Counterintelligence & Executive Protection


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

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Counterintelligence & Executive Protection

Classified Nondisclosure Agreement Briefing Booklet 

Security Clearance Guidelines 

 Laws and Statutes 

Undercover Operations

Crisis Management Plans  



Throughout this work,  I have explored the domestic aspects of counterintelligence that ordinary citizens must used to prevent any form of crime and violence. By using it, unseen trouble at home can be prevented. It should be a requirement before exploring other areas. Once we have mastered our own lives and related issues, we are ready to discuss the world of Intelligence, Counterintelligence and Executive protection.  In this discussion,  a person will understand basic issues that can help preserve a person physical, mental, financial well being against foreign and domestic threats. Preserving one's well being is a tricky business. It can become very challenging when a person is dealing with the intelligence community.  So, buckle up for the ride of your life.


Counterintelligence is a method that provides pertinent information that aids in the decision making process of ordinary citizens, corporations, government and nations for protection and prevention. The gathering and collecting of information provides crucial ideas for crime and violence prevention at all levels. It helps us to identify threats, preserve our physical, mental, spiritual, social and financial health.

Counterintelligence is an in-depth subject that can become very complex. It deals with espionage, tradecraft, covert action, terrorism, ethics and morality, brainwashing, economic intelligence, domestic and international laws, cultural difference, sabotage, assassination,  disinformation and spirituality. Awareness of the subject will aid in preserving our physical, mental, financial and spiritual well being with every day activities.

Ordinary citizens are vulnerable to foreign powers, organizations, terrorist activities, spiritual activities, intelligence gatherers and people with hidden agendas. The most important part of counterintelligence is understanding how everything functions in the world around them. Educate oneself on crime and violence prevention, teach your children and network with the community. Be physically, psychologically and spiritually prepared. It may be worth it.

Research and analysis is an important tool to find vulnerabilities in the subject matter and use the vital information for proper or improper use.

Executive Protection

Executive Protection consists of programs and systems to protect a person from unseen events, accidents, unknown attackers and threats by using proper intelligence and assessment management. These programs must identify potential threats and execute proper protection for the client or persons. Executive Protection must address clients' physical, mental, financial and spiritual well being as well as training the individual to handle physical, mental, financial and spiritual threats in  his/her environment.  With a basic understanding of Executive Protection, a new awareness will emerge on the street that will promote a new defense against threatening activities or events. The person will be in control of his/ her environment. In other words, well  trained agents are responsible for the client's well being so the client can perform his/her duties free of unnecessary physical, mental, financial and spiritual threats, games and stress.

Important Intelligence Departments of the United States for Networking


Figure 1: Intelligence Community Circle from Central Intelligence Agency's A Consumer Guide to Intelligence.

Laws and Statutes for the Intelligence Community

The following list are general guidelines for domestic,  foreign and counterintelligence investigation. Remember that certain guidelines are classified  and not available to the public.

Role of Intelligence consists of the following items:

Collection and analysis of information about foreign powers, people, places, events and activities that is needed by the consumers.
Covert Action is designed to influence governments, organizations, events or persons through the use of politics, economics, propaganda or military activities.
Competitive Intelligence are operations that legally gather and collect information for profit or gain which is called open source information.
Provides support to American diplomacy, law enforcement and military operation.
Provides support for defense planning and economic intelligence.
Provides support for countering terrorism, narcotics, weapons of mass destruction,
Provides support to combat international and domestic organized crime.
Provides support to combat unseen spiritual activities.
Collects information on environment and world health problems.
Collects and combats Information Warfare that is defined as intentional sabotage to gain control over electronic information systems for illegal gains.
Provides methodology by asking Who, What, When, Where, Why and How in order to prepare for all possible aspects of any attacks, scenarios or problems.

Intelligence Process includes the following steps:

Define the needs or requirements of the intelligence community.
Gather and collect raw information for the finished product.
Process and exploit the information for intelligence purposes.
Integrate, evaluate and analyze all information and prepare a finished product.
Disseminate the product to the consumer who request them and need them.
Get feedback of the finished product to help to determine the effectiveness, intelligence gaps, readability and consumer needs.
Using modern technical aids and research activities to produce good results.
Ensures that  the finished products are free of biases, dangerous spiritual influences, unsound mental judgments and tainted intelligence. 

