Stalking and Harassment Prevention


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

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Counterintelligence will help an individual, business, government, law enforcement  and clueless people to properly communicate, write letters, solicit businesses, approach people, avoid dating dilemmas or understand spiritual callings.  Our society is creating an atmosphere of hostilities, confusion, paranoia and mental health abuse that is detrimental to healthy relationships, healthy ambitions, healthy business activities and healthy freedom of speech, creativity and expressions. It may also inhibit the ability to seek proper help and  receive proper  healthy assistance. A corrosive environment can create undue stress which may stem from  physical, mental and spiritual influences, mixed messages, unseen games or questionable policies. 

To correct this problem, we need to address the issues of  professional crime and violence prevention which may include legalities, corporations, law enforcement , government, dating, mixed messages and silence. There is a thin line from soliciting a business, asking for a date, writing a letter to express our concerns, phoning a friend or asking for help. In addition, notifying people about physical, mental or spiritual community concerns may be inhibited due to fear of reporting suspicious activities and its consequences.  No one is immune from this folly.  We all must take a stand and say what we mean. We must politely address our concerns to the individual or set down our law. We must prevent the law from inhibiting our ability to aid others in a healthy supportive way.  We must not be nebulous or play physical, mental or spiritual games with anyone. We mush provide educational resources or provide knowledge where to obtain these resources. If we are not in a healthy mind set, we should inform the individual of such things.  A proper healthy support system may help alleviate the situation. 


Stalking refers to repeated willful, malicious, nonconsensual, inappropriate actions that harasses,  threatens a person,  businesses or organizations through the use of writing letters,  verbal communications, phone calls,  gifts,  following, surveillance, watching, or vandalizing.  It may cause fears in the recipient.  Most stalking laws require the person to be declared as stalker if the person makes credible threats against a person or individual or the course of conduct can constitute implied threat. (Vague at times)

Anti-stalking law is a tool that protects people from intruders or hostile individual. 

Anti-stalking law can also be another legal weapon that can be used to threaten or harass people who may just be doing the right thing, showing community support, seeking assistance or addressing difficult issues, supporting the efforts of law enforcement or may appear to be unsophisticated and simple.  It is a easy weapon to use when our own policies, fears, mindsets and ignorance are unhealthy, criminal, weak or uncivilized.   By not acting or saying anything in a crime and violence prevention fashion can create entrapment conditions for the clueless individual.  If a hostile environment is present around the individual, then we must entertain the thought that the a person may be a target or incapacitated by unseen physical, mental and spiritual influences within or outside the community.  


Unlawful harassment is an unwanted,  unsolicited nonverbal, verbal, written , graphic or physical behavior or conduct based upon race, sex, creed, religion, national origin, age, color, or handicapping condition that creates a shadowy environment,  hostile work environment or circumstances involving improper conditions for employment or employment decisions that illegally affects the individual regardless if implied or expressed, clearly and completely. 

Special Note:  Please consider that what is presented legally in the courthouse, may be twisted and perverted on the street to create fear and paranoia in others for the purpose of control, abuse, misguidance and manipulation. Always check out your facts.

Questions that need to be addressed:

Is the subject matter acceptable to the situation?

How do I ask for help from numerous resources without appearing threatening?

How much contact is too much?  How many letters or phone calls are too many?

How may letters can one write or phone calls be made to a politician, law enforcement officer, business or individual before it is considered stalking or harassment? 

How may these communications be used against the person in the court of law? When is it a violation of my rights to contact people?  When do I need to bring in law enforcement agents to prevent crime and violence from mental health professionals, law enforcement, politicians, judges and lawyers? Will any of these communications be an instrument for blackmail for political or shadowy reasons?

What is considered stalking and harassment to the recipient?

If I violate protocol,  how will I be told without consequences to the relationship?  

What kind of information is appropriate in any form of communications?

Is it alright to discuss  physical, mental  or  spiritual things? 

What are the warnings signs that I should examine to make sure that it is consensual?  What does "no reply" mean within the scope of phone calls, e-mails and letters? When is "silence or no response"  a dangerous tool to entrap an individual? When people do not respond,  what does that mean?

