Dating Crime & Violence Prevention


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

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In the world of Counterintelligence, proper dating practices should be implemented to ensure a healthy relationships in a crime free environment. I wish that we lived in a world of trust and unconditional love, but this not always true. Practicing proper dating skills will help the person to find your ideal companion. Finally, dating crime and violence can be prevented because the new techniques can be used to create healthy relationships,  physically, mentally, financially and spiritually. This series should help friends, family members and strangers who are encountering problems.

Dating Violence

Let us define dating violence. Dating violence is pattern of abusive behavior by a companion. Abusive behavior is any intentional act that is designed to degrade, criticize, harass, injure and control the other person. It includes verbal, sexual, physical, emotional, financial and spiritual abuse and conditioning.

We must learn how to build a healthy relationship. Learn about yourself as well as the other person. Research, read and study proper dating practices and self improvement resources. It will help reveal who you are, guide you to the right person with admirable qualities plus minor qualities. If you believe in God, he or she will have the final say.

A healthy relationship is one that allows both parties to enjoy life and build each other up in a positive uplifting way. It is an avenue to questions, problems, emotions and other friendly needs. Both parties must realize that healthy relationships may fail for physical, mental, financial and spiritual reasons. Through out the process, both parties should remain in good spirits and positive. A healthy relationship must contain a healthy physical, mental, financial and spiritual synergy that builds each other up.

Here are a few techniques for dating. Treat your date with honor, respect, courtesy and integrity. Express your feelings about your physical, emotional, financial and spiritual  needs and wants in the relationship. Be yourself.  Be truthful, but sensitive.  Let us face it, an abusive relationship will not work. It takes both people to build a healthy relationship physically, mentally, financially and spiritually.

In today's world,  dating practices contain plethora of misconceptions and myths:

Women like men who take control of the situation
When women says "No", they do not mean "NO". It means "YES".
If I put more effort and adapt, he or she will treat me better.
I paid for dinner, trip or anything else. She owes me sex.
I am nothing without my boy/girlfriend even if mistreated.
Men or women are supposed to be the stronger sex and dominant.
If I report abusive behavior to my friends, they will blame me.
What I see on television and movies are based on real stories.
What I read in newspapers, magazines and books must be true.
Playing Games with people's emotions are an acceptable society's practice.
God has bless me with this companion or soul mate, so it is meant to be.

Here is the truth:

No one likes being controlled.
No one likes playing physical, mental, financial and spiritual games that are unhealthy, confusing, frightening and dangerous to both parties.
Always take a woman at her word. When she says "No", she means "NO".

We want to avoid physical, emotional and spiritual havoc, child support, medical, legal and financial problems.

Victims of abuse are never to be blamed. One must break the silence to find proper help, but be careful that you avoid abusive help.  Abusers may create misplace guilt and place blame on the victim.  Even when we are being abused, we should use and learn good communications skills to prevent any form of abuse.

When you treat your date to dinner, concerts or a trip, the companion owes you only a "thank you". The reward is friendship with a compassionate human being.
Even if you are alone, you are a very important person. Remember that

you should always treat oneself with respect and integrity. Love yourself first and everything else will fall in place.

We must create healthy relationships by communicating clearly, avoid dangerous situations by using crime prevention techniques and control your actions in a healthy socially accepted way.
Communicate your ideas clearly. Let your companion know how you want to be treated. Let them know that any abuse will not be tolerated.
Avoid dangerous situation by choosing public places where you will not be alone. Help will always be available. Study counterintelligence and self-protection.
Think before you act. Create alternatives for getting home. Pay your own way. Avoid using alcohol, drugs or other substance that will impair your judgment and make you helpless.
Do not believe everything you see on television, movies or read in books.
Make sure that God clearly shares information with you about your soul mate.
Look for a better companion, avoid these character flaws.
Degrades people or Controls actions of others.
Uses alcohol, drugs or other harmful items.
Uses physical, emotional, sexual or spiritual force.
Behavior is reckless and ill mannered.
Uncontrolled anger, aggressive outbursts or extreme jealousy.
If your companion has any of these traits, discuss your concerns. Always make your feelings clear. If expressing your concerns become abusive, seek help.
A con artist preys on people’s vanity, ignorance, weaknesses or loneliness, gaining their trust and betraying them without remorse.  The con artist is a master of perfection and may use money to create illusion of wealth. If the person is too perfect watch out. Ask God for protection and guidance.

