We live in age of spiritual explorations and curiosity. Past lives are
issues that need to be addressed with great care. There are too many problems
with such concepts. One may open up a Pandora's box of shadowy influences,
criminal activity, mental health issues, spiritual games and other unseen
events. Always protect yourself by asking for advice from God and asking him/her
to surround you with the light. Before exploring past lives, I would
recommend that you educate yourself in all subject matters, crime and violence
prevention, spiritual concepts and God. You may be very disappointed to find out
the truth and the lies that are associate with such things. By understand
spiritual crime and violence prevention in regards to past lives and
reincarnation will help preserve our physical, mental, financial and spiritual
well being.
Truthful Interpretation
Past lives deals with the concept of reincarnation. Reincarnation can be
defined as rebirth of soul into another body to learn lessons that were not
learned in previous life times, to assist humankind to evolve into higher
beings, to aid others who need proper help or to help save the world from
itself. In any event, God gives us a mission that we must complete.
Sometimes, God will give us new instructions along the way to protect us or help
others. It does not matter if we have past lives
or not as long as we complete our mission that was ordained by God.
Past lives can be associated with other peoples past lives with
invisible strings that forces people or groups into situation to help
resolve a conflict, aid a person, teach a person a lesson, help save a
person or preserve society. God may create paths for an individual to
reach that point. By sharing, helping others and using spiritual
discernment will help complete missions from all walks of life. Such
entanglements are typical but are not meant to be abused. God frowns
upon such things.
Questionable interpretations and problems
An individual may have past lives that exists within us. A person may have
spiritual influences that interact with our surroundings or overpower us with
physical, mental and spiritual activities, thought, ideas and expressions that
are separate from our own identity. The problems arises is that searching for
past lives can be confusing, hostile and dangerous due to different kind of spiritual
encounters, spiritual guides and shadowy things. Ungodly forces will abuse the
concepts of past lives and reincarnation for shadowy rewards. There is a chance
that shadowy things will lead the individual astray and cause ungodly
entanglements for selfish and wicked
reasons. God is the only source that can help free you from the confusion,
dangers and hostilities. By
allowing the light to penetrate your mind, body and spirit will free you from
unwanted shadowy entanglements. By asking God to reveal your true self and separate your
spiritual visitors or guides from you will allow you to see your true self and
possibly past lives. Do not get into anything too deep. There are too many
questionable activities, ungodly forces, mental health issues and spiritual
games that can occur. Create a crisis management plan in case you get into
The best advice I can give is to create a self training educational program
and crisis management plan before you
begin any unknown journey. Use your
Judgment. Live for today and prepare for tomorrow. Be proactive.
Sometimes, all we need to do is to experience life, educate ourselves in good
things, read a book or two, be kind, considerate and passionate to others
and embrace our destiny. Completing our mission that was ordained from God
may be the only requirement for success. Follow the ten commandments and the
laws of the land to the best of your ability. Do what is right and just in the eyes of God. Keep
love in your heart and recognize the light of God. Learn how to role play
in different scenarios and create characters that you may want to play.
Always remember to leave your true identity intact and healthy. Seek
Goodness and love. Always treat people you encounter with respect
and dignity. Treat others how you want to be treated. Through this process, I believe that you will find your true
identity without exploring your past lives unnecessarily.
For information on proper preparation, See
Spiritual Crime and Violence Prevention and other web site
topics to prepare you for any journey.