Symptoms of Spiritual Pressures


Counterintelligence: Crime and Violence Prevention

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Symptoms of Spiritual Crisis, Games or Attacks:

When we encounter spiritual crisis, games or attacks, a person may become overwhelmed with physical, emotional and financial problems that can occurs over a long period of time, suddenly or beyond normal boundaries of that person. As a result, symptoms may appear as a result of spiritual encounters or pressures.  Be alert for unique changes or manipulations in one environment.

Electromagnetic, spiritual and other unfamiliar energies may be used to manipulate our mind, body and spirit. Hopefully, your own God-given protective energy shield can help you distinguish between your own spirituality and dangerous unwanted spiritual energies. If not, you must meditate, observe the phenomenon and change your physical, mental and spiritual state to healthier higher godly frequencies.

Below are related illness that may be associated with the spiritual crisis, games or attacks. Please keep in mind that it is very important to get a medical check up to make sure there are no related physical illness or mental problems causing these symptoms. A healthy Godly medical or mental health professional may be needed to determine if these symptoms are the result of physical, mental, environmental or spiritual problems. Always make sure that a proper diagnosis is received. We want to avoid any physical, mental and spiritual games that may be associated with spiritual attacks, spiritual crisis or a hostile environment. Guard against professionals taking advantage of your situation for monetary reward or using you for some ungodly agenda. Sometimes, spiritual influences may effect others in your environment without their awareness. Sometimes, what we see or hear is not really the truth. One may have to rely on one's inner sense to determine the best course of action.

Warning:  I can not stress the importance of acquiring proper professional help for spiritual interactions. Without proper help, the ungodly professional can do more damage to the physical, mental and spiritual well being of the  individual. Guard against incompetent, ignorant or ungodly professionals. Be careful of spiritual entrapments that is used to reward professionals, protect shadowy things, eliminate threats and destroy lives.
Special Shadowy Spiritual Techniques

A spiritual technique that is utilized is influencing a person behavior by inflicting enormous pain, extreme discomfort or fiery sensation on different regions of the brain or body. Associated with the pain is a misguiding ungodly spiritual voice or visions telling the person if he/she does this criminal act or ungodly act than the pain will go away and he will be rewarded accordingly. Never believe it!  Do what is right and just in the eyes of God. Obey the law. In such a cases, one must adapt and adjust their own brain waves to stop this kind of spiritual abuse. One may have to humble oneself to analyze and resolve the manipulations, but never violate your own code of ethics or the law of the land.

Suggestions of drinking, abusing drugs, smoking, legal abuse, ungodly sexual activities, criminal acts or other unhealthy activities may be the result of unwanted shadowy spiritual guides with a hidden agenda. All of these activities could possibly harm physical, mental and spiritual health. A change in mental attitude may be associated with the influences. By avoiding the above suggestions, one will be less susceptible to hostile influences. The cause of the problems may be spiritual nature and not the normal mental health disease.

Another technique is repeatedly attacking or bombarding an individual with unwanted thoughts or unhealthy spiritual energies in order to wear down your mind, body and spirit to such an extent that it leaves you vulnerable to dangerous unwanted possessive influences, constant exhaustion, helplessness, suicidal tendencies, defeat, susceptibility to life threatening scenarios which leads eventually to surrendering yourself  to God's intercession. The time period may be seconds to years depending upon the situation.  It can be thought of as spiritual terrorism or torture.

Such techniques utilizations are for evil purposes, eliminating threats, destroying lives, conversionary reasons, entertainment, protecting shadowy things or monetary rewards for shadowy games that are being played in the community. Never take any experience on blind faith, it could be a devilish scheme. Ask God for help in such subject matters.  

Symptoms, Traumatic Stress Reactions or Post Traumatic Stress Reactions



Upset stomach

Tremors (lips, hands)

Feeling uncoordinated

Inability to move

Moving in a unwanted direction

Profuse sweating



Chest pain (should be checked at hospital)

Rapid heartbeat

Rapid breathing

Increased blood pressure


Muscle aches

Sleep disturbances

Sudden and overwhelming unwanted attraction to the opposite sex.

Excessive drinking

Unhealthy drug use 


Unhealthy Relationships

Near Death Experiences


Slowed thinking

Difficulty making decisions

Difficulty in problem solving

Difficulty in talking or writing.