Countermeasures consist of the following aspects:

Surveillance monitoring, facility  and  security measures may be implemented for protection or investigating suspicious activities.
Human Intelligence Collection, Technical Intelligence Collection and  Open-Source Collection can be implemented.
Covert Operations and plausible denial may also be used.
Proper physical, psychological and spiritual preparation will prevent an individual from becoming a victim of illegal or suspicious activities.
From experience " Killing the messenger"  is not recommended.  All information should be analyzed and taken seriously regardless of subject matter.
Making sure that  prepared intelligence is free from biases, dangerous spiritual influences, unsound mental judgments and tainted intelligence that results in poor decision making. 
Risk analysis is a methodology which examines present conditions and situations to determine any dangers and recommends countermeasures to prevent problems.
Threat Assessment is a methodology which examines a known threat and determines the proper countermeasures to eliminate the threat.

Legal, Ethical, Philosophical and Spiritual Decision Making Must Examine:

Problems of counterintelligence in a democratic society 
Legal, ethical and spiritual responsibilities and decision making. 
Effects of culture, perception, societal pressures and taboos
God role, God's Undercover Agents actions, the spiritual communities pressures and biblical Interpretations that impact decision making, peoples behavior and society.

Due to the nature, arguments and the complexity of philosophical, spiritual ethical and legal issues concerning counterintelligence, this discussion is beyond the scope of this work.  

Future Concerns must consider these questions:

In an open society, how far should we go to regulate and censor
information to prevent?

How does propaganda and espionage sabotage people,
corporate entities and government operations?

What type of countermeasures should we implement to preserve
our way of life without taking our freedoms away?

How do we monitor society's forces such as personal, technological, political and cultural to prevent espionage or destructive force?

How do we protect ourselves from abuse of power,  violation of human rights and other illegal activity?

How do we protect ourselves from ungodly hidden agendas and  unseen spiritual pressures?

Problems of Information

In today's society, we have been swarmed with misinformation, too much information and illegal information which results in creating a breeding ground for crime and violence. Through dissemination, the world of spies, savory characters, corporate scandals and mobster can create hazardous conditions for the average citizen. We must figure a way to reduce the dangers of misuse of information.

Protection of Information

Classification of information determines a specific degree of protection against unauthorized disclosure that would cause damage to national security interests. Keep in mind that a person seeking information must also have a "need to know" in addition to the classification.

  Protection of Information Consists of three classifications:

Confidential - Information that can reasonably damage national security interest.
Secret - Information that can seriously damage national security interests.
Top Secret - Information that could have a detrimental impact to national security.

Declassification is the removal of information from the protective status.


Important Analysis for Security Clearance Guidelines and Information

Through my investigation of Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention, I have discovered a valuable security guidelines for eligibility for a clearance or access to classified information from the government. I would recommend that you use these guidelines to select and help your friends, select your business associates and avoid problems. Please keep in mind that no one is perfect and these guidelines should be used as a guide to make sure you avoid  physical, mental and spiritual problems and games.

Security Clearances and the Protection of National Security Information:  

   Laws and Procedures

Self Analysis

To discover where one belongs in society, one must do a self analysis of personal goals, agendas, strength and weaknesses. Only through this analysis, a person will found his/her true calling in society, intelligence arena or other arenas.

Important Personal Questions that must be addressed.

How far am I willing to go? How much garbage am I willing to take?
Will I be able to follow orders?
Who will pay my salary? How much money will I earn?
Who will protect me from crime and violence?
How will it effect my family? Who will protect my family?
When will I lose it? Will I receive proper or improper help?
Can I live with myself in the morning?
Whom must I sleep with to get ahead?
Am I capable of protecting my country, coworkers, contacts and
friends from espionage, sabotage or abusive management style?
Can I afford to lose everything when I must make a stand for
honor and integrity in my own country? Will I be banished and exiled?
Will I become a target of espionage or unjustified acts of betrayal from my country, coworkers, contacts and friends because of greed, jealousy, orders from superiors, politics and blackmail?
Am I motivated by greed, ego, prestige or spiritual truth?
Am I concern about saving and solving problems in the world?
Do I prefer and practice Truth, proper morality, Justice and honor?
Will I be able to protect and serve with honor and integrity?
What is my true spiritual mission and what do I need to learn?
How will undercover life affect me, my family and others?

These questions will determine if one can follow someone else's code of ethics and laws which may prove to be difficult. We all have an obligation to protect, serve and preserve life. How far are you willing to go for physical, mental, spiritual and financial survival?

