C ounterintelligence will aid an individual to avoid legal problems,
understand and apply the law, decide if legal action is warranted and get
outside assistance to thwart shadowy schemes when required. Through the process, the person will be able to avoid frivolous
lawsuits, questionable practices, professional exploitation, legal violence,
mental health abuse, illegal activities and spiritual games. Being legally prepared and skillful to seek proper counseling, your physical,
mental, financial and spiritual well being will remain healthy and intact.
Legal Crime and Violence Prevention
Legal crime and violence includes scrupulous practices in civil, criminal law
and other specialties. White collar crime is the result and this complex crime
is difficult to stop. Professional have a
habit of taking advantage of our naiveté, ignorance, and weaknesses while
betraying our trust without remorse. To prevent legal crime and violence, lets
look at guidelines, tricks and countermeasures.
To protect ourselves from harm we should educate ourselves in basic
principles, know what questions to ask, learn the tricks of the trade and if
possible understand legal methodology. With proper research and guidance,
your assets will be protected. At times, doing your own research will make sure
that you getting the best legal and professional advice while saving
money. Investigate the following subjects for practical advice, proper
guidelines and essential principles.
| Basic Legal Stuff |
| Personal Property Laws |
| Family Law: Prenuptials, Marriage issues, Divorce, Separation, Annulment and
Children. |
| Wills and Estate Planning |
| Criminal and Civil Law |
| Corporate, Financial, Insurance and Real Estate Laws |
| Laws for Volunteerism |
| Medical and Mental Health Laws |
| Intelligence, Law Enforcement and Executive Protection Legal Issues |
| Local, State and Federal Laws |
| Professional Crime and Violence Prevention |
| Spiritual Crime and
Violence Prevention |
Due to the hostile climate, questionable practices and shadowy games, seeking a lawyer and maintaining
a healthy mindset may become extremely difficult due to physical, mental and spiritual
influences that may encourages frivolous lawsuits, illegal activities,
obstruction, inadequate assistance or other unseen agendas. Minor incidents that do not
require legal action may escalate due to legal coercion to such an extent that
injuries, abuses and hostilities
can occur from shady influence and unseen spiritual pressures at a later time. Shadowy forces
will find ways to make you feel angry, insecure, delusional, suicidal, egotistical, vengeful, hostile
and mean spirited. Seeking money for damages can result in
physical, mental, financial or spiritual abuse. Do not seek legal advice out
of greed, retaliation, shadowy rewards, contempt and/or animosity. Practice
selflessness, forgiveness, self-defense, love
and a willingness to suffer a loss if it appears to be resolvable, questionable
or unnatural according to God's laws. Make sure that no one takes advantage of
your stupidity, vulnerabilities, generosity and nobility. Beware of physical, mental and spiritual warfare that can
destroy a person's physical, mental and spiritual health for no reason
and causes a situation to appear more hazardous than normal.
Our society has created a confusing and hostile atmosphere in regards to
legal and illegal activities. Almost every activity that a person can do has an
offense assigned to the act. Never incriminate yourself unless you are
absolutely sure that you will not be targeted for any questionable
activities. As a citizen, we must learn to maneuver in a society without
violating any legalities, but as a citizen we must know when to report a serious
crime or a potential threat reveals itself. Each offense has different
degrees of penalties, fines and and punishment levels assigned to the offense.
Misdemeanors and felonies can result in serious ramifications that can result in
fines, penalties, imprisonments, parole and/or community service. The
simplest crime such as use of offensive language to criminal conspiracies can be
wrongfully used. It is up to the unpredictable discretion of the judge, district
attorney, community representatives and the law enforcement officer to use
proper prudence and examine all variables. Know when to get outside help when
For uneducated people in regards to the law, the law can create dangerous
fear in people. Citizens may be afraid to report serious offenses or problems to
the proper authorities when there appears to be a chance that they may be
targeted for infractions, minor misdemeanors, mental health mistreatment
and possibly felonies. The problem arises when unfriendly undue influences
create unrealistic fear in the minds of people to control them. The most
innocent person can think that a minor infraction will result in severe
penalties. If not corrected, the innocent person can unknowingly be forced into
the underworld or other shadowy worlds. Adding insult to injury, the media,
hostile community, shady influences, mental health and political forces can make
people's minor offenses appear felonious, scandalous and hellish. As a result,
people become afraid to report anything or get involved. Citizen may believe
that keeping your mouth shut is the best for everyone concern. Such a statement
may result in unspeakable evil. It is important to understand the severity of
our action according civil and criminal penalties and sentences. Not
everything is felonious or terroristic. The inappropriate action needs to be
properly weighed to prevent unrealistic punishment and other dangerous problems.
