Creating a loving and supportive family
helps to combat crime and violence. Families are very important to combat crime and violence of all kind. With a
strong family bond, everyone will benefit. Families help people learn, grow,
experience love and warmth. Nourishing, strengthening and protecting our lives
are keys to a supportive family. Through proper family support, everyone's
physical, mental, financial and spiritual well being will remain healthy.
Conflicts occur in families because they have different desires, needs,
outside influences, spiritual influences, personalities and goals. Special skills are needed to make
sure that we get along with people in the family. Conflicts are normal and occur in everyday life.
We must do the following:
Adapt and work together
Set guidelines with priories and limitations.
Alleviate unnecessary stress and create a uplifting environment.
Conduct threat assessment for possible dangerous or uncomfortable situations
in your own environment. Look around.
Inquire to see if there are any unseen physical, mental and
spiritual influences that effect family interactions.
Trust your instincts. You know your family better than anyone else.
Keep an open mind for new ideas, suggestions and opinions.
| Practice proper communication and listening skills. |
| Understand and use conflict mediation techniques. |
| Avoid behaviors that demean, harass or control
others. |
| Avoid unhealthy emotions that are harmful such as
intense anger, jealousy and hostility. Know when to subdue these
emotions. |
Do not have unrealistic expectations. Do not expect a reward for doing the right
thing. Knowing that God loves you is all you need to know.
Please keep in mind that other people may be physically, mentally, financially
and spiritually challenged and our unable to change. We must accept people for
who they are. Avoid changing people by using inappropriate methods. Be
yourself and let God change them. Leading by good example is the best way
to influence people.
Conflict Mediation
Conflict mediation allows
people to resolve problems in a healthy socially accepted way. Use the following
suggestions when mediating.
Be specific and positive.
Discuss problems and issues by having planned family meetings. Make
sure people are not tired or distracted at that time.
Take responsibility for your words and actions.
To avoid wild emotional conflicts, take breaks to cool down.
| Say what you mean. Do not yin-yang or create a
confusing environment. |
| Be open, honest, patient, flexible, courageous,
humorous and cooperative |
| Above all be a positive force for change. |
| Avoid behaviors that demean, harass or control
others. |
When you have done everything in your power to resolve the problems
or conflict with poor results, learn to remain silent, peaceful and loving when
things are not working out. Let God's power work
his/her children. Put the problem in God's hands.
Know Yourself
Before we can understand others, you must know yourself inside and out.
Determine your priorities and goals. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Examine
your self-image and social image. Once we know ourselves, it will help
improve the needs of the family and yourself, it will help you to reveal the
best you can offer, it will improve your self-esteem and improve your
friendships with others. Please, keep in mind that we all need improvements
throughout our lives to make as a better person and friend. Recreating ourselves
is a daily adventure which results in new rewards.
Let us examine some special qualities and techniques that we need to create a happy and
supportive family.
We need love, laughter, respect, open expressions of feelings and ideas,
sensitivity to individuals' emotional, spiritual and physical needs.
Examine and understand your own self esteem.
Understand and use positive thinking techniques that build you up.
Understand and combat questionable peer pressure.
Learn about conflict resolution, decision-making, and stress management.
Learn about proper family relations and family violence.
Learn about mental health issues to avoid ignorance misguidance and trickery.
Stay healthy, build lasting friendships and get a good education.
Stay away from drugs and people who use drugs.
Learn Proper dating practices to avoid violence and misguidance.
Learn Proper relationship practices with your spouse or loved one.
Learn about Crime and Violence Prevention and Counterintelligence and Executive
Learn about law enforcement , proper business skills and criminal fraud.
Learn how to prevent obsessive behavior, jealousy , abnormal behavior or
Learn about cultural diversity, religious communities and cults.
| Learn to remain silent, peaceful and loving when people
insult, oppress, humiliate, harass and harm you. Let God's power work
his/her children. Wait for God's permission to defend yourself. |
Always test the spirits, eliminate unnecessary spiritual guides and do your own
background investigation.
Adapt, filter and block unwanted mental thoughts or spiritual frequencies of the mind through meditation,
biofeedback, hypnosis, visualizations, real world experiences, social events,
counseling, self improvement techniques and people's support, etc.
Create a supportive work and community environment. If necessary, recruit people
for assistance.
Listen to messages from higher spiritual entities
| Take Courage, put on the armor of God and stand firm. |
Communicating and Listening
Communicating and Listening is an important skill for effective
communication. By extending the courtesy to others, others will return
the courtesy. Here are a few basic techniques:
Maintain eye contact and smile.
Beware of body language and signals.
Avoid interrupting the other person.
Ask questions and show respect.
See the other's person point of view.
Do not criticize, condemn and complain. Avoid nitpicking.
Be considerate. Give honest appreciation and show sincere interest in other people.
Encourage people to talk about themselves.
Express feelings, concerns and reveal yourself in a healthy socially accepted fashion.
As a result people will be able to help and understand your needs.
Avoid sending mixed messages.
Be positive and assertive. Use humor when appropriate.
Know your own feelings thoroughly.
Understand your own weakness and strengths if possible.
Handling Stress
Find ways to handle stress. Here are a few suggestions. Find time for
yourself, eat right, exercise and use other stress reduction techniques that may
help such as biofeedback, meditation, spirituality, music therapy, get a pet, sports,
hobbies, parties, reading or other activities. There are plenty techniques out there.
Suggestions to Improve Family Relationships
To improve the family's physical, mental and spiritual relationship, we must
learn to appreciate each other while showing mutual respect.
Showing appreciate can heal wounds and make people feel happier.
Implement special
events, celebrations and other activities to break up normal routines.
Try these suggestions.
Celebrate holidays, birthdays and special events.
Create simple monthly themes in the home such as a Hawaiian theme,
fiesta and other fun adventure.
Create a event that can be spontaneous such as dinner, parties, special
foods, plan a night out or something new.
Create fun activities using new ideas.
| Do an outside activity together such as hiking,
swimming or other sport. |
Work together on a project.
| Take a vacation or a short trip. |
| Visit a friend or relative. Invite friends to your
house to break up the routine. |
Ask for help from the following resources
From time to time and after all we could do, we may need help to improve our
relationships and our environment. Ask for help from the following resources:
Find a professional who understands all aspects of your physical,
mental and spiritual situation. Be careful that you are not mislead or
overpowered by
physical, mental and spiritual undue influences. Do your own research.
Hire experts. Recruit people. Avoid frivolous law suits. |
If you are harmed physically, emotionally and spiritually, get medical attention
or other help. |
Talk with someone who can help such as friends, mental health professionals,
clergy or special law enforcement people. If necessary, look for counseling even if it
happen a while ago. |
| Look for written information
such as booklets. |
Network, Seek Assistance and Check out with extreme care:
Continue improving your business and personal life. |
Do not hesitate to seek help. It may save you a lot of pain, suffering and
accidents at a later date. Sometimes all we need is special attention to prevent
further physical, mental and spiritual violence. Also, we may need special people to cleanup our own
environment that is impacting us such as law enforcement or intelligence
When talking, writing
letters or any other forms of communication, avoid
discussing any wrong doing or violating any standard protocol.
It is up to the investigative team to gather and collect information
of the event. Just discuss your concerns, emotions and
symptoms of the "event" without revealing information that
no one needs to know except the investigative team. Use your
discretion. |
A family that is supportive, strong and loving will help prevent crime and
violence, if law abiding citizens. In my book, it is a form of
counterintelligence that can create a healthy and stable environment.
Please keep in mind that all families have different dynamics. As a
result, everything that one has just learned has to be adapted to fit into
the family unit. After we have done everything possible, remain
silent, peaceful and loving. Let God handle the rest. Having a good sense
of humor helps preserve your physical, mental, financial and spiritual
well being. |