Personal Suggestions for working for any company or organizations:

Make sure that you receive orders, assignments for information from a committee or a sanctioned group of individuals.  Do not rely on one individual for serious assignments.
Avoid or safely store weapons of any kind in case you become delusional.
Make sure you receive proper orders, documentation, intelligence information or assignments in writing in order to cover your assets.
Follow and obey the law.  Follow the Ten Commandments. Know when to notify proper officials within the organization of any suspicious activity.
Use common sense and judgment when dealing with people or implementing assignments.
Know when to report the little things.  It is up to the investigative team to decide if it is important or not important.
Do not be afraid to say "No",  speak up or walk away when necessary.
Do not let anyone or any organization threaten you.  
Know when to role play to protect yourself.
If possible, do not corrupt the innocence of others. Look for people who need to be there due to their chosen path.  Follow the light of God. You will be doing the universe a favor if you avoid doing evil.  Help others to help themselves.  Help others to find their own true mission in life.  Bring them home.
For special serious conditions,  See Special Contact List & Guidelines.

 Undercover Operations:

In any counterintelligence operation,  a person may have to become an undercover agent to obtain information that is vital to the organization or client.  The non-government agency may have more leeway to get the information, but I would recommend that you read the following item which is based on the Attorney's General Guidelines for Federal Bureau of Investigations Undercover Operations.  If you are acting as a civilian or law enforcement personnel make sure you do not overstep your boundaries of laws and ethics. Your actions may have legal and ethical consequences.

Attorney's General Guidelines for Federal Bureau of Investigations Undercover Operations. 


Personal Investigative Findings of an Unofficial Undercover Operations: 

Below are investigative results of my own spiritual calling into the shadowy world of community problems. First my spiritual calling or unofficial undercover operation, began near Washington D.C. and Chester County in the late eighties. All of the phenomenon mention below began to occur during the same time period. It devoured 18 years of my life. The undercover operation began with the intent to see what happens to a person when an individual encounters a hostile environment, needs protection, embraces morality and must report suspicious activity that might not be completely understood, but valuable to the intelligence community.

Undercover Operations Discoveries:

  Elements that can result in Illegal activities, improper aid and personal harm. 

Poor Government Training, Poor Management Training and Implementation.
CIA background investigations, a normal government background investigation and weirdness
Unknown Military Influences and Pentagon Referral Services
Improper response to a walk-in attempt to notify his recruiter of strange physical, mental and spiritual activities in his environment. Recruiter who fails to respond in a timely manner or disappears.
Hostile physical, mental and spiritual environment and aid. Mean spiritedness.
Questionable Mental Health Professionalism. Drug pushing idiots, overreaction and ungodly attitudes. 
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation practices of pushing drugs for employment consideration and the use of psychiatrists to promote drug use which results in mental health abuse. 
Ungodly psychiatric help with emphasis on drugging. Poor mannerism and verbal communications. 
Psychologist who listen but unable to give any advice on the subject matter.
Writing letters to national, federal and local community representatives that results in no response, possible notification of local and/or federal law enforcement which results in mental health threats, legal threats and questionable tactics from law enforcement personnel and other unmentionables.
Employment Searches that results with interaction with organized crime, questionable interview practices, questionable employment practices and unethical money games
Professional games that results in degradation, confusions and destructive practices.
Encounters with prostitutes, felons, possible foreign agents, unwanted pornography, drug addicts, drug suppliers, ungodly souls and people with possible criminal backgrounds. Keep in mind I live in a drug free zone and Godly environment.
Overwhelming religious ideologies, conversions and satanic forces in the community
Unique spiritual manipulations, spiritual sabotage and near death experiences
Unusual spiritual warfare and activity. Strange spiritual callings. 
Star People, space beings and spiritual awakenings.
A powerful spiritual calling for a young lady who may have encountered a hostile environment.
Potential physical, mental and spiritual life threatening vulnerabilities
Ungodly, inexperience, and spiritually influenced lawyers and judges
Grumpy ungodly judges and law enforcement personnel at all levels
Courthouse's ungodly shenanigans or courthouse's questionable activities
Parents, family members and relatives who are ungodly, ignorant, inhibited, gullible, clueless, hostile and unsupportive, physically, mentally and spiritually.
Unusual, threatening and confusing activity in restaurants and bars which can have an overpowering influences on a person physical, mental, financial and spiritual well being.
People with strange anti-government philosophies, possible criminal connections, unhealthy hygiene issues, mental health issues and ungodly spiritual issues. 
Friends who are unable to help, overwhelmed with their own problems, inconsiderate, exhibit poor social skills, spiritually inhibited or criminally oriented.
Abandonment of friends, relationships and professionals for reasons unclear.
Encouragement of frivolous law suits ranging from Human Services to Legal Aid. 
Stalking and Harassment issues.
Strange politics in the Republican party, Democratic party and other political parties.
Misguidance, misdirection and misinterpretation
Questionable Intelligence Issues, former intelligence officers and secrecy
Professionals who have the attitude that It is not my jurisdiction, legally I am not able to help, what do you want me to do about it, I do not need this stuff, I do not want to deal with that psycho or schizoid, I do not have to help and Why should I give godly advice...... what ever.
Monetary rewards in exchange for proper help. Information is revealed for proper compensation. 
Inappropriate transference:  I assume people have bad days and those are days I am around.
Self Analysis:

From my point of view:  I was naive, untrained, scared, confuse, injured, spiritually inhibited, a target and unable to talk. In addition, I had normal minor physical and  mental health problems, but I had numerous spiritual problems. I was not stupid, incapacitated or completely out of it.  I am an educated person of good godly character. Luckily, I walked away from most of the above items before encountering legal, criminal and law enforcement retaliations. At times, I felt like I was a target of somebody's shadowy agenda. Due to powerful spiritual undue influences thrashing me and unhelpful aid, I suffered physical, mental, financial and spiritual injuries and loss. 

The best part of the unidentified unofficial undercover operations was that I had no intention of legal action, causing trouble or becoming a problem for anyone. In addition, I did not want become a target or become the most wanted, hated and falsely accused criminal in the local community, law enforcement community and intelligence community. Also, I did not want to use drugs, legally or illegally, file false reports or get arrested.  I live in a drug free zone and godly environment.  I just wanted to prevent crime and violence by reporting  dangerous situations and comprehend the weirdness.  I did not want to report anything because the whole country is doing something unethical and possible illegal.  I would not know where to begin and how to protect myself.

In fairness, I never cared about most of the stuff I encountered, except for the spiritual terrorism that encompassed everything. I am an pretty easy going most of the time. To fight this kind of terrorism requires networking, finding other resources and asking help from God.  Please keep in mind, when you encounter all these problems, the sum of the parts creates a threatening environment. There are too many satanic forces looking to destroy people lives for ungodly rewards. It is getting to the point that when we walk into any home, organizations or government agency,  law enforcement is needed for backup which includes federal and intelligence agencies to stay safe and out of harms way.

A good attitude to have is the following: Refuse to be victimized and re-victimized.  Refuse to be a sacrificial  lamb. Refuse to become a piñata. Refuse to be someone's science project, lab rat or meal ticket. Other statements that are unfairly used is that ignorance of the law is no excuse and did we forget to tell you about that hazard. If this is the case then the only way to prevent any violation is networking with national, federal and local law enforcement agencies in order to protect you from misguidance and danger.  

I wanted to preserve my physical, mental, financial and spiritual well being from physical, mental and spiritual undue influences. In addition, I wanted to protect my country and friends from potential threats in the community. I just wanted to follow the ten commandments and abide by the law to the best of my ability.  Sharing this information, helps me accomplish my goal.

All I needed was godly support, protection and love. Additionally, organizations and supportive people would have been helpful if they supplied proper information and aid in a timely manner. Finding a healthy working environment that properly managed, followed a code of ethics and operated within the law would also be helpful to ease the situation.

For fairness, I did acquire support from citizens from time to time, but it was slow, questionable, disorganized and spiritually disconnected at times. Through my own research,  I found valuable information to help me as well as others physically, mentally and spiritually. It became very stressful, physically, mentally and spiritually even if I did not realize it at the time. 


Be careful out there. Know when to request backup, locally, federally and nationally.  If necessary, attend Commissioner's meetings in your county. Use the Commissioner meeting as a forum to address people's concerns without threats of stalking and harassment, questionable law enforcement practices, mental health games and legal and judicial games. If necessary bring in federal law enforcement support and intelligence agencies to make sure the environment remains healthy.  Additionally, it is helpful to find handbooks on the roles and functions of the commissioner's and other positions.  Hopefully, they will listen, provide proper information and physical, mental and spiritual protection when necessary.  Let us create a command center something like homeland security where all citizens can go to report things and gather support in a civilized and supportive fashion. Government Agencies can do the same. One day, I hope that all agencies will make the meetings know to all person who are encountering difficulties in the community.  There are too many games being played in the community that creates dangerous situations. It will take the community to fight the communities' hostilities.