The question that one must addressed is deciding when to look the other way,
when to use a lawyer and to report suspicious activity to the proper
authorities. Any decision one must make will result in unpredictable
consequences. There is no escape from physical, mental, financial and/or
spiritual trauma. The best advice I can give is ask for divine interaction to
assist you on your decision.
Use lawyers and legal action when appropriate to the situation. Be careful of
unseen physical, mental and spiritual games that may escalate the situation
beyond normalcy. In
such case, the goal is to seek money, retaliation, hatred, political terrorism
and other shadowy reasons regardless of the target. You must judge for yourself what is appropriate,
what is godly, what is legally frivolous and what should be left to
government action. If you become a target of unnecessary legal action, criminal
activities, any form of obstruction, a hostile environment
or dangerous games
due to physical, mental and spiritual forces, ask for help. Hopefully, proper
support and help will create a powerful healthy synergy that improves your
outcome for success in the legal world.
Ask for help from the following resources:
Find a professional who understands all aspects of your physical,
mental and spiritual situation. Be careful that you are not mislead or
overpowered by
physical, mental and spiritual undue influences. Do your own research.
Hire experts. Recruit people. Avoid frivolous law suits. |
If you are harmed physically, emotionally and spiritually, get medical attention
or other help. |
Talk with someone who can help such as friends, mental health professionals,
clergy or special law enforcement people. If necessary, look for counseling even if it
happen a while ago. |
| Look for written information
such as booklets. |
Network, Seek Assistance and Check out with extreme care:
Continue improving your business and personal life. |
Special Note:
Please keep in mind that people may be unable to help due to the subject
matter, fear of retaliation, inhibitions, threats, financial instability,
fear of legal attacks, ignorance, innocence, political climate, poor
policies, mental health threats or other matters. We must treat these people with respect and
understanding. Not everybody is physically, mentally, financially and spiritually trained,
protected or geared to handle certain
Tips for Working with a lawyer:
| Be prepared by providing proper paperwork and
background information. |
| Ask about type of fees and payment plans such as
retainers or contingency fees. |
| Organize your thought about the subject matter to
reduce cost and time. |
| Keep records to protect you. |
| Make sure that the lawyer had good judgment and
technical experience. |
| Check out the lawyer's background, professionalism,
environment and philosophy. |
| Ask questions to avoid unanticipated events. |
| Make sure your lawyer is right for the job. Ask
lawyers for legal advice, but ask business experts for business advice
unless the lawyer is a competent business expert. |
| Know when to do your own research to ensure success.
Do your own homework. |
Questions that must be addressed:
Special Note:
Due to the in-depth subject
matter of law, I am only covering issues and
questions that we must understand to prevent legal crime and
violence. For
more information, please contact me or
do your own research in the subject matter. This segment is only to
enlighten others of the situation, create a healthy mindset and provide a
proper physical, mental and spiritual interface.
The United States laws and lawyers provide services that
help ordinary citizens to create a better life, to protect life and to
treat people fairly and justly. However, the legal system has created a
shadowy world full of turmoil, questionable practices and problems at the
same time. Laws are above the ordinary citizens' perceptions. The laws at
times gravely injure honest hard working citizens who encountered powerful
people who know how to use the law to exploit, threaten and extort people.
At times, citizens may become prey to physical, mental and spiritual
forces that misguide and abuse the law for ungodly reasons. Through
Counterintelligence: crime and violence prevention, we can use lawyers and
the legal system to do what is right and just while finding alternatives
to societies' problems. Legal action should be used at the last resort.
Individuals should learn to treat people with respect and dignity, to work
with people and to aid where we can. Citizens will be able to recognize
frauds, misguidance and destructive forces that use the law to promote
unhealthy synergies. I will not lie to you; it can be very complex,
dangerous and difficult to do what is right and just with the complex
legal issues. The legal system must be simplified.
After you have done everything to stand your ground, stand firm so God
and his\her angels can protect and guide us against devilish schemes. At
this stage of the game, all your business affairs are in God's
hands. Sometime the best advice is learn to remain silent, peaceful and loving when people
insult, oppress, call you names, humiliate, harass and harm you. Let God's power work
his/her children. Wait for God's permission to defend yourself. |