Spiritually unhealthy and unsound.


Always trust your instincts. If you are unsure about the person, get to know the person before going out on a date. Check for ID and references. Do your own personal background investigation. Talk on the phone or write letters to the other person. If a person refuses to discuss your concerns, you should question going any further. 


Old Fashion Advice:  Before making any decision about marriage, sex or other life changing decisions, make sure you know your companion inside and outside.  Explore each others physical, emotional, financial and spiritual needs and wants completely.  It will prevent undesirable consequences, surprises or traumas physically, mentally, financially and spiritually. 


Thinking About Getting Married, Think About Prenuptials: 

Our society has become cruel, deceptive, frightening, dynamic and unpredictable. The divorce rate among couples is approximately 50 percent. A person can not afford the luxury of romance when getting married in today's world.  Prenuptials are ways to protect your property, business ventures, sanity and physical, mental, financial and spiritual health.  Discuss prenuptials with your companion to protect yourself against painful consequences. 

Prenuptials are important if you are independently wealthy, drowning in legal debt, or swamped with other problematic issues. A single divorce can destroy both parties' physical, mental, financial and spiritual health. Excess baggage or unresolved issues can make your married life a living nightmare. If you are physically, mentally and spiritually disabled, unable to work or afflicted with other problems, then you will have problems making a living. A person could end up on the street without any visible form of support.

People may change over the years because of religious, spiritual, cultural, political, financial and international differences. Other changes may include money issues, questionable friends and disabilities. In addition, crime, violence and other unwanted physical, mental and spiritual games may play a role in creating a hostile climate that can also destroy the relationship. As we age, we may encounter problems that limit how we perform in business, interact at home and socialize. People change and grow apart for reasons unclear. God and other undue influences may overpower us and make our life difficult. Things may be beyond our control to save the marriage. Marriage does not mean living happily ever after anymore. Protect yourself from seen or unseen physical, mental and spiritual problems by addressing these issues before they start. Sometimes truth is fleeting until it is too late. 

A prenuptial agreement has no say in child support and custody judgments. Address this issue before getting married. Add this expense to your calculations. Love is blind at times. Make sure your sweetheart does not take advantage of you and your situation.

If both parties agree to a prenuptial, each party will need separate attorneys to set up a prenuptial. Collect, gather, research and investigate prenuptials and related subject matters in each state to make sure what is legally accepted and you acquire the right information.

Before getting married, research marriage and create a crisis management plan to address marital issues, destructive issues and the future consequences of the break up. Ask God to protect and guide you on your journey. By preparing in advance, your physical, mental, financial and spiritual well being will remain healthy.

Dating Violence that can create problems are the following:

Emotional abuse

Destroys the person self esteem, compassion for others and creates guilt.

Uses silent treatment or improperly withholds affections.

Uses threats, confusion or control the person actions.

   Unable to control jealousy, anger and other unacceptable behavior.

   Creates confusion and unrealistic expectations.

   Promises of marriage, love and soul mates.

   Creation of false hopes, misinformation and any type of deception.

   Unwelcome sexual comments, abusive or experiences.

   Mental health threats and abuse.

   Religious or spiritual terrorism in any form.


Physical Abuse
Causes physical pain or injury

Watch out for signs of punching, shaking, pushing, grabbing, slapping, tickling, hugging or kicking. Anything that could cause discomfort or is unwanted.

Use of any kind of weapons to illustrate a point.

Corruptive use of drugs, prescription, non-prescription or  illegal drugs.

Forced into unwanted situations without a proper explanation and support.

Improperly uses the person for money, gifts or other financial matters.


Sexual Abuse
Unwelcome sexual comments, kissing or intercourse.

Date rape is forced sexual intercourse between two people who know each          other.  It is common and serious.


Spiritual Abuse (Author's Viewpoint)
Destroys the person self esteem, compassion for others and creates guilt.
Uses threats, confusions and control the person actions.
Causes physical pain and injury.
Uses jealousy, anger and other unacceptable behavior to Control behavior.

Problems with expressing thoughts and ideas.

Problems with verbal and written communications.