For further information,  See Special Contact List & Guidelines.

The bottom line of the investigation,  I must ask what is going on with everybody in the community. Is it a disconnection from God? Is it is God's Sense of Humor? Is just mean spiritedness?  I will not lie to you, the experiences obtained from the unofficial undercover operations leaves deep scars, create health problems and financial problems. My biggest problem deals with unwanted spiritual terrorism which caused physical, mental financial and spiritual injuries; In addition, abandonment, isolationism, frustration, hopelessness, distress, disappointment and suicidal thoughts are also some side effects of the journey. Also, an unwanted side effect to my undercover role was irreversible damage to my engineering career, relationships, graduate programs and future earnings potential. I was forced into self-education, self-training, sole proprietorship and other financial ventures for financial support. The positive side of the experience is that a stronger relationship with God emerged and a deeper understanding of my own spirituality. May God protect and guide us in everything we do. In God, we love and trust. Seriously, these findings should be addressed and incorporated into the community. 

In summation:  

 I do not know why I had this spiritual calling, but these are my findings.  What it was all about will echo in mind for a long time. Was it necessary? I will probably never be able to answer that question. All I can do is continue with my life to the best of my ability. I hope that the ones who assisted me along the way had honorable intentions. Eventually, I would be disabled due to the physical, mental and spiritual trauma that occurred due to the spiritual terrorism, mean spirited undue influences, uninformed people and the shadowy games. God is the only one who has the answer and God, in his/her time, will make the required changes in people and their community. So, beware of God's blessings. The road to recovery is challenging, but with God, noble support, proper guidance and law enforcement backup one can achieve success. 

Codename:   Firehawk


I was once Idealistic, now I am just realistic. We have created a system that prevents us from earning an honest living. Too many laws are created to suppress, threaten and destroy us. To get ahead, we are being forced to lie, destroy lives and take advantage of the innocent. Things need to be changed so every person understands all rules, regulations and laws.

I hope that there are people who have integrity, honesty and practice the ten commandments or related version of morality. These people will be the only people who can save us from the darkness of the world. Hopefully, we can learn from there way of life.

One can become very disillusioned about the world, how things are done and the lack of honor and integrity. We set people up for frivolous law suits and threats of psychiatric care for ideas that work against the establishment.

As result, our families and friends suffer. We create laws that appear to be helpful while actually we are harming others. Is it true that good intention can become a roadway to darkness? Be careful of people or groups that promote graft and corruption through laws, who teach hate and destruction while appearing to be noble.

Even though the world is chaotic and depressing at times, we can use counterintelligence to make our world a safer place to live. We can collect and gather information that preserves our physical, mental, spiritual and financial well being. After all is said and done, we hope we can create a loving and nurturing environment where we can tell the truth, practice honor and integrity and promote ideals that works with the light. In conclusion, the truth shall set you free. 


This concludes the Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention Series. I hope that you have learned something from this series. I hope that your physical, mental, spiritual and financial well being is healthier. In the future, I may be implementing a more advance series and in-depth examination of Counterintelligence. It will not happen for a while. It takes time, patience, research and resources to create the new series. The new series will examine subjects that were discussed in this presentation.

Before I finish, I want to leave you with a personal message. We were placed on this world to do what God has intended us to do. We should not be distracted and twisted by other people's religious, political, intelligence, social and philosophical issues. After you have done everything to stand your ground, stand firm so God and his\her angels can protect and guide us against devilish schemes. 

May the light and truth set you free.

May God send his/her angels to protect us along the path of truth and justice.

God help us all!


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Warning: Please investigate policies and procedures, laws and regulations and history of the organization. If you become suspicious or threatened, find help elsewhere. Guard against questionable practices, carelessness, negligence, criminal activities, off the record conduct, biases, misinformation, re-victimization, misguidance and misdirection when seeking assistance. Know your individual rights, the right to collect information on any subject matter and the right to use other resources, if necessary. Check your instincts from time to time. Proper help is not always available. As a result, other healthy socially accepted methods must be established. Know when to request professional backup for protection.


Alan Scott
Copyright © 1999 [Alan Scott's Research]. All rights reserved.
Revised: September 14, 2018 .




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