Are we using our law enforcement agency to threaten the individual without providing proper educations resources or proper crime and violence prevention tools or a powerful support network to protect all parties?  

Where do we draw the line? How do we prevent unnecessary abuses?

When does concern  for someone else's safety or well being become a harassment or stalking issue?  If a person is unknowingly entering a dangerous situation, how do we aid the individual without creating fear?  Should the person report such concerns to the proper authorities of such things first?

Should inaction be a crime when the recipient remains silent or does not provide crime and violence prevention information until it is time for the arrest?

When are the recipient own inadequate policies, ignorance, criminality, misguidance or perception at fault or disconnected from reality?

When does harmless dating games or business etiquette violate boundaries in an unhealthy fashion, physically, mentally and spiritually?

If we become too fearful, when will dating, freedom of speech and business interaction become a felony or unhealthy interaction?

What are the consequences of getting involved?



Special Note:  Due to the in-depth subject matter of stalking and harassment, I am only covering issues and questions  that we must understand to prevent stalking and harassment.  For more information,  please contact me or do your own research in the subject matter.  This segment is only to enlighten others of the situation, create a healthy mindset and provide a proper physical, mental and spiritual interface.




In the stalking and harassment segment, we define stalking, addressed issues and presented questions that an individual may need to stay safe. The subject matter and the boundaries are very complex and dynamic. I would recommend the following:


Treat each other with respect and dignity

Talk and listen to one another regardless of subject manner. 

Be polite and sensitive because both parties my feel threatened.

Avoid any negative comments or hostilities towards any individual. 

If anyone accidentally or unknowingly oversteps the boundaries, please let them know about the inappropriate action through an e-mail,  letter or  phone call. 

Encourage and educate the individual when appropriate to the situation.

If possible, allow the individual to express one's thoughts and ideas as long as it does not become threatening.  There may be a reason for the interactions. 

Say what we mean and present your concerns with patience and understanding towards the well being of the individual. 

Provide information on public health educational resources or other special support systems to help resolve the dilemma.     (See Special Contact List & Guidelines) 

After we have done our best to help the individual, notify  law enforcement agencies. across the United States if necessary.    (See Special Contact List & Guidelines)

Please keep in mind that not everyone has in-depth training of such things. 

Do not take anything, personally.



By being aware of a stalking and harassment issues, crime and violence prevention  topics that are addressed in this series may be avoided.  To the clueless individual or business, walk softly and carefully. Things are not black and white anymore. Predators may take advantage of your dilemma for whatever reasons. Be careful that no one falls prey to any form of physical, mental or spiritual terrorism. The world is full of problems that need to be addressed. It begins here.


Keep in mind that law enforcement, government and businesses are policing and giving advice may appear threatening or helpful depending on yours and their mindset at the time. To ease  tension, a proper written policy and a crime and violence prevention letter should be implemented and accepted as common practice to educate your potential target or victim regardless of unhealthy legal practices.  We must avoid at all cost, a society that creates an unhealthy, uneasy, working relationship with law enforcement, government or business due to unhealthy laws, views, mental health abuses, misguidance, rules and regulations.


After you have done everything to stand your ground, stand firm so God and his\her angels can protect and guide us against devilish schemes. 



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Warning: Please investigate policies and procedures, laws and regulations and history of the organization. If you become suspicious or threatened, find help elsewhere. Guard against questionable practices, carelessness, negligence, criminal activities, off the record conduct, biases, misinformation, re-victimization, misguidance and misdirection when seeking assistance. Know your individual rights, the right to collect information on any subject matter and the right to use other resources, if necessary. Check your instincts from time to time. Proper help is not always available. As a result, other healthy socially accepted methods must be established. Know when to request professional backup for protection.


Alan Scott
Copyright © 1999 [Alan Scott's Research]. All rights reserved.
Revised: September 06, 2014 .




Disclaimer: This research material is to provide accurate information in regards to the subject matter covered. The author, business and other entities accepts no responsibilities for inaccuracies or omissions; and specifically disclaim any liabilities, loss, or risk, personal, business, financial or related catastrophes which may have incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly as a result of using and applying these principles. The research material is not a substitute for legal, medical, financial or expert advice. If expert assistance is required, seek the service of a competent licensed professional.

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