Counterintelligence is very important
for safely navigating the mental health
community. When a person deals with the mental health community and other
professionals that use their services, one should takes steps to prevent mental
health crime and violence. It has reached a point that people are becoming
victims due to exploitation, prejudices, shady rules and
regulations, management procedures, questionable interpretations,
abuses, poor training, spiritual games, misrepresentation, corruption, hidden agendas, poor communication,
community games and other
unusual activities in aiding a person to heal mentally, physically and
spiritually. Counterintelligence will help us to avoid any physical,
mental and spiritual games that may occur in the mental health community,
corporations, government and other areas of life.
Your mental health is important to Counterintelligence: crime and violence
prevention. We must become familiar with certain signals in ourselves and
others. Please keep in mind it is very dangerous to create threatening
conditions when we start labeling people and implementing improper treatments
when it is not necessary. Treat everyone with respect, honor and integrity. Do a
background investigation to check out one's creditability. Do not assume
they are not telling the truth. Treat the problem as it was real. Create a
crisis management plan to address the issues at hand.
| Reality Testing is a way to make sure that the person knows
what is happening, what is real and what is not real. We must be
careful how we handle the person who may be under stress, attacked by
undue influences or needs to report unusual activities. We must
determine if the person knows the different between his physical,
mental and spiritual realities; real, imaginary or supernatural
threats. Sometimes the six sense can warn people of danger
before the real threat occurs. Everyone should treat the six
sense as a proactive measure. It is should be defined as a
supernatural experiences and properly explored without violating the
rules of so-called reality. |
| Protective Actions should be executed to prevent thoughts
that are negative, obsessive, erroneous, oppressing, immoral,
unrealistic and rebellious. It is very important to avoid applying these thoughts to healthy realistic situations that
are truthful, divine, justified, moral and ethical. It is okay to
allow these thoughts when the situation is shadowy, manipulative,
unjust, illegal, immoral, unethical and dangerous. Make sure that such
thoughts are appropriate to your situation and under your control. If
you are not sure of the appropriate action, be positive and truthful. |
| Humoring a person is a dangerous tool that is used to take
the information and prevent any form of hostilities without any
regards to the health of the person. Corporate and Government
Professional, Law Enforcement and Mental Health professional may use
this tactic against you. What appears to be paranoia, psychotic
and delusional to one, may be real to another person due to a
hostile environment where there is evil present, but unseen. The
best thing to do is say nothing when you suspect that people are
humoring you. Notify the law enforcement of possible
problems. Do not say too much. Say what is the problem and
let them figure it out. The best thing to do is to gather
support from honorable people just in case there is something more to
the weirdness. Everything should be done with compassion, honor
and integrity. |
| Impulse Control is a mental function that helps an
individual to control his actions, feelings, emotions and
thoughts. It is very important to make sure that the individual
does not loose his control of his physical, mental and spiritual
senses. Proper control is important to prevent crime and
violence, lawsuits and unethical situations. |
| Social Behavior is the study of how individuals relate to
others and organizations. Social behavior is a complex subject
matter that I am unable to go into details at this time. Please keep
in mind that people have been harmed and helped by a nurturing or
hostile society. Depending what happened in these environments
will have an impact upon his social behavior. All we can do is
show compassion with integrity, tell the truth and aid others where we
can. All Social behaviors should follow the ten commandments and the
law to the best of their abilities. |
| Intelligence and Education in any form will help preserve
one's mental health if they have a proper outlook to life.
Intelligence and Education will allow one to preserve one's physical,
mental and spiritual well being. It will prevent others from
pressuring the target to make bad decisions. The individuals will have
the tools to overcome anything. They will have the ability to think
clearly, absorb information, understand written and verbal
material. |
| Understanding the Types of Mental illnesses and Proper Treatment is
another in-depth subject that I will leave to the interested student.
What I am going to say is that it is very important to understand the
difference between psychiatry and psychology, Freudian theories and
Jungian theories, the types of spirituality and the truths and lies. Eventually, the person will find out that he/she is as normal as
anyone else in society in many aspects, but not all. Know
when to notify law enforcement when you are wrongly influenced in such
matters such as inappropriate use of drugs, misdiagnoses and
institutionalization. Note:
I do not support the use of behavior altering drugs unless extreme
conditions exist, I mean extreme. |
| Alcohol, Drugs and/or excessive Abnormal Behavior are other
signs that must be analyzed. Are there signs and symptoms of
potential problems that must be addressed? Please keep in
mind that abnormal behavior is a relative term. What is normal to one
person or organization may be abnormal to another person or
organization? Being abnormal in a proper setting can be
fun. Remember that we must follow the laws and regulations of
the person or organization. If not, people become confused, paranoid
and upset. It is a shame that society makes people boring,
fearful, mindless and emotionless in such matters. |
| Misuse of Mental Health is a tool to destroy peoples'
physical, mental, financial and spiritual health. It should
never be used to destroy others. It is unethical and illegal in most
cases. It destroys the person's self esteem, health and
reputation. It is a form of verbal, mental and spiritual abuse.
Notify law enforcement of such abuses. You have the right to
protect yourself. It is a shame that society makes people boring,
fearful, mindless and emotionless in such matters. In some circles, it
is called spiritual or psychological terrorism/ warfare and blackmail. |
| Mental Health Psychobabble - Mental health field contain
problems due to the questionable psychological jargon. Everything we
say, think, believe, experience or acknowledge has an unflattering
label place upon the action. As a result, there are shadowy forces
including the mental health professional that can stigmatize the
person and allow others to abuse the person even if the person is a
honorable individual who had done what is right and just. The
professionals should learn how to listen, talk, present proper
information and practical solutions that work in the real world. By
being aware of such problems, one will be able to stop the abuse, name
calling, mindless labeling, illegal activities, misconceptions,
questionable and illogical practices. Let us avoid making a normal
person appear as a crazy idiot or a potential target. Let us also
avoid creating intense fear and misconceptions in the minds of friends
and family member who are clueless to the actual reality. It is
getting to the point that we should avoid saying anything or
expressing ideas until proper respect and support is given. Let God
handle the professionals, clueless people and the situation. |
Emotional and Spiritual
problem solving is a new technique that I developed to communicate
supernatural events and the impacts of such items on the emotional well
being of a person. Emotional trauma can be caused by spiritual forces
and we must be permitted to present such problems in unthreatening and
mentally stable way. If you suspect that the source of the trouble is
spiritual then we must state it as so. If you suspect the source of
the trouble is mental or physical then we must state it as so. By
acknowledging the possible problem source will enable the professionals and
non-professionals to correctly address the situation without causing further
physical, mental or spiritual harm. |
Warning: Due to
acknowledgement of spirituality and other atypical topics, extreme care must be taken when researching and presenting
such thoughts. We live in a world of ignorance, wickedness, fear, criminal
activity, misguidance, questionable practices, bias and hatred that can
create a hostile environment regardless of sex, race, color, beliefs, ethnicity,
national origin, professional occupation, spirituality, mental illness and handicap. Make sure that no service uses barbaric tactics,
uses improper
treatments, violate your rights or embarrasses you. Avoid any form of physical,
mental, financial and spiritual terrorism. Stay Alert. |
Alert: For people who are sensitive
to spiritual things, the ungodly physical, mental and spiritual
community will attempt to desensitize or cripple you by making you
appear mentally/spiritually challenged. By using mental health
professionals' ungodly methods, dangerous prescription medications
or illegal drugs, the community can do significant damage to a
healthy spiritual person in order to disconnect the individual from
his/her Godly existence and hide their own immorality. Their motives
are to masks their own shadowy presence, environments and
intentions. Their goal is to prevent you from sensing their ungodly
intentions, thoughts and presence in your environment. God, ethics
and your freewill should be first priority. God has given us unique
gifts to combat ungodly spiritual things. Be careful of the shadowy
games out there. There are lot of people who are unenlightened about
such things or mentally/spiritually challenged so be morally
responsible when dealing with them. Stay in the light. Do not let
any undue influences take advantage of you physically, mentally and
spiritually. If necessary request law enforcement backup as you role
play with the people of questionable character or other
mental/spiritual challenges. |
Related fears and emotions that may emerge from traumatic experiences,
questionable practices, crime, violence, ignorant people, mental health
assistance and improper aid.
| Resentment, frustration, hopelessness and emotional upheaval |
| Fear, degradations, confusion, sadness, misplace guilt, depression,
psychosis and paranoia |
| Fear of being victimized, re-victimized and finally eliminated. |
| Fear of being harmed by shady questionable practices and people. |
| Fear of being unable to work due to physical, mental and spiritual
terrorism. |
| Fear of embarrassment, retaliation, mental health abuses and verbal
attacks. |
| Fear of being blamed for other peoples problems and mental health
issues. |
| Fear of not being able to live up to unrealistic standards or
performing unsatisfactory. |
| Fear of being a disappointment, rejected or unworthy. |
| Fear of being a failure, loser, public enemy and a potential threat. |
| Fear of being yelled at for opening your mouth, presenting your
thoughts and politically incorrect. |
| Fear of conflict and related abuses. |
| Fear of not having the answers, not knowing everything and giving
bad advice. |
| Fear of speaking, offering advice and assistance due to fear of
retaliation or legal action. |
| Fear of having disconnected thoughts and spiritual interference at
the wrong time. |
| Resentment that every word is monitored, attacked and condemned. |
| Fear of being condemned and ridiculed by presenting thoughts, ideas
and other problems that are outside the scope of so-called normalcy . |
| Fear of becoming a target from politically connected and powerful
people whose intent are less than honorable. |
| Fear that people will consider your life work, a project or solution
unworthy. |
| Fear of being a loner and the inability to connect with people
physically, mentally and spiritually. Sometimes a person can be
wonderful but other people are rude, a mess, busy, incapacitated, mean
spirited and doing things that they should not be doing. |
| Fear of being unloved, unwanted, unaccepted, disrespected and a
pest. |
| Fear of never finding a soul mate, best friend and companion. |
| Fear of having bad relationships, commitment problems and inability
to love someone. |
| Fear of religious, occult and spiritual abuse and retaliation. |
| Fear of being arrested or institutionalized for reporting suspicious
activity that may be physical, mental and spiritual in nature. |
| Fear of being a target of stalking and harassment centered abusive
forces. |
| Fear of being fired for reporting suspicious activity, mental
anxiety, spiritual problems or other dilemmas. Watch out for deceptive
open door policies and other related abuses. |
| Fear of losing your mental health, being overpowered, murdered and
disabled due to physical, mental and
spiritual terrorism. |
| Called delusional and other unnecessary names. Being told that you
have an over active imagination. Told you do not know what you are
talking about. |
| Being unable to present your thoughts so people can understand the
problem or situation in a accurate manner. |
| Anger and hostilities may emerge in regards to the situation, mean
spiritedness or the incompetence that surrounds your environment. |
| Resentment that you had to give up everything in your life to
resolve a situation because shady people and circumstances made your
life a living nightmare. |
| Dark resentment may occur due to physical, mental, financial
and spiritual violations. |
| Fear of unintentionally harming others physically, mentally and
spiritually. Other outside forces may be involved that overpowering
your mind, body and spirit. |
| Inability to have fun, smile, laugh at jokes and create a fun
environment. |
Each person has there own set of distinct fears. It is the individuals
responsibility to understand, address, embrace and control their fears to
the best of their ability in a given situation. Sometimes they are
legitimate to the circumstances and sometimes they are way out of sync.
Through proper discernment, analysis and education, most fears are
resolvable, but fears are important part of life. Sometimes, our physical,
mental and spiritual environment may be dangerous or hostile. It is
alright to have fears. It warns us of potential problems or dangers. It
allows us to react and change our angle of attack. Fears help us to
survive in the real world which is not healthy at times. Do everything in
your life to improve yourself. Create a well rounded individual through
self improvement, specialize training and spiritual development. Above all
learn to have fun and laugh at yourself, your situations and other people
stories when appropriate. Smile and laugh. Find a sense of humor to
help with your daily activities. Be silly. Be positive and uplifting.
Trust your instincts.
Ask for help from the following resources:
| Find a professional who understands all
aspects of your psyche and free of bias, drug abuse and discriminating
opinions even if it appears to be standard procedure. Beware of
educated idiots. Be careful that you are not mislead or overpowered by
physical, mental and spiritual undue influences. |
If you are harmed physically, emotionally and
spiritually, get medical attention or other help. |
Talk with someone who can help such as friends,
mental health professionals, clergy or special law enforcement people. If necessary, look for counseling even if it
happen a while ago. |
| Look for written information such as
booklets. |
Seek and Check out with extreme care:
Continue improving your business and personal life. |
Warning: Do not hesitate to seek help. It may save you a lot of pain, suffering and
accidents at a later date. Sometimes all we need is special attention to prevent
further physical, mental and spiritual violence. Also, we may need special people to cleanup our own
environment that is impacting us such as law enforcement or intelligence
Due to the subject matter of
physical, mental and spiritual violence, know your rights to
present such material. Proper help may become nasty and violent. If you can
present the information in a socially accepted way, do it. The psychiatric
professionals dislike people hearing voices, having visions, good and evil
thoughts, spiritual ideas or other paranormal
experiences. Make sure that no service uses barbaric tactics, improper
treatments or embarrasses you.
CISM is a way to deal with traumatic events that may occur in one's daily
life. These events can cause physical, psychological and spiritual
stress. It is very important to deal with these events quickly, accurately
and appropriately. Crisis Intervention is a physical, mental and
spiritual first aid that uses techniques and tools to stabilizes the
environment, acknowledge the crisis, ease the transition for understanding
of crisis and related problems, teach basic stress crisis managements for
adaptive coping, restore to independent functioning or refer to others for
further help (Everly and Mitchell, 1998). If done correctly, the person's
signs and symptoms will be reduced, the person will be able to
return to normal functioning and revictimization from mental health
professionals or others will be prevented. It is not psychotherapy,
but a pre-process that prevents further trauma and other related problems. In my
opinion, it is a more respectful way to help people without getting into the
wonderful world of psychotherapy and its associated illegal, legal,
medical and defamation problems.
CISM use special tools and techniques to help the individuals such as pre
crisis planning, demobilizations, defusing, briefing,
debriefing, Individual intervention, family CISM and follow
up/referral (Everly and Mitchell, 1998). I am afraid that this special process
is unique and one must do their own research to understand everything, but I am
sure just by being aware of the above information will help you out in the long
Before seeking help make sure your mental health professional is trained in
CISM in order to prevent further trauma and related problems. If not, make
sure you are familiar with CISM. It should be a requirement for all
professionals. To get more professional information l, check out the web
site at
Special Note: When talking, writing letters or any other forms of
communication, avoid discussing any wrong doing or violating
any standard protocol. It is up to the investigative team to gather and collect
information of the event. Just discuss your concerns, emotions and
symptoms of the "event" without revealing information that no one
needs to know except the investigative team. Use your discretion.
There exists numerous problems in the mental health arena in
regards to root causes of mental health problems. If a person investigates
such a topic, one will discover numerous causes of mental health problems such
as stupidity, ignorance, momentary lapse of judgment, hostile environment,
God, spirituality and disconnection from God. Not all things are chemical
imbalances or other physical problems which seems to be the standard
practice in diagnoses. We need to stop this train of thinking in the
mental health community and stop any related abuses. For further
information, due your own homework on the subject matter. There is a
plethora of information out there. We just have to look.
When I use the terms God and spirituality, I mean a
healthy interaction and not some form of psychological manifestation or
illness. When I refer to God and spirituality, I mean a loving interconnectedness
with God that promotes a healthy interaction and spiritual existence.
I can talk to God about issues that concern me and he will
respond in a special way. It can be a little voice in my head, high
pitch frequency, spiritual warnings, Godly friends or a unique
supernatural act. When I talk about God and Spirituality, I am not
talking about religious doctrine but an individual's unique
relationship with God that always existed throughout creation. By
comparing the voice of God to ethical and moral standards, legal
principles and the biblical ethical teachings will assist you in making
sure that little voice is from Gods or his angel. When God talks to you, hearing
voices, having visions, having supernatural experiences and talking
to God and his friends should not be considered schizophrenia, psychotic
or bipolarization unless these are determine to be dangerously dark or
violates basic human rights by a healthy
mental health professional. With proper loving training, a person can
attain completeness and a healthy balance with God and
surrounding society.
From my own background and experience, I have a deep
fear of religion and religion doctrine due to the violence, forced
conversions, misplaced guilt, physical attacks, mental health attacks,
spiritual attacks, ungodly interpretations, religious
ceremonies/traditions, other abusive attitudes, criminal activities and
discrimination that exists in such things so I want to try to avoid any
deep religious teachings. So I know the importance of not mixing
religion with mental health aid but we should not ignore the causes if it
is spiritual in nature. I want avoid things that occur in the bible
such as the following:
animals to God because of sin and playing with blood to atone for sin. |
Started unjust wars in the name of false Gods. |
Looking for human sacrificial lambs to atone for our sins and the sins of our society. |
Sacrificing our sons and daughter because some unidentified spiritual voice
or a leader tells us so. |
Stoning people or terminating people because of
sin, weirdness or presenting thoughts and ideas that may not be seen as Godly to some. |
Preaching and shoving the
bible and religious doctrine down everybody's throats in the name of a so-called God. |
Telling everybody that if you do not follow my way, you are going to
a dark place. |
If you not with me, you are against me. We are the way and the only way. |
Other unique principles that appear ungodly in the bible at the time of reading or usage. |
Using proper psychological tools one can avoid such things to
understand yourself and your spiritual environment.
Using Mental
Health issues as a threat for religious conversions, control or
punishment for not following some form of religious doctrine, not
submitting to ungodly undue influences, knowing too much about the
life or learning about other religions.
When addressing
issues of God and Spirituality, we should stay within the basics morals,
psychological tools and ethical principles that exists in our society, but
we should acknowledge the existence of God, supernatural and spirituality.
Teach and guide people with mental health problems to connect or reconnect
with God if they appear to have a tendency towards such things without
religious abuse, conversions or harmful techniques. Provide avenues for
proper healthy law abiding assistance to deal with such issues.
Incorporate such concepts in mental health aid and support. We need
to stop threatening people with psychiatric terms to chase them away from
the government, God or spirituality for some unknown reasons
Bottom Line: Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Practices
honor and integrity. Stay within the law of the land unless God tells you
other wise. Have faith that God has a plan after you have done everything
to stand firm against devilish schemes. We need to take extra safety precautions
to avoid trouble in such help, concepts and practices but we should not
ignore our own spirituality and let others to tells us that it does not
In my opinion and from wisdom, our society is pushing drugs to solve
numerous problems where embracing your life, educating yourself, using
alternative methods, changing your life style, breaking the bondage and
improving your mental state would solve a lot of problems. We must
be careful that we do not use drugs inappropriately and illegally.
Drugs can weaken the mind, change the body chemistry, damage the
body's electrical inner workings and cellular activities. As a result, the
new changes can make people vulnerable to harmful physical, mental
and spiritual influences and manipulations. It can also harm your Godly
protective connections, Prana,
Chakras, frequency waves, multidimensional existence, life-force energy
levels and relationship with God. Drugs can do more harm than good,
if wrongfully prescribed or illegally obtained.
Professionals know a lot about the workings of the body, but they still
do not know everything and may become delusional at the wrong times.
If you are experiencing pain, embrace the pain as long as you can tolerate
it and know when to seek appropriate help from ethical
professionals. If the pain is managed correctly, physical, mental
and spiritual health will become stronger to combat internal and external
dangerous influences. By supplementing the body with dangerous drugs and
chemicals, the natural body protection mechanism can be harmed and
make you dependent on chemicals. The body will produce natural
enzymes to combat the pain and changes in the body. Please keep in
mind that the above statements does not include any form of life
threatening illnesses that is cause by bacteria, viruses or other
dangerous diseases.
Do not get caught up in the hype, misguidance and the promotion of
mental illnesses because they have created an illness for every life
activities in order to make money, create product, silence people
and destroy lives. Sometimes, pain and suffering helps us to
arrive at our destination in life. If you are still having trouble, see a doctor but
make sure that you are not misguided, abused or provided misleading
information. Drugs companies and other unseen influences spend enormous
amount of money and time to influence the habit of medical and
mental health doctors to prescribe medication and influence decisions for
every illness that they can create. Anything that you allow to
influence your thoughts and actions should always be under your
control. The mental health professional need to address issues
about the improper use of drugs and advice. The mental health
professional should provide pertinent information that is required for
physical, mental and spiritual healing such as books, brochures and
pamphlets. Giving drugs on the first visit should be banned in the
mental health professions unless the person is completely out of their
mind, not for immature reasons. Strict punishment should be enforced for improper use of any kind of
drugs and advice.
Warning Signs of Improper Use of Drugs and Advice
| Promotion of free drugs and literature that are provided by drug
companies to influences people and sell the product. |
| The refusal to promote generic drugs. |
| Quick diagnosis that result in unnecessary use of drugs to solve
imaginary illnesses. |
| Prescribing drugs before doing a thorough investigation of the
person mental health or getting to known the individual. |
| Prescribing drugs while ignoring the fears of the person regarding
the mental health community and possibly the person's hostile
environment. |
| Promotion and prescribing a pill for every illness or immature
comments. |
| Drugs are given because client request it. |
| Drugs are prescribed before it is ready for the market and tested
thoroughly. |
| Drugs are prescribed that have know harmful side effects and
professional resources do not recommend it. |
| Discourages client from reading books and degrades the patient
input. |
| Refuses to listen and ignores client concerns and knowledge about
your illness. |
| Mistreat the client by using physical, mental, spiritual or verbal
abuse. |
| Exploits the client's situation and financial resources. |
| Provides inadequate services because the professional has legal and
insurance protection. |
| More concern with their own selfish rewards that the client's well
being. |
| Promotion of drugs to solve employment requirements or studying
habits. |
| Promotes drugs to suppress spirituality, six sense and God's
gifts. |
| See Professional Crime and Violence
Prevention |
| Beware of improper approaches, guesswork and theories that pertain
to your situation. Not all advice, gimmicks or programs are helpful to
your mental health situation. Be mindful that the therapist may not
reveal everything to you until after the fact. |
| Make sure that your therapist is properly trained for your
situation. Some mental health professionals will take the case without
proper training. If not trained, ask the person how he/she
will become an expert in the subject matter. Will the person research
the problem, read books on the subject matter, investigate the facts
or recruit other experts to make sure that proper advice and security
consideration is given? Even though your mental health professional is not
an expert in that area, the person may be the right one for you. Use
your judgment to determine the best course of action. |
| Guard Against improper influences from your health care insurance
provider over your condition. No one or other resources should ever
influence your therapist in making a decisions concerning you. |
| Be mindful that your conversation with your mental health
professional may be used in court of law. Court decisions about
confidentiality are determine by case by case basis. It may affect
child custody, divorce, employment, relationships, investigations or
other unknowns. Remember, there are some things that must be reported
by law to proper authorities. Not all things are confidential. |
| Guard against harmful advice from your mental health professional.
Because the person has a fancy degree or years of experience does not
mean that the individual is functioning at their best or right for
you. A title may be worthless. Investigate credentials, ethical
behavior and background history of your mental health
professional. |
| Investigate your mental health professional mental health.
What kind of dark secrets exist in their background that may harm you.
The patient /customer may be more sane than the professional.
Make sure that your therapist is not having a bad day. |
| Investigate the going rate for mental health
professional according to their level of training. Avoid being cajoled
or manipulated. |
| Guard against drug pushing mental health professionals and
investigate outside collaborative influences that promote drugs that
are dangerous and unnecessary. |
| Guard against misdiagnosis. It is common practice to embellish
diagnoses in order to qualify for insurance coverage. By the time the
mental health professionals and insurance companies are finish with
you, you could be a threat to society with no hope of recovery. In
addition, the practice can invite a third party to obtain your
exaggerated records and exploit them. |
| Guard against improper mental health treatment, unnecessary
psychological testing and shadowy games that are worthless and
useless. In addition, make sure that the time period for
recovery is realistic and not overstated. |
| Avoid becoming emotionally attached, your therapist is not your
friend. It is a business. They are there to help you, but they are not
there to baby sit you. Be alert for strange politics, spiritual forces and
outside influences that can overpower your advisor and people in your
surroundings. Stay alert for unknown physical, mental and spiritual
weakness in your mental health specialist as well as your own mental
activity. |
| Be careful of leaks, exploitation, threats, illegal activities, book
deals and promises of rewards that may effect your therapist behavior
and ethics. |
If you believe in God, make
sure your therapist is working with the correct version of God. For
some, people may prefer enlisting ungodly people for aid.
Sometimes, the best advice is to trust in God and only God for proper
help. |
Know when to get outside
help and get out of a bad situation. If you believe that you are being
victimized, you probably are in some form. Do not take chances with
your life. |
| Stay alert for physical,
mental, financial and spiritual games. Be prepared for the unexpected. |
| Guard against ungodly
professional help. Look for godly professionals. |
Note: Due to Counterintelligence: crime and
violence prevention focus, I am presenting advice about possible
situations that may result in serious harm to the customer/patient. There
are a few mental health professionals who may be honorable and
ethical. Some may even become your friends. But finding the right
people or group can be threatening, challenging and shadowy. Know
when to request backup for protection from unnecessary games. For
some reason, this stuff is hidden in the real world until it is too
late. |
drugs may be needed to address some serious mental health issues or
problems, but the psychiatrist must not ignore possible physical, mental
and spiritual games that may surround the person, exist in the person's
hostile environment or cause fears within the person. The psychiatric
community must be morally and ethically responsible to do the right what
is godly, justified and right for the individual. There are too many
abuses in the mental health arena that must be addressed. Such abuses may
be verbal, interpretive, mental, physical or spiritual in nature. The
psychiatric community must take responsibility for their own actions,
mistakes or misguidance when required. There are known problems in the
psychiatric professionals. The professionals must correct the mistake,
make amends, address the situation as quickly as possible. The
professional will be held accountable for their actions by a higher
The mental health professionals may help someone by
using simple behavioral tools or educational methods to address the
problems before prescribing any form of medications. Providing written
information, brochure or books about everyday life challenges such as
spirituality, managing stress, exercise, alternative activities, family,
working, verbal self-defense, dating, mental health issues, executive
protection and security issues may resolve numerous abuses, problems or
misunderstandings. In addition, the mental health professional should
avoid unnecessary brainwashing, biases, falsities or drugging due the
persons maturity, age, weirdness, innocents or place in life. No one likes
to be told one is mentally challenged or taken advantage of when the
person is just learning life lessons, embracing life, encountering
dangerous games, doing God's work or developing into a healthy mature
Words of wisdom: Know when to get outside help, know
when to walk away when feeling threatened and know when contact law
enforcement of any concerns. Do not think twice about protecting
yourself from any physical, mental, legal and spiritual games known or
unknown. Let us stop the abuse before it starts. Use your judgment
to determine what is best for you. Life can become very challenging at
times and sometimes things are meant to be played out. Nothing is set in
stone. God will have the final say in such matters.
| To be treated with dignity, respect and honor. |
| To be free from verbal, mental, spiritual or physical abuse, and harsh or
unfair treatment. |
| To be free from physical, mental and spiritual threats of any
kind. |
| To be told about privacy and confidentiality. |
| To obtain information about your treatment and condition. |
| To participate in the decision making process. |
| To make complaints, ask a questions and receive a timely response without
hassles. |
| To be free of intimidation and threats for making a complaint, asking a
question or notifying law enforcement of unknown problems. |
| To refuse treatment and find help elsewhere. |
| To be free from discrimination regardless of race, age, gender, color,
beliefs, religion, spirituality, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, handicap
or marital status. |
| To refuse legal and illegal medication or unnecessary treatments. |
| To investigate the best treatment which may involve to medicate or not to
medicate. |
| To prevent further harm to oneself due to bias mental health procedures
and regulations. |
Responsibilities for Consumer/Patient
| To provide proper information regardless of subject matter to
determine eligibility. |
| To treat everyone with dignity and respect |
| To participate in your service and treatment . |
| To present your views, needs and wants when you are in a disagreement. |
| To cooperate in arranging payment for services when required. |
| To learn about and follow rules, regulations and procedures. |
| To protest or write letters about unfair treatment or other problems. |
| To seek physical, mental and spiritual outside support. |
| To notify law enforcement of potential problems but make sure you
understand the consequences. Is it really worth it? |
A Sample Complaint Process
The sample complaint process has been adjusted and adapted to address some
possible real concerns in problem solving and finding proper help. Your
complaint may draw attention that is harmful to the organization or the higher
ups because they do not want or unable to address the issue or have heard
it before. Most of the time, the complaint is addressed and
resolved. The process works for unthreatening issues. Before
complaining, check out the procedures and rules of the organization.
Be Alert.
Warning: The author is neither liable nor responsible for personal, business
or related catastrophes which may occur as a result of applying these principles
in one's life. The reader must use one's judgment to determine the course of
action regarding complaints.
Problem solving
First Level Complaint
In your own words, prepare a written complaint.
Explain the problem, when it happened, and who is involved.
Present your solution. If assistance is needed to prepare a
written complaint, find a trustworthy person. The person can
be in the mental health field, family, law enforcement,
legal or other profession. |
| Give the complaint to the proper authorities or
agencies. |
| The response may be quick or it will take time to
review the situation. The organization should investigate, make a
plan of correction, and give you a written reply. Organization
should respond within a month about your complaint. If you are
satisfied with the reply, then your complaint is closed. |
If the organization does not reply or
response is unsatisfactory, send the complaint to the proper
authorities and go to the next level which is called a Second Level
Complaint. |
Second Level Of Complaint
For crime and violence prevention reasons, I would
alert law enforcement of the situation. The process can be a way
to stall or avoid addressing the issues. |
| In your own words, explain how you tried to
solve the problem. Explain why the response was unsatisfactory. |
The complaint will be reviewed. More information
may be requested. An investigation team will talk with the
provider and gather all relevant facts. You have the right
to meet with them, to speak about your concerns and bring an helper. |
The investigator should notify you about the
investigation and the proposed plan. |
If you are satisfied with results, the complaint will
be closed. If not, appeal. |
| At this stage,
your time has been wasted and
your mental/spiritual health has been harmed, but the process has been a
learning experience. Law enforcement should be Alerted. See Special Contact List & Guidelines |
I found valuable information from the American Psychological Association that
I would recommend using as a guide to avoid mental health crime and
violence. This web page is meant for psychologist, but I would use these
guidelines for all mental health professionals and to educate people who misuse
the knowledge of mental health.
Here are things that you should know to prevent crime and violence in the
mental health arena. All these principles are not enforceable, but it will give
you a valuable tool to use when dealing with unusual activities.
Through Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention, proper mental health assistance can be
obtained. Remember that the mental health community has
plethora of problems that can harm the client physically, mentally,
financially and spiritually. Be careful of questionable practices and
controversial interpretation such as the battle between Freudian and
Jungian theories. Beware of
misdiagnosis, misguidance, mental health psycho-babble, improper use of
drugs, any form of abuse, brainwashing, spiritual
problems, bureaucratic red tape, community games and other shady
games. Trust your instinct when encountering questionable practices
in the mental health arena. Stay positive. Know when to recruit help outside
the mental health community. With proper knowledge and training,
your physical, mental, financial and
spiritual well being will remain healthy and intact.