Near Death Experiences


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

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For spiritual crime and violence prevention, Near Death Experiences must be thoroughly investigated to make sure that the experience is moral, ethical and justified.  By discussing this topic will allow the individual to correctly analyze the situation, to avoid unnecessary evils and to acquire proper information. As a result, the person will preserve his physical, mental, financial and spiritual well being.

Near Death Experiences:

Near death experiences is a traumatic condition that result from injury, death or pseudo death of the host due to potent dynamic physical, mental or spiritual forces. The spirit leaves the body for a period of time and returns to reanimate the body. It may go to God, celestial places, shadowy places or remain in the body. Another explanation of NDE is that the individual conscious, subconscious or unconscious is trying to create a healthier connection with God, pleasant experiences, past lives, past traumas or spiritual connections. For crime and violence prevention reasons, we will discuss different scenarios that can cause a near death experiences and other shadowy problems. Near Death Experiences can be scientifically or personally investigated and documented accordingly.

Scenario 1: Near Death Experiences is the result of divine intervention to spiritually awaken the person to a new mission or remind the person of his/her original mission in life. One may encounter spiritual beings who are disciplined, loving and accepting. The light of God will protect, nurture and saturate the person. God may give the person new instructions to complete his/her task. The dark forces or potentially dangerous events may have surrounded the individual to such an extent that divine intervention was a catalyst to the Near Death experiences.

Scenario 2: Near Death Experiences is the result of an accident, any unintentional act or unanticipated events that leads to injury, death, pseudo death or extreme physical, mental or spiritual turmoil. 

Scenario 3: Near Death Experiences is a tool that is used by spiritual undue influences to force a change in attitude, prevent accidents from happening or other dangerous events from occurring. It may be result of religious, spiritual, law enforcement and/or professional pressures or well meaning people with hidden agendas.

Scenario 4: Near Death Experiences is tool that is used by physical, mental and  spiritual influences to induce fear into the victim, punish the individual for some indiscretion, recruit the person for ungodly reasons, stop the person from doing God’s work or reporting criminal activity. The Near Death experience can be a tool for spiritual terrorism. In order to force a change for ungodly purposes, the ungodly forces will create shadowy illusions, misinformation, confusion, misdirection, ungodly or unnecessary conversions, pain, misplaced guilt, lies and destructive ideas. These abuses will allow these influences to destroy someone life or others for the purpose of false love, discrimination, monetary gains, religious recruitment, shadowy recruitment, dark games or shadowy rewards.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The positive experience result in value changes, personal transformation, religious and spiritual orientation and supernatural gifts. Value changes include appreciation for life, the ability to love, seclusion for a period of time, desire to understand spirituality and other positive things. Personal transformations result in self improvement in all things and a better understanding of physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Religious and spiritual reorientation results in a universal understanding of God and the universe. Supernatural gifts such as clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition, prophesies, déjà vu experiences or spiritual sensitivity to spiritual phenomenon may also emerge in the individual. Negative side effects of the sudden changes are pain and suffering, misplaced guilt, anger, hostilities, frustration, confusion, fear, loneliness and physical, mental and spiritual trauma, abuse and challenges. These experiences are challenging and  must be carefully analyzed due to the unpredictable nature of Near Death Experiences to prevent crime and violence.

Warning:  Due to acknowledgement of spirituality and other atypical topics, extreme care must be taken when researching and presenting such thoughts.  We live in a world of ignorance, wickedness, fear, criminal activity, misguidance, questionable practices, bias and hatred that can create a hostile environment regardless of sex, race, color, beliefs, ethnicity, national origin, professional occupation, spirituality, mental illness and handicap. Make sure that no service uses barbaric tactics, uses improper treatments, violate your rights or embarrasses you. Avoid any form of physical, mental, financial and spiritual terrorism. Stay Alert.

Ask for help from the following resources:

Find a professional who understands all aspects of your psyche and free of bias, drug abuse and discriminating opinions even if it appears to be standard procedure. Beware of educated idiots. Be careful that you are not mislead or overpowered by physical, mental and spiritual undue influences.

If you are harmed physically, emotionally and spiritually, get medical attention or other help.

Talk with someone who can help such as friends, mental health professionals, clergy or special law enforcement people. If necessary, look for counseling even if it happen a while ago.

Look for written information such as booklets.

Seek and Check out with extreme care:

God and/or spiritual support resources

Law Enforcement and Intelligence communities

Crime and Violence Prevention Centers

Hotlines, Shelters, Support groups, legal aid services

Family Service Associations & Guidance and Marriage Counselors.

Family therapist, psychologists and psychiatrists.

 Mental Health Centers, Social Services and Agencies.

See Special Contact Lists and Guidelines

See Mental Health Crime and Violence Prevention

See Spiritual Crime and Violence Prevention

See Professional Crime and Violence Prevention

Continue improving your business and personal life.


Please keep in mind that Near Death Experience can disrupt your life and cause physical, mental, financial and spiritual trauma and changes. We must learn diplomatic skill when discussing such topics. To deal with Near Death Experiences require great care to avoid unhealthy interaction with others. Always follow the Ten Commandments and the law to make sure you are working with the light of God and you do not cross any lines. Be careful of dark forces who intent are not honorable and destructive. Always be alert, stay in the light and treat others with respect. Remain peaceful and loving throughout your journey. Always ask questions to make sure that your Near Death Experience is the result of divine intervention and not the result of shadowy forces. Take courage and remain strong. Near Death Experiences may force you outside of your comfort zone into unknown territory. Recruit people to help you on your journey and keep you in the light of God. Going alone may be the only course of action. Please keep in mind that a person my need to embrace the unknown mission, role play, help others, help oneself or fulfill God’s mission to heal. At times, your journey may be mystery. Use your judgment.  By understanding Near Death Experience will make sure your physical, mental, financial and spiritual well being remains healthy and intact. 


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Warning: Please investigate policies and procedures, laws and regulations and history of the organization. If you become suspicious or threatened, find help elsewhere. Guard against questionable practices, carelessness, negligence, criminal activities, off the record conduct, biases, misinformation, re-victimization, misguidance and misdirection when seeking assistance. Know your individual rights, the right to collect information on any subject matter and the right to use other resources, if necessary. Check your instincts from time to time. Proper help is not always available. As a result, other healthy socially accepted methods must be established. Know when to request professional backup for protection.


Alan Scott
Copyright © 1999 [Alan Scott's Research]. All rights reserved.
Revised: July 15, 2004 .




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