Disorientation (especially to place and time)

Difficulty calculating

Difficulty concentrating

Difficulty naming common objects

Seeing the event over and over

Distressing dreams

Poor attention span

Godly or Ungodly Voices

Unusual thoughts


Forceful or poor word choice

Change in Personality

Personality disorder

Suicidal thoughts

Violent tendencies








Feeling hurt

Feeling abandoned

Worrying about others

Wanting to hide

Wanting to limit contact with others



Feeling numb









** Not all of these symptoms are the result of spiritual pressures.

Symptoms of Reaction to Spiritual Battles or Spiritual Crisis

First Reactions:
Numbness, shock, difficulty believing what has occurred or is in the process of occurring. Physical and mental reactions may be very slow or confused.
Difficulty in decision making. Uncertainty about things; it may be difficult to choose a course of action or to make even small judgment calls. May be the result of lack of training in dealing with spiritual problems.
Denial that you have a problems that may be physical, emotional or spiritual in nature.
If you are inquisitive,  fascination and opportunity to experience unusual phenomenon.
Ongoing Reactions:
Loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, loss of interest or pleasure in everyday activities.
Desire to get away from everyone — even family and friends.
Emotional liability; becoming irritable or upset more quickly than usual.
Feelings of fatigue, frustration,  hopelessness or helplessness.
Digestive problems; headaches or backaches.
Continued spiritual sensitivity to your surroundings. Unable to desensitize oneself due to spiritual threats.
Difficulty accepting that the spiritual crisis has had an impact on one's life or accepting support from friends and the community due to the unhealthy attitudes concerning spirituality.
Inability to break out of your physical, mental and spiritual confinement. Inability to be yourself. 
Being forced to embrace a destiny or reality that you did not plan or desire.
Some Things That Can Be Helpful for a Person in Crisis, Supportive Friends and Others
Find time to relax and do pleasant things. Getting away for a few hours with close friends, getting regular exercise or participating in a regular sport; activity will help you relax and soothes anxiety.
Maintain your regular routine for a while; avoid making changes, even if it appears to be a positive change.
Keep your days as simple as possible; avoid taking on any additional responsibilities or new projects. Tap sources of assistance with your workload — Ask for assistance
If symptoms of stress persist beyond a few weeks or are severe, seek godly professional help.
For those who are pretenders or embrace their spiritual adversaries or crisis, be careful of overreaction, dangerous politics and misguidance in the field. God may have to intervene on your behalf.
Ask God for physical, mental, financial and spiritual backup.
Embrace your destiny to the best of your ability with proper lawful and godly practices.
Keep looking for solutions to your dilemma.

After you determine that your symptoms are the result of a spiritual encounters and not physical or emotional problems, ask for help from responsible professionals. Sometimes, it may be necessary to bring in law enforcement backup regardless if it spiritual or not. Refuse to be  victimized or re-victimized.

Ask for help from the following resources:

Find a professional who understands all aspects of your psyche and free of bias, drug abuse and discriminating opinions even if it appears to be standard procedure. Beware of educated idiots.  Be careful that you are not mislead or overpowered by physical, mental and spiritual undue influences.

If you are harmed physically, emotionally and spiritually, get medical attention or other help.

Talk with someone who can help such as friends, mental health professionals, clergy or special law enforcement people. If necessary, look for counseling even if it happen a while ago.

Look for written information such as booklets.

Seek and Check out with extreme care:

God and/or spiritual support resources

Law Enforcement and Intelligence communities

Crime and Violence Prevention Centers

Hotlines, Shelters, Support groups, legal aid services

Family Service Associations & Guidance and Marriage Counselors.

Family therapist, psychologists and psychiatrists.

Mental Health Centers, Social Services and Agencies.

See Special Contact List & Guidelines

See Mental Health Crime and Violence Prevention

See Spiritual Crime and Violence Prevention

See Professional Crime and Violence Prevention

Continue improving your business and personal life.


For reasons unclear, we may have to embrace our spiritual adversaries in order to learn a life lesson, help others, retrieve valuable intelligence, be discipline for reasons unclear, prevent abuse or embrace a spiritual calling that is under God's control. But, we can be proactive to reduce the symptoms, threats and dangers.  Never violate the law or violate any ones individual rights without just cause. Know when to ask for back up to prevent crime and violence.  Sometimes, a person just has to punt and go the distance. Yes, It can be very challenging and dangerous at times so stay alert and be proactive.


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Warning: Please investigate policies and procedures, laws and regulations and history of the organization. If you become suspicious or threatened, find help elsewhere. Guard against questionable practices, carelessness, negligence, criminal activities, off the record conduct, biases, misinformation, re-victimization, misguidance and misdirection when seeking assistance. Know your individual rights, the right to collect information on any subject matter and the right to use other resources, if necessary. Check your instincts from time to time. Proper help is not always available. As a result, other healthy socially accepted methods must be established. Know when to request professional backup for protection.


Alan Scott
Copyright © 1999 [Alan Scott's Research]. All rights reserved.
Revised: November 05, 2005 .




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