoughts or spiritual frequencies of the mind through meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis, visualizations, real world experiences, social events, counseling, self improvement techniques and people's support, etc.
Create a supportive work and community environment. If necessary, recruit people for assistance.
Listen to messages from higher spiritual entities
Take Courage, put on the armor of  God and stand firm.

By being street smart, it will aid in preventing violence, scapegoating, spiritual sacrifices, crime, false hopes and lies from unseen and illusive spiritual forces. Be careful of people's reactions . Be alert.

Spiritual Traits of  Good and Evil

To clearly understand the spiritual community,  we must understand the difference between good and evil. The spiritual community consists of many levels and degrees. People will tend to go towards a place  where they feel comfortable, accepted or blessed.  Please keep in mind that a person must ask God and practice spiritual discernment to determine what is good and evil. Sometimes, special circumstances such as timing and the environment may complicate the ability to distinguish between good and evil.  The following are suggested guidelines to help others to achieve a better life.

Qualities for achieving a celestial existence,  friendships and  a better relationship with God.
Being pure in heart, spirit and motive. Listening to God.
Practicing righteousness, justice and fairness in everything we do.
Being completely honest with ourselves, others if possible and God.
Treating others with good intentions, respect and dignity.
Avoiding evil, criminality, conceitedness, profanity and  deceit.  
Avoiding slander, defamation, hostilities, anger, jealousy and other evil practices.
Resisting Temptations and other ungodly acts.
Being optimistic and positive, realistically. Communicating the truth. 
Speaking from the heart, acting in good faith and being considerate with others.
Practicing good deeds without expecting a reward.
Properly aiding and helping innocent and/or vulnerable people to reach their full potential according to God's desires which may be a mystery to everyone involved. 
Knowing when we are doing more harm then good. Knowing when we must walk away and take care of ourselves before continuing our work.
Asking for help from God when we are threatened, possessed, lost and confused.
Knowing when to listen, collect and gather information to understand and help others.
Practicing spiritual discernment. Being humble and avoiding religious ideologies when unnecessary. Knowing when not to  use religion phrases  and teachings. God will use other tools and techniques to aid others in everyday life in a non-religious way. Sometimes being undercover agent of God is the only way to help. 
Accepting and dealing with the problems that the unseen spiritual community can create.
Using and accepting harmonious, loving and Godly spiritual energies and frequencies.
Using God, Gods works and others for the purpose of making the world a better place.
Practicing the Ten Commandments
Living and working as an undercover Agent of God.
Qualities for achieving a evil existence, friendships and a dark relationship with other powers.
Using God, Gods work and others for the purpose of impure motives.
Not listening to God's methods for communication.
Practicing evil, criminality, slander, defamation, profanity and destruction.
Corrupting, using and harming innocent and other vulnerable people for the purpose of evil and gratification.
Accepting the practice of bribery and corruption.
Violating the Ten Commandments and basic Biblical principles.
Yielding to temptations. God does not tempt.
Being negative, abusive and pessimistic, unrealistically. Communicating lies.
Accepting and yielding to disharmonious frequencies and chaotic spiritual energies.
Being cruel, merciless, selfish, self-centered and evil for ungodly reasons.
Accepting anger, jealousy and hostilities as a way of life.
Being spiritually impoverished due to one's desires not because of evil influences.
Following others in doing wrong or violating individuals freedoms or rights.
Unjustly blaming others for the purpose of evil.
Succumbing to drugs, alcohol and other immoral behavior because of evil desires.
Acting and thinking that we are superior and invulnerable to everything.
Forcing others to accept our views and way of life.  Converting people without asking permission from God and the individual.
Not trusting in God first and following the evils of mankind.
Using religion or Bible as a weapon. Converting, persecuting and ridiculing others.
Obsessing and  overusing religion in thoughts, motives and desires. Being unable to use tools and techniques in a non-religious way to help or share with others.
Being an undercover agent for evil. Living and working for the purpose of doing evil. 
Not listening and being abusive physically, mentally and spiritually.
Using spiritual terrorism to wrongly influence or destroy others.
Creating dangerous conditions around a person by devilishly influencing others  physically, mentally or spiritually.
Destroying careers, lives and spirit because of hate, discrimination and greed.
Creating war and destroying peace for the purpose of evil or self gain.
Starting an unjust war for political, economical, social, criminal and spiritual gains.

Types of Spiritual Violence

Spiritual Violence is mistreatment of one's physical host or others around the host. It is not a crime in the physical world, but it should be. Keep it mind that it may be a crime in the spiritual justice system. People should learn about spiritual abuse in order to understand, stop and solve it. The following are the types of spiritual abuse that can occur. Spiritual violence causes emotional and physical problems. It is hard to sense, detect and control . It must be prevented.

Emotional abuse
Destroys the person self esteem and creates guilt.
Uses threats and controls the person actions.
Unable to control jealousy, anger and other unacceptable behavior.
"Get rich quick" schemes for which you have to give money.
Good Deals that seem too good to be to true.
Use of high pressure tactics such as "Must Act Today".
Promises of wealth and risk free investment
Promises of marriage, love and sole mates.
Creation of false hopes, misinformation and any type of deception.
Unwelcome sexual comments, abusive or experiences.
False thoughts and ideas that affect others well being.
Mental health, religious or spiritual terrorism in any form.

Thoughts that are not your own.

Physical Abuse

Causes physical pain, serious injury, medical bills and death.

Watch out for signs of unusual pain such as physical pressures, anxiety, headaches and fatigue.  Anything that could cause discomfort or is unwanted.

People in your environment who are susceptible to them may experience negativity.

Force to give up money or a sacrifice for spiritual favors.

Problems with expressing thoughts and ideas.

Problems with verbal and written communications.

Creates physical dexterity problems or other physical handicaps.

Forced into unwanted situations without a proper explanation and support.

Physical manipulations that results in accidents.

Isolationism or unhealthy relationships with other people.

Uses other people to manipulate your surroundings or harms you physically, emotionally or spiritually. Guard against professional people misguidance such as Medical and Mental health professionals.

From time to time and after all we could do, we may need help to improve our relationships and our environment. Due to the subject matter, reporting abuse and discrimination of spiritual violence are not accepted. Be extremely careful in seeking help. Do not let people tell you are mentally ill, but check you instincts from time to time. We all have the right to question authority and treatment. We should be permitted to report any form of spiritual abuse just in case there is trouble in our environment.

As a person or crime victim you have the right:

To be free from intimidation.
To be treated with respect, honor and integrity.
To be told about available compensation.
To be told about social services agencies and resources that can help you.
To be assisted by your criminal justice agencies.

To Report any crime or suspicious activity. No violation is too small to be reported regardless of subject matter.


Ask for help from the following resources:

Find a professional who understands all aspects of your psyche and free of bias, drug abuse and discriminating opinions even if it appears to be standard procedure. Beware of educated idiots.  Be careful that you are not mislead or overpowered by physical, mental and spiritual undue influences.

If you are harmed physically, emotionally and spiritually, get medical attention or other help.

Talk with someone who can help such as friends, mental health professionals, clergy or special law enforcement people. If necessary, look for counseling even if it happen a while ago.

Look for written information such as booklets.

Seek and Check out with extreme care:

God and/or spiritual support resources

Law Enforcement and Intelligence communities

Crime and Violence Prevention Centers

Hotlines, Shelters, Support groups, legal aid services

Family Service Associations & Guidance and Marriage Counselors.

Family therapist, psychologists and psychiatrists.

Mental Health Centers, Social Services and Agencies.

See Special Contact List & Guidelines

See Mental Health Crime and Violence Prevention

See Spiritual Crime and Violence Prevention

See Professional Crime and Violence Prevention

Continue improving your business and personal life.


Warning: Do not hesitate to seek help. It may save you a lot of pain, suffering and accidents at a later date. Sometimes all we need is special attention to prevent further spiritual violence. Also, we may need special people to cleanup our own environment that is impacting us such as law enforcement or intelligence professionals.

Warning: Due to the subject matter of spiritual violence, know your rights to present such material. Proper help may become nasty and violent. If you can present the information in a socially accepted way, do it. The psychiatric professionals dislike people hearing voices, having visions, spiritual ideas or other paranormal experiences. Make sure that no service uses barbaric tactics, improper treatments or embarrasses you.

Freestyle Spiritual Prose

The freestyle prose was created to illustrates the importance of spiritual crime and violence prevention in regards to spiritual encounters that may appear harmless and honorable.  Spiritual encounters can take on many forms and create many scenarios.  Stay in the light and ask God for assistance. Stay strong and remain calm until proper assistance is received. Walk softly when encountering new adventures.  Be flexible to new ideas and experiences.


Through Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention, a person will learn how to navigate through spiritual crime and violence. Spirituality is a complex issue to discuss because the individual must be able to use their instincts and good judgment to discern the truth from spiritual, physical  and mental realities.  Avoid violating sound laws, biblical concepts and the Ten Commandments because you will be held accountable for your action. If you find yourself in an inescapable situation due to unknown spiritual forces, shadowy religious forces or God's judgment, ask for help from trusted contacts such as law enforcement, friends or divine professionals or God. If no help is available, contact as many people, organizations and law enforcement agencies as possible in order to create a synergy of people to combat spiritual crime and violence physically, mentally and spiritually.  Do not hesitate to seek help. It may save you a lot of pain, suffering and accidents at a later date. Sometimes all we need is special attention to prevent further spiritual violence.  Pray to God to help you to advise, protect and guide along your spiritual journey or thrashings. Create a zero tolerance policy for physical, mental and spiritual games. Trust your instinct to do what is necessary to survive. Guard against questionable practices, carelessness, negligence, criminal activities, off the record conduct, biases, misinformation, re-victimization, strange politics, misguidance and misdirection when seeking assistance.  


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Warning: Please investigate policies and procedures, laws and regulations and history of the organization. If you become suspicious or threatened, find help elsewhere. Guard against questionable practices, carelessness, negligence, criminal activities, off the record conduct, biases, misinformation, re-victimization, misguidance and misdirection when seeking assistance. Know your individual rights, the right to collect information on any subject matter and the right to use other resources, if necessary. Check your instincts from time to time. Proper help is not always available. As a result, other healthy socially accepted methods must be established. Know when to request professional backup for protection.


Alan Scott
Copyright © 1999 [Alan Scott's Research]. All rights reserved.
Revised: August 26, 2014 .


E-mail: Fhawk@Ccil.org


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