Thoughts that are not your own.
Forces you do things that you would never do.
Hard to sense, understand and control, but must be prevented.
Special Note: If you suspect that you are involved in an unhealthy relationship, get help and walk away. It is common practice to question whether abuse occurred and if it was your fault. If you believe you were abused then you were mistreated. Trust yourself to do what is right.


Ask for help from the following resources:

Find a professional who understands all aspects of your physical, mental and spiritual situation. Be careful that you are not mislead or overpowered by physical, mental and spiritual undue influences. Do your own research.  Hire experts. Recruit people. Avoid frivolous law suits.

If you are harmed physically, emotionally and spiritually, get medical attention or other help.

Talk with someone who can help such as friends, mental health professionals, clergy or special law enforcement people. If necessary, look for counseling even if it happen a while ago.

Look for written information such as booklets.

Network, Seek Assistance and Check out with extreme care:

God and/or spiritual support resources

Law Enforcement and Intelligence communities

Crime and Violence Prevention Centers

Neighborhood watch or community support group

Hotlines, Shelters, legal aid services

Family Service Associations & Guidance and Marriage Counselors.

Family therapist, psychologists and psychiatrists.

  Mental Health Centers, Social Services and Agencies.

Human Resources, business people and associations and other organizations.

See Special Contact List & Guidelines

See Mental Health Crime and Violence Prevention

See Spiritual Crime and Violence Prevention

See Professional Crime and Violence Prevention

Continue improving your business and personal life.


Another important aspect of Dating Violence is helping a victim of violence.

Believe in the person. Victims need to know that they will be believed and not blamed. They must feel safe and accepted.
Support the person. Be there for the person in good and bad times as the friend learns how to deal with the problem through a questioning and decision making process.
Encourage your friend to walk away from the relationship or get help.

Proper support can help heal the physical, mental and spiritual wounds of dating violence.


Things to do for self Improvement, self protection and self preservation.
Examine and understand your own self esteem.
Understand and use positive thinking techniques that build you up.
Understand and combat questionable peer pressure.
Learn about conflict resolution, decision-making, and stress management.
Learn about proper family relations and family violence.
Learn about mental health issues to avoid ignorance misguidance and trickery.
Stay healthy, build lasting friendships and get a good education.
Stay away from drugs and people who use drugs.
Learn Proper dating practices to avoid violence and misguidance.
Learn Proper relationship practices with your spouse or loved one.
Learn about Crime and Violence Prevention and Counterintelligence and Executive Protection.
Learn about law enforcement , proper business skills and criminal fraud.
Learn how to prevent obsessive behavior, jealousy , abnormal behavior or suicides.
Learn about cultural diversity, religious communities and cults.
Learn to remain silent, peaceful and loving when people insult, oppress, humiliate, harass and harm you. Let God's power work through his/her children. Wait for God's permission to defend yourself.
Always test the spirits, eliminate unnecessary spiritual guides and do your own background investigation.
Adapt, filter and block unwanted mental thoughts or spiritual frequencies of the mind through meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis, visualizations, real world experiences, social events, counseling, self improvement techniques and people's support, etc.
Create a supportive work and community environment. If necessary, recruit people for assistance.
Listen to messages from higher spiritual entities
Take Courage, put on the armor of  God and stand firm.




I would recommend researching and understanding  proper dating techniques and healthy relationships.  Communicate your wishes and expectations at all times. Master the warning signs of dating violence and take immediate action if you become a victim. Let us stop the cycle of abuse by applying proper dating practices. Let God, guide and protect you along your journey. I would also recommend that you share this information with your companion and others for future relationships.


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Warning: Please investigate policies and procedures, laws and regulations and history of the organization. If you become suspicious or threatened, find help elsewhere. Guard against questionable practices, carelessness, negligence, criminal activities, off the record conduct, biases, misinformation, re-victimization, misguidance and misdirection when seeking assistance. Know your individual rights, the right to collect information on any subject matter and the right to use other resources, if necessary. Check your instincts from time to time. Proper help is not always available. As a result, other healthy socially accepted methods must be established. Know when to request professional backup for protection.


Alan Scott
Copyright © 1999 [Alan Scott's Research]. All rights reserved.
Revised: September 01, 2